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Politics The Government filed a complaint for the insurance scandal: the manuscript that is key evidence - Infobae



The Government filed a complaint for the insurance scandal: the manuscript that is key evidence - Infobae​



February 29, 2024

The Ministry of Human Capital, ANSES and Nación Seguros appeared before the Court to investigate the actions of the former director of the Sustainability Guarantee Fund. Investigators point to a note he sent last May

By Facundo Chaves

The complaint reaches a former ANSES official who intervened in the credit operations

This Thursday, the national government presented a formal complaint against a former ANSES official for the insurance scandal that was contracted to provide coverage for retirees and pensioners who took out loans through the pension organization. The target is Federico D'Angelo Campos, former head of the Sustainability Guarantee Fund (FGS) and who is today a councilor for Unión por la Patria in the Buenos Aires party of Quilmes.

The complaint was filed jointly by the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello ; the new head of ANSES, Mariano de los Heros , and the director of Nación Seguros, Alfonso José Torres , the three areas involved in the alleged irregularities during the previous administration, where in addition to officials, they are involved with an insurance businessman friend of Alberto Fernández and husband of who was his private secretary.

The former official of the Social Security Administration - who despite being a councilor maintained his position - is accused of having caused "harm to the National State through commissions and intermediation costs in insurance policies contracted at Nación Seguros, within the framework of the 'Créditos Anses' operation.” The complainants asked that it be determined whether D'Angelo “contracted insurance coverage using unjustified intermediaries and paying commissions to the detriment of the public treasury.”

Federico D'Angelo Campos, showing his diploma as councilor of Quilmes, the party led by Mayra Mendoza

The investigators who worked on the complaint presented as key evidence “a handwritten note addressed to Nación Seguros stating the order to hire specific companies to intervene in the life insurance contracts for the balances of the credits taken out by retirees and pensioners.”

The internal investigations that led to the Government's complaint accelerated this week, after the publication of a column by journalist Ricardo Roa in the Clarín newspaper that said that Osvaldo Giordano, before being fired from ANSES by Milei, had dismantled an opaque business of insurance companies and politicians of Peronism and the PRO. In that report, two producers with strong weight in the market were mentioned as the ultimate beneficiaries of the maneuvers: Héctor Martínez Sosa , whose wife is María Cantero , secretary of the former president; and the polirrubros businessman Pablo Torres García . Those names did not appear in the complaint filed today. Neither does Alberto Pagliano , former head of Nación Seguros and friend of the youth and the beginnings in the insurance field of the still president of Justicialism.

According to the investigation, “damage to the National State was detected” that would have occurred due to the actions attributed to D'Angelo. Also “it was observed that the selection of brokers and insurers carried out by the ANSES Sustainability Guarantee Fund was by hand, in a discretionary, arbitrary manner” and, above all, “without any digital file or technical justification.”

The new head of ANSES, Mariano de los Heros, and the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello

The FGS grade, a key test​

The note sent with the signature of Federico D'Angelo Campos indicated the following:

“Having evaluated the convenience of having suitable professional advice with a proven track record for the evaluation, treatment and sustainability of the collective life insurance with debit balance contracted and contracted by this Agency, it has been concluded that such purpose requires the designation of a Organizer and an Insurance Advisory Producer in all accordance with the terms of Law No. 22,400 that regulates said activity.

In this regard, I inform you that it has been decided to appoint San Ignacio Sociedad de Productos Seguros Advisors as organizer and TG Broker SA as Insurance Producer Advisor to intervene in the aforementioned insurance contracts, who must generate advice constant in current coverage.

Consequently, after analyzing the trajectory and professionalism in the matter of the producers mentioned herein, given that there is a history of having previously efficiently advised the organization, the designation in question is professionally advantageous for the administration.

Finally, it should be noted that such designations are free of any cost to the ANSES.”

D'Angelo Campos' handwritten signature from a ghost note
The researchers found this letter among the archives of Nación Seguros, since it had not been found in the National Social Security Administration. Because? Because it would not have gone through the GEDE documentation management system. “This note has the same methodology that appeared in the other ministries. It appeared in the Ministry of Security and in other places that will continue to appear. It is a note made in Word, signed by hand, but it is not digitized within the GEDE system, which the National State manages to make official communications,” said a source who worked on the investigations.

For the Government, it was a deliberate act “so that the note is not found.” What was detected is that the National State - in this case the ANSES - took out insurance with the National State itself, via Nación Seguros, which was required by current regulations, but "they ended up using unjustified intermediaries and paying meaningless commissions to the detriment of the public treasury.”

Faced with the arguments that Alberto Fernández's defense made clear - that there would be no harm to the State because the insurance would be paid by the borrower - the investigators responded: "What we detected is that at the time of issuance of the first coverage policy Of these risks, Nación Seguros appears assuming the risk along with other private insurers that have very different economic-financial capacity,” they explained.

The complaint warned that “the policies timely sent to the ANSES to exercise their legal right of observation did not merit any observation from the competent area, that is, the Sustainability Guarantee Fund. The Fund did not observe any irregularity when these insurers appeared involved in charging commissions in the contracts with Nación Seguros.”

According to the explanation of those who worked to unravel this possible illegal maneuver, coinsurance is an agreement signed between two or more companies in the sector to insure a good or an activity with a risk of such a high economic value that a single entity cannot can assume it. It is done to distribute risks and homogenize the composition of your portfolio. The difference with reinsurance is mainly that each insurance entity only responds with the participation it has assumed.

The revelation of these maneuvers - which were exposed after Giordano's dismissal from the body that manages the largest budget of the National State - turned out to be a deep bomb on a business that remained under the radar and that connected businessmen and politicians with terminals in the main political coalitions. So much impact that Alberto Fernández has already been charged in another complaint and will have to begin giving explanations in court.