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Politics The Government decided to reverse the increases in procedures carried out in the Automotive Registries - Infobae

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The Government decided to reverse the increases in procedures carried out in the Automotive Registries - Infobae​



April 16, 2024

The Minister of Justice annulled two resolutions that were announced today. In this way, the upload of the forms and income of those in charge of the records, which had been frozen since October of last year, was suspended.

By Nicolas Pizzi

Cúneo Libarona backed down with the increases. (Adrián Escandar)
The Minister of Justice, Mariano Cúneo Libarona, reversed the increases that had been granted for the procedures carried out in the Automotive Registries. As Infobae learned from official sources, the official signed two resolutions tonight and thus suspended the increases.

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On the one hand, the minister canceled the increase in forms, which had already been increased in January of this year. “The Undersecretary of Registry Affairs considered it appropriate to review the aforementioned modifications, since, even without them, the correct functioning of the Technical and Financial Cooperation System established by Laws Nos. 23,283 and 23,412″, says the resolution.

The argument for increasing had been inflation. Now the standard says that “there are sharp declines in inflation expectations for the coming months.”

Through another resolution, of just two pages, Cúneo Libarona reversed the increases in income received by those in charge of the records, which had been stopped since October of last year. Technically they are known as “emoluments”.

In that case, in addition to the supposed decrease in inflation, the resolution speaks of “a decrease in work” of the registries.

The union that represents the managers has been demanding for a long time that the emoluments be raised . “More than three months have passed and we have not had any type of contact that would allow us to foresee a prompt measure that at least helps to partially alleviate the lack of financing that we have been suffering. "No Ministry authority in charge contacted us, finding us, in addition to the critical economic situation, with a state of uncertainty about the future ," said the Association of Records Keepers (AAERPA) ten days ago in a note sent to the Minister of Justice.

That same note, to which this media had access, stated that the situation was “unsustainable” and highlighted that it had generated resignations of managers and dismissals of employees . “Generally highly qualified workers, who, it should be added, take years to train and prepare the registry team due to the complexity of the matter and the necessary dose of trust that the work modality entails,” he highlighted.

Although the emoluments had been stopped since October, Cúneo Libarona suspended tonight the increase that it had granted last Friday , although the resolution was only published this Tuesday in the Official Gazette. “After evaluating the situation, we have decided to annul two resolutions that were announced today,” the minister confirmed through his X account.

As soon as he took office, Javier Milei's government aimed at a deep digitalization of all the procedures carried out in the registries, but that process has not yet materialized. The changes appear in the DNU that deregulates the economy. There are 13 articles that modify articles and paragraphs of a 1958 decree that was later ratified by a 1997 law, during the government of Carlos Menem, which regulates the legal regime of the automobile.

Then, the Government launched an audit of 141 records that had already been intervened . In that list there are 42 records from the province of Buenos Aires, 13 from the City of Buenos Aires, 10 from Córdoba, 10 from Entre Ríos, 6 from Chaco, among others.

A digital inspection of another 25 records was also launched . “We are going to analyze variables such as the deadlines in which the registries complete the different procedures, see if there are irregularities, if people receive good service. If we detect problems, which may arise from negligence or incompetence, but also from illegal acts, the next stage is on-site inspection,” the Justice portfolio explained at that time.