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Politics The Government does not now rule out postponing the May Pact if Congress does not approve the Base Law - Infobae

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The Government does not now rule out postponing the May Pact if Congress does not approve the Base Law - Infobae​



May 14, 2024

“It may be that some senators are not inclined to finish this on May 25; "If it is not finished, we will see what we do, if we do it in May or if we postpone it and do it after the law," said the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos.

Guillermo Francos, Minister of the Interior

The Minister of the Interior , Guillermo Francos , today mentioned the possibility of the Government postponing the May Pact , called by President Javier Milei to commit the leadership to a series of State policies, if Congress does not approve the Bases Law.

“The law is advancing in the Senate, in the committees. We hope to have the final ruling today . “We are trying to reconcile the proposed modifications among all of us, and I think that at the end of today we can have a final ruling,” said the official.

“These are decisions that will be made when we know how all this ends. It is a suspense film: if you approve or not approve, you get there, you don't get there. When we know what date we have, we will make the decision, for now it is to go to the May Pact,” he added. We are inclined to finish this on May 25. It doesn't seem that important to me either. If it ends well and if it doesn't, we will see what we do with the May Pact, if we do it in May, if we postpone it and have it dealt with by law."

Karina Milei and Guillermo Francos in the Deputies session room (Adrián Escándar)

These are decisions that will be made when we know how all this ends. It is a suspense film: if you approve or not approve, you get there, you don't get there. When we know what date we have, we will make the decision, for now it is to go to the May Pact,” he added.

The plenary session of the General Legislation commissions; Budget and Finance; and Constitutional Affairs of the Senate will continue this Tuesday with the debate of the Bases law and the fiscal package, amid winks from the libertarian Government in favor of changes to both initiatives demanded by the dialogue opposition and that would soften the climate of the Upper House, although they will force their return in a second review to Deputies .

The investigation against a group of picketers​

Francos, on the other hand, referred to the judicial case that investigates the extortion of a group of picketers against beneficiaries of social plans and different state assistance. “Hopefully the investigation can culminate in the imposition of penalties for those responsible; “Sometimes we have to set an example that there is justice in Argentina,” he assured.

“It is a large number of crimes. Of forcing people, of abuse, of using poverty as an instrument to benefit politically. It is a parallel state. "We must put an end to that type of thing," added the Minister of the Interior. And he expanded: “We already knew it, it is not something new, but now it is proven, people are squeezed through need, hunger and problems.”

In relation to the judicial file, yesterday a search was ordered at the homes and headquarters of leaders and militants accused of extorting beneficiaries of social plans to participate in street demonstrations and sell to the public food and products distributed by programs run by the former Ministry. of Social Development. The actions arose from testimonies given by the victims to line 134 that the Government enabled.

Among the accused are, among others, Jeremías Canteros, Elizabeth Palma and three other leaders with the last names Puppo, Delgado and Vásquez, who make up the Polo Obrero and other picket groups that managed soup kitchens. The actions of the Barrios de Pie Movements and the Front of Organizations in Struggle (FOL) are also under scrutiny.

The list of investigators also includes Dina Iramain, Brisa Paucara, Ronald Vargas, Ivan Candotti, Lawrence Martelli, Mercedes Fossat, Manuel Alonzo, Maria Cecilia Cowper, Carlos Ignatius Fernandez Kostiuk, Nilsa Elena Torres, Leslie Castillo, Blanca Beatriz Chuquimia Tarquino and Gloria St. Jaramillo Morales, Maria Isolda Dotti, Gloria Estrada, Emmanuel Barriento, Tania Cassamello, as indicated.


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