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Politics The Government fired another manager of Nación Seguros after detecting irregularities with the brokers - Infobae

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The Government fired another manager of Nación Seguros after detecting irregularities with the brokers - Infobae​



April 11, 2024

Two employees from the commercial area were also fired. The reasons will be informed to Judge Julián Ercolini in the next few hours

By Nicolas Pizzi

After detecting new irregularities with the management of the brokers, the head of Nación Seguros, Alfonso Torres , asked the manager of the commercial area, Matías Caselli, and two employees of that department to resign this afternoon, Infobae learned from official sources.

The reasons for the decision will be informed in the next few hours to federal judge Julián Ercolini, who is in charge of the judicial investigation. “The company continues with the audit process and new measures are not ruled out, as necessary,” said an official source.

Caselli worked at the company for 15 years. He was regional manager, manager of the Corrientes-Chaco-Formosa-Catamarca Business Unit, and Commercial Manager of the Corrientes Business Unit, among other positions.

This weekend, Torres had already fired the general manager, Mauro Tanos , and the purchasing manager, Federico Eufemio.

Justice arrived in Tanos from a Jeep truck that was seen at the house of businessman Alfredo Del Corro. That vehicle is registered in the name of “7 de Mayo Cooperativa Limitada”, but the former manager of Nación Seguros had a blue card to use it.

In the case of Eufemio, the magistrate found very striking corporate data. In fact, he is part of a company called “SMART TECHNOLOGY SRL” together with Del Corro, a businessman who is not in the insurance industry but would have a leading role in the maneuver as Infobae learned . He is also linked to the firm “ Megaled Del Sur SRL” , where Del Corro himself and Damián Gosso appear.

It was not the only political decision. Last night, the Government decided to prohibit intermediaries in all insurance contracts carried out by public bodies. The Chief of Staff Nicolás Posse decided it through a note he sent to all the ministers last night.

“Hereby, it is appropriate to clarify that the contracting of insurance policies that are carried out within the scope of their jurisdictions must be carried out without intermediation,” says a very brief note signed last night by Posse and to which he had Infobae access .

The text was sent to Guillermo Francos, Diana Mondino, Luis Petri, Luis Andres Caputo, Mariano Cúneo Libarona, Patricia Bullrich, Mario Antonio Russo, Sandra Pettovello, Karina Milei, Javier Herrera Bravo, and Eduardo Serenellini.

However, the Government until now has not repealed the decree that Alberto Fernández signed in 2021, which obliged all public organizations to contract with the State, and had not removed the intermediaries either. In fact, brokers charged $239,961,680 in the first two months of this year for contracts with the State, according to an audit by Nación Seguros sent to Justice.

In the case of Bachellier, the company that charged the most commissions in the previous government, earned $30,884,619 between January 1 and February 26 of this year , the date the Nación Seguros audit was signed. Behind them are Héctor Martínez Sosa ($10,283,903), Castello Mercuri ($21,050,427) and the two intermediaries of the policy with ANSES, San Ignacio and TG Broker, with $63,739,348.

These two signatures were put together by the former head of the Sustainability Guarantee Fund, Federico D'Angelo Campos in the policy for credits for retirees.

Until now the Government has been providing information to the case through the Ministry of Human Capital, but was unable to enter as a plaintiff. Ercolini considered that there could be more officials involved , including in that portfolio and in the ANSES.