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Politics The Government deregistered 62,000 beneficiaries of the Monotributo Social: there were deceased people and people with registered work - Infobae

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The Government deregistered 62,000 beneficiaries of the Monotributo Social: there were deceased people and people with registered work- Infobae


September 05, 2024

The Ministry of Human Capital ordered the re-registration of the 622,000 social self-employed workers. “It implies a saving of more than 7.2 billion pesos per month,” announced the portfolio in charge of Sandra Pettovello.

By Andres Klipphan

The Government deregistered more than 62,000 beneficiaries from the Monotributo Social (Franco Fafasuli) regime

The Ministry of Human Capital, headed by Sandra Pettovello, announced the “drop” of 10% of people enrolled in the Monotributo Social regime, that is, more than 62,000 people. The reason? Incompatibility with current law . For example, 27,000 had registered jobs and there were 1,900 deaths. The “drops due to incompatibilities” mean “ a saving in monthly public spending of more than 711 million pesos ,” said the ministry in response to a query from Infobae .

The survey carried out on the 622,000 social self-employed workers also detected that “less than 10% issued invoices” . “We seek to make the system transparent and produce significant savings for the public treasury,” said Capital Humano.

Officials said that “these measures respond to a survey carried out by the National Secretariat for Children, Adolescents and Family, to improve the tool and protect the resources of all Argentines.” According to the cross-checking of data, of the total of 1,216,360 beneficiaries of the Monotributo Social, 622,477 are holders and 593,883 are adherents.

The Government demanded the re-registration of social self-employed workers
Re-registration and social security

In parallel, the Executive warned that the beneficiaries of the Monotributo Social who are included in the programs Acompañamiento Social, Volver al Trabajo and Microcrédito, “ must re-register during the month of September ” if they want to remain in the regime and announced: “ Starting in October they will begin to pay 50 percent of the cost of their social work .” This is $6,900 per month, a blow to the pocket of the workers who earn the least. From the Casa Rosada they explained in detail the following points as arguments for the measure:

-Until now there were 620,000 holders of Monotributo Social for whom the State paid all or half of their social security.

-133,000 and their supporters were paid 50%.

-488,000 and their supporters were paid 100%. The latter were the beneficiaries of the Potenciar Trabajo program.

According to libertarian calculations, “it implies a saving of more than 7.2 billion pesos per month . ”

The measure was strongly criticized by social leaders, as it will affect the income of one of the most vulnerable sectors of society.

“In this context, from one day to the next the Government cuts off access to health care for a lot of people who will not be able to pay the 6,900 pesos, people who are undergoing treatment through a social security system, who will not be able to pay it, it is excessively cruel,” said Nicolás Caropresi , leader of the Popular Economy Workers Movement (MTE). “If this is an expense for the State, if this helps to avoid a deficit, it is a tiny expense. If they are adjusting with the social security of the Monotributo Social to control the deficit, it is because they are scraping the bottom of the pot . Paying 6,900 pesos where everything is backwards and without giving time to accommodate these families, especially people who are undergoing treatment, is cruelty from another planet” he added.

Social leaders criticized the measure of the Ministry of Human Capital (Source)

The leader of the MTE, a group referenced by Juan Grabois , confided to Infobae: “Yesterday I wrote to all the phones I have asking them for at least a deadline until December to give people the opportunity to settle down a bit, but nobody answered me. I swear that there are people who are going to be left in the middle of a treatment .”

The UTEP, whose general secretary is Alejandro Gramajo , and leader of the Evita Movement, expressed through a statement its rejection of the decision of the Government of Javier Milei to remove the “subsidy” of 50% and 100% of the payment to social works. “Milei has just repealed that possibility,” they said and explained: “Added as a requirement that to be a self-employed person now you have to invoice at least 6 invoices per semester, something that is not required of any other category, it does not consider the reality of the popular economy.” Meanwhile, he explained: “There are many cooperative workers who collect through associate receipts and not with individual invoices, even due to regulations of the National Institute of Associativism and Social Economy (INAES) and the Simplified Regime law.” For the UTEP, the announcement of Human Capital is “another adjustment to those below . ”

The report on the results of the survey of beneficiaries of the Social Monotributo stated that “this tool was not used for the purpose for which it was created” and reveals that “less than 10% of the holders invoice for their activities and that exactly 62,051 beneficiaries have incompatibilities with the Social Monotributo Law, among other inconsistencies.”

By definition, the Social Monotribute is a tax regime that promotes the inclusion of entrepreneurs in vulnerable situations who carry out a single economic activity on their own account and are outside the formal labor market or working in an employment relationship with gross income lower than the minimum pension payment.

The following may be self-employed in this category:

-People over 18 years of age who have a single economic activity.

-Members of productive projects in groups of up to 3 people.

-Work cooperatives.

-Have annual income that does not exceed that of the lowest category of the general flat tax.

"Less than 10% of the holders of the social single tax invoiced for their activities," says the Human Capital report (Franco Fafasuli)

Finally, the national authorities explained that the re-registration process "will allow us to count on the real universe of social self-employed workers and will allow the tool to be used for the purpose for which it was created: to register economic activity, issue invoices, have health coverage for the holder and the family group and be included in the retirement system."

—How is it possible that more than a thousand deceased people received the benefits of the Social Monotributo?, this media asked a National Government official.

—There was no cross-checking of data. This is paid to the social services. The people in charge of the social services did not say anything because it suited them. It is not like the social plans that the State pays directly to the people. There we do cross-checks every month and we detect the beneficiaries who died. In the case of the Social Monotributo this was not done, now we are going to check every month. The way it was done was absurd and the register will be updated every thirty days.
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