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Politics The Government decided to suspend the content of social networks and websites of Public Media - Infobae

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The Government decided to suspend the content of social networks and websites of Public Media - Infobae​



May 21, 2024

In a statement it was stated that it will be maintained until the work processes and content production are reorganized.

The government suspended internet content from public media

The Government, through a statement, reported that it decided to temporarily suspend the content of social networks and websites of Public Media.

The document explains that this measure covers the social networks and websites of Public Television, National Radio, the stations of the interior, FM Clásica, FM Rock, FM Folklorica, Paka Paka and Canal Encuentro and indicates that it will be "until they are reorganized work processes”.

“Public Media are in a reorganization process that aims to improve the production, realization and dissemination of the content that is generated,” begins the document that was published on the networks of all public media.

The decision has been made to temporarily pause all content on social networks and websites of Public Media . This measure covers the social networks and websites of Public Television, National Radio, the interior stations, FM Classical, FM Rock, FM Folkloric, Paka Paka and Canal Encuentro, until the work processes and content production are reorganized. , he added.

Finally, he maintains that "in this way, the dissemination criteria on social networks will be unified and digital communication will be restarted after an internal reorganization of the companies."

Meanwhile, Radio and Television Argentina issued a resolution with the signature of the auditor Diego Chaher, where it was noted that since midnight on May 21, “the creation, dissemination and publication of content has been interrupted, on all social networks, as in the websites of the two business units of the company.” In that sense, on the websites of each of the public media, the legend of “site under reconstruction” appears, as happened with Télam last March .

It is worth remembering that at the beginning of last February, the National Government made official the intervention of the public media for a period of one year and designated the officials who will be in charge.

The measure had already been announced, but it was confirmed with the publication in the Official Gazette of Decree 117/2024 and the intervention of Télam, Radio and Television Argentina, Public Contents and the Edu.ar platform was ordered.

Lawyer Diego Martín Chaher was appointed as auditor of Radio and Television Argentina, and “on an ad-honorem basis”, of Télam, Public Contents and Edu.ar. Meanwhile, Diego Sebastián Marias was appointed deputy auditor.

“If any anomaly is detected, the Comptroller and the Deputy Comptroller must accurately report its economic significance and the impact it causes or has caused on management, providing all of the respective information or work documents and advising on the actions and measures that should be adopted,” the decree states.

In the recitals of the official text that bears the signatures of President Javier Milei and the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos , the government justified the decision based on the Decree of Necessity and Urgency No. 70 - published on December 20 - in which A public emergency was declared in economic, financial, fiscal, administrative, pension, tariff, health and social matters until December 31, 2025.

“That the aforementioned norm took into consideration that, for the purposes of greater efficiency in the functioning of the public sector, it is necessary to carry out a profound reorganization of public companies. In this sense, by said norm, Law No. 20,705 was repealed and the transformation of Companies or Companies with State participation into Public Limited Companies was established, in accordance with the regime of the General Law of Companies,” it was stated in the recitals.

And he continued: "By virtue of this, for the purposes of carrying out said transformation, it is necessary to arrange for the intervention of the aforementioned companies in order to define their conduct and contribute to optimizing the effectiveness and efficiency of the actions they carry out."

It was reported that this measure will be "until the work processes and content production are reorganized" (Credit: Adrián Escandar)

And in turn, in the first days of this month, the national government requested the closure of the correspondents that Télam has in various parts of the country , two months after the Executive put an end to the information service and made it available to the entire of your plant.

The Executive made the request official through the presentation of a Memorandum addressed to the authorities of the different areas of the State company, such as Walter Silva, Valeria Posadas, Carlos Avaca, Maximiliano García and Carlos Digiano . The document bears the signature of Diego Martín Chaher, controller of the news agency.

“The corresponding areas of the company are instructed so that, within the scope of their powers, they articulate proposals for an action plan to begin the execution aimed at the operational closure of the company's correspondent offices,” the letter states.

These headquarters are located in the cities of Resistencia , Chaco ; Bahía Blanca and La Plata ; Buenos Aires province ; Paraná , Entre Ríos ; Santa Rosa , La Pampa ; Posadas , Misiones ; Viedma , Río Negro ; Jump jump ; Santa Fe and Rosario , Santa Fe ; City of Córdoba , Córdoba ; Corrientes , in its homonymous province; and in Mendoza Capital , Mendoza.

“To this end, the necessary actions must be taken to inventory and safeguard the assets belonging to the company, and ensure the restitution of personal assets to employees who have already been terminated and those who are exempt from paid labor debt,” the writing adds.

In this sense, the document indicates that "the lease contracts must be terminated in the case of the correspondents whose property is still in force on the date of the lease contract."