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Politics The Government demanded that Justice quickly resolve the complaint against Alberto Fernández - Infobae

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The Government demanded that Justice quickly resolve the complaint against Alberto Fernández - Infobae​



April 10, 2024

“People need to see that (the judicial processes) are moving forward,” said presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni. He also asked for definitions in the files against the intermediaries of the social plans denounced by Capital Humano

Manuel Adorni and Justice
The presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni , referred today to the judicial case following the insurance scandal , which involves former president Alberto Fernández , and demanded that Justice act quickly. “The entire path forward is being analyzed to correct the aberration they have made with the intermediaries, to put an end to this practice,” he said.

The national official, in dialogue with El Observador radio, insisted: “The only thing we need is for Justice to advance in all the causes that we are denouncing. With the issue of insurance, but also with the issue of intermediaries in social plans; We need justice to act accordingly as quickly as possible, to accompany us. People need to see it moving forward .”

In relation to the case for the contracting of insurance in the Government between 2015 and 2019, federal judge Julián Ercolini ordered, yesterday, the general inhibition of Alberto Fernández's assets and requested that his fiscal and banking secrecy be lifted. The same measure was applied to the former head of Nación Seguros, Alberto Pagliano; the broker Héctor Martínez Sosa and his wife María Cantero, the historic secretary of the former president, the broker Pablo Torres García, and the companies Bachellier, San Ignacio, Castello Mercuri, San German, among others. With this measure, they will not be able to sell or dispose of their assets. They will also not have access to their safe deposit boxes.

Archive photograph of former president Alberto Fernández (EFE)

The discussion over the Bases Law​

In another passage of the report, Adorni referred to the draft that Casa Rosada presented on the new version of the package of laws to opposition leaders . “We don't know if it will be approved. We trust. It is not the same scenario as the last time, where part of the policy did not understand where the majority of Argentines wanted to go. Now, the situation and the dialogue were different, and the conditions are in place for the bill to become a reality .”

Beyond this, he added: “We work in a scenario where the law is not approved, because there are people who want to stop on December 10.” “The market believes that we do not negotiate the fiscal deficit and that we are going on a path of economic freedom to the fullest extent. Yesterday the draft was created and there is a debate process. There are issues that are still being resolved,” he concluded.

Late yesterday, and after a long day of expectations, the Government finally sent the drafts of the new Bases Law and the fiscal pact . These are the texts that the ruling party intends to be debated jointly in the Chamber of Deputies in the coming days and that, in addition to the changes agreed upon during the negotiations with the “dialogue” opposition, have other modifications that had not been disclosed.

The main ones have to do with the future of public works, the rules that regulate hydrocarbons, the brand new large investment regime and the Income Tax.

Among the main differences with respect to the original project, and which had not been revealed, are the limitations on delegated powers , restrictions on trust funds and corrections in the Personal Property tax table .

The documents were sent after 9 p.m., both to the governors and to the heads of the different blocks in the facility, for final review before the initiatives are formally discussed in the plenary session of commissions next week.

For his part, the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos , who was in charge of the negotiations with the different sectors involved in these reforms, will receive CGT union leaders at the Casa Rosada this Wednesday to talk about the labor reform, another of the points that will be discussed in Congress.