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Politics The Government expanded the complaint for extortion and threats: in addition to the picketers, they target 14 unions - Infobae

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The Government expanded the complaint for extortion and threats: in addition to the picketers, they target 14 unions - Infobae​



May 20, 2024

Minister Bullrich sent about 40 testimonies received on the toll-free number 134 to the Ariel Lijo court. They revealed pressure, requests for money to maintain plans, and threats to join the May 9 strike.

By Facundo Chaves

They expanded the complaint against picketers and unions for alleged extortion in the collection of social plans

The Ministry of Security expanded the complaint in one of the two federal courts in Comodoro Py where the testimonies presented by alleged victims of crimes such as threats, extortion and defrauding the State committed by picketers and unions are being investigated. Just as last week the accusations against leaders of social organizations dominated the public agenda, this time the focus was on illegal actions committed by union members within the framework of the strike on May 9.

In four extensions of the ministry headed by Patricia Bullrich that was carried out in the Ariel Lijo court - which together with Judge Sebastián Casanello are investigating these events - 40 testimonies received at 134, the toll-free telephone number that the Government enabled for complaints, were presented. The team that investigates and surveys the calls - which have exceeded 150,000 since its inauguration - extracted those that had the greatest evidence, solidity and also seriousness.

Minister Patricia Bullrich sent the complaint against 14 unions to Judge Ariel Lijo (photo Maximiliano Luna)

Among the picketers mentioned in the complaints are the Evita Movement, the Tupac Amaru that Milagro Sala created, the Polo Obrero, the UTEP that Juan Grabois founded, Libres del Sur, Izquierda Latinoamericana, Unión y Lucha Barrial, Evita Vive, the La Dignidad Movement and the October 17 organization. But what caught the most attention was the detail and the number of cases of threats and pressure they received from unions.

“A flood of complaints were received from citizens regarding some union organizations and unions that threatened staff in their workplaces, forcing them to join the national strike on May 9, 2024,” stated one of the presentations. The unions mentioned in two of the extensions of the complaint involve Commerce, Truck Drivers, metallurgists (UOM), bus drivers (UTA), Light and Power, state workers (ATE), mechanics (SMATA), construction (UOCRA), aeronautical technical and construction personnel. land (APTA and APA), service stations, post offices (ALECYT), casinos and taxi drivers (UPAT).

According to the perspective of the legal team of the Ministry of Security, “ the reported events would be liable to the commission of the crimes of aggravated threats and extortion .” The fact is that most of the stories coincide in pointing out the pressure exerted before, during and after the strike to comply with the measure of force ordered by the leadership of the CGT. It was the second strike against Milei's government, which had mixed compliance, even without public transportation operating.

“Tomorrow don't go to work because we're going to bust you”, “they forced us to join the strike”, “if you show up to work on the day of the date there will be consequences”, “we received a message that many of us felt was intimidating; I want to work and we already know that it is risky”, “they forced everyone present to clock in and leave”, “they blocked all entry points”, “they are very afraid to open their businesses today, for fear of vandalism” , are some of the stories that the Ministry of Security incorporated into the case.

“Personnel from the Truckers union showed up and said that no deliveries were going to come from the company. They told the employees they had to leave. The colleagues had to leave because the situation was threatening”, “I work at Aerolíneas Argentinas and the APA union violently forces the employees to join the strike”, “they told them that the buses do not touch each other and they do not let them work” , “He works at Correo Argentino and his union, ALECYT, is making a list of people who did not want to join the strike,” were other testimonies presented before the Court.

Picketers accused​

The Government and the picketers maintain an open confrontation that began the same day Milei took office as the government.
With respect to the picketers, in two of the presentations "reported modalities consisting of offering subsidies - Plan Potenciar Trabajo, among others - were reported under the alleged commission of various public action crimes related to the administration of the aforementioned social plans, such as use extortionate and threatening as a condition of its granting to improperly compel the beneficiaries to participate in marches and public demonstrations.”

“Complaints were received that describe conduct by leaders and social organizations under the premise of a condition for the allocation, removal, limitation or fine of benefits to those who do not attend the mobilizations, as well as various irregularities related to the administration of the aforementioned plans,” added another of the presentations that Infobae reconstructed from sources with access to the case.

The complainants provided CUIT/CUIL numbers; CBU, ALIAS, transfer receipts, identification data of those reported. According to the judicial presentations, they also pointed out those responsible for soup kitchens for diverting food and referred to “cases of people forced to attend demonstrations, suffering from serious illnesses,” as well as “death threats are reported for not making monthly contributions.” ”.

In one of the testimonies that reached the court, a victim states that “he is charged a monthly cash contribution of $4,500 and is threatened by telling him that if he does not pay said sum or if he does not go to the marches, they will give him up.” lower your Plan or they will give you faults.” In all cases, the Ministry considered that the events could be considered “crimes of aggravated threats, extortion and defrauding the State.”

Eduardo Belliboni, one of the visible faces of the piqueteros groups

Among the selected stories, in addition to pressure for plan beneficiaries to hand over money or be forced to participate in marches and roadblocks, situations recounted by witnesses linked to abuse and intimidation to obtain subsidies in exchange for sexual favors were brought to justice. “ The reported representative harasses the women to interact with them under threat of removing them from the organization... They want to remove the plan from the complainant for not agreeing to everything discussed ,” establishes one of the communications that reached the federal court N ° 4, which must focus on unraveling the veracity of these sayings.