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Politics The Government established new salary scales for security forces - Infobae


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The Government established new salary scales for security forces​



February 29, 2024


The new salary scales for security forces will take effect from March 1 (REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian)
The National Government established new salary scales for security forces . They will come into effect from next month.

Through resolution 81/2024 , published this Thursday in the Official Gazette , the portfolio headed by Patricia Bullrich established , as of March 1, 2024, the monthly and supplementary salaries of the Gendarmerie , the Naval Prefecture , the Federal Police and Airport Security Police .

“It is necessary to establish a salary scale for active personnel of the police and security forces dependent on the Ministry of Security, which recognizes an adequate hierarchy in relation to the capacity, responsibility and dedication required by the correct execution of their activity,” highlighted the Executive Branch.

In the case of the monthly salary for Gendarmerie personnel , it varies according to the hierarchy, with grade II being the lowest paid with $442,820.28 , while a General Commander will earn $1,639,126.60. In January, the minimum will be $56,373.98 ; For its part, the maximum will amount to $196,955.86.

In addition, the amounts corresponding to the particular supplement “for Neighborhood Prevention Functions” and the compensation “for Service Surcharge” were established . In the supplement, the minimum amount will be $213,646.63, while the maximum amount will be $684,057.86. Regarding compensation, it varies, not only by hierarchy, but also by the number of hours (3 to 5, and more than 5). The minimum varies between almost 7 thousand pesos and around $13 thousand; while the maximum ranges between $17,400 and just under 35 thousand pesos.

In the case of the Argentine Naval Prefecture , the maximum salary corresponding to the rank will immediately rise to $1,639,126.60 , in the case of a General Prefect , while a Sailor - the lowest rank - will rise to $487,102.31 .

In article 4 of the resolution, the amounts corresponding to the compensation for Service Surcharge for PNA personnel were detailed. It varies according to the hierarchy and the number of hours (from 3 to 5, and more than 5). The minimum will be between almost 7 thousand pesos and around $13 thousand; while the maximum ranges between $17,400 and just under 35 thousand pesos.

Starting in March, the Argentine Federal Police (PFA) will have salaries that vary between $457,186.32 and $1,802,336.70 , depending on the hierarchy.

The Government also established the amounts corresponding to the particular supplement per “Zone” received by personnel with active police status and Auxiliary Security and Defense personnel, as appropriate, of the PFA, for the different hierarchies, as well as the value of the Additional Police Service and Compensations.

In the Official Gazette this morning, the amounts corresponding to the “hierarchical responsibility supplement” received by the National Director and the National Deputy Director of the Gendarmerie were also established; the National Naval Prefect and the National Naval Subprefect of the Naval Prefecture and the Chief and Deputy Chief of the Federal Police. It varies depending on the position between 210 and 230 thousand pesos.

For police personnel of the Airport Security Police, the basic floor for an Officer Candidate will be $123,036.23 , for an Assistant Officer it will be $354,780.48; for a Chief Officer $486,865.82, and the scale continues to increase up to the rank of Commissioner General who will receive $876,084.91 .

As with the other forces, the amounts corresponding to compensation “for Service Surcharge” were established for PSA police personnel. It varies according to the hierarchy and the number of hours (from 3 to 5, and more than 5). The minimum will be between 7 thousand pesos and $14 thousand; while the maximum ranges between $17,400 and almost 35 thousand pesos.
