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Politics The Government is analyzing including in the new social plans immediate withdrawal if the beneficiaries picket or commit violent acts - Infobae

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The Government is analyzing including in the new social plans immediate withdrawal if the beneficiaries picket or commit violent acts - Infobae​



March 15, 2024

The standard appears in article 16 of the requirements of one of the programs that will replace Empower Work. The draft goes hand in hand with the phrase “he who cuts does not get paid”

By Andres klipphan

Maximiliano Luna

The government of Javier Milei drafted a regulation, which is processed with the file number "EX-2024-23928359", which provides that the beneficiaries of the former Potenciar Trabajo program - which was divided into two - may be discharged " in case of engaging in acts of violence", such as blocking routes, or throwing blunt objects or other types of excesses in protests and demonstrations that cause " alteration of public order ." This is highlighted in the regulations of the “Back to Work” program.

Officials from the Ministry of Human Capital, headed by Sandra Pettovello, who administers the former Potenciar Trabajo through the Secretariat of Children, Adolescence and Family, described the document accessed by Infobae dated March 11 as “draft,” and identified as: “Reference: EX-2024-23928359- -APN-SSGA#MCH - ANNEX I - GENERAL AND OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES OF THE RETURN TO WORK PROGRAM”.

The provision was signed by Pettovello and the Secretary of Labor Omar Yasín , but the expulsion of the La Libertad Avanza government official caused the process to be paralyzed. Now the opinion of his replacement is awaited, lawyer Julio Cordero, leader of the Argentine Industrial Union and member of the Techint Group, who may introduce modifications. The paper has seven pages and 21 articles.

The reduction in the social plan of the beneficiaries of the former Empower Work who “disrupt public order” is in line with the statements of Minister Pettovello and the Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrich, at a time when the Anti-Picketing Protocol that forced protesters to “march along the sidewalk at a time when leftist organizations were preparing to march to Congress for the debate on the Omnibus Law, among other demands.

On December 18, Pettovello stated that: “the only ones who are not going to receive the plan are those who go to the march and block the street. The President already said it: he who cuts does not get paid . Under this same premise, beneficiaries of social plans received a notification through the Mi Argentina mobile application. The message emerged today after the measures announced by the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello.

The decision to divide the questioned Empower Work program in two, which was administered by the picketer Emilio Pérsico , leader of the Evita Movement, head of the former Ministry of Social Development, from the Ministry of Social Economy, was published by the Ministry of Human Capital on February 28 , date on which Pettovello announced “the redefinition and segmentation of the Empower Work Plan into two specialized programs: the “Return to Work Program” and the “Social Accompaniment Program . ”

According to the La Libertad Avanza official: “This is a new decisive step towards optimizing the social and labor inclusion strategy that the Ministry will have,” and explained that “Potenciar Trabajo was an ineffective plan where out of 1,400,000 beneficiaries, only 1.3% got a formal job .”

"He who cuts does not get paid" agreed the Ministers of Security and Human Capital, Patricia Bullrich and Sandra Pettovello (Human Capital Ministry Press)
The “Back to Work Program” is aimed at the population between 18 and 49 years old and aims to strengthen work skills and improve employability, in order to incorporate these individuals into the formal labor market. It is estimated that around 75% of the beneficiaries of the Potenciar Trabajo Plan will move to this new program that, through a comprehensive approach, will provide guidance and assistance in the search for employment, labor intermediation services, training, certification of skills, and promotion of productive ventures.

For Pettovello, “this policy will also allow you to be a beneficiary of the program and maintain a registered formal job, with income of up to three Minimum Living and Mobile Wages.” On the other hand, the Minister of Milei explained: “The Social Support Program is focused on those over 50 years of age and mothers of four or more children, two groups with particular challenges in terms of inclusion and who require comprehensive support. This initiative will not only provide immediate assistance, but will also seek to empower these individuals through support in capacity building and family strengthening.”

Human Capital also explained that: “It is important to highlight that, although the beneficiaries are segmented into one of the programs, those who are in the Social Accompaniment Program and are interested in participating in Return to Work have the freedom to do so. This aligns with the logic of promoting the autonomy and freedom of choice of individuals to seek to improve their work and life situation.”
The disposition of the government of Javier Milei that is awaiting the signatures of Sandra Pettovello and the new Secretary of Labor
In this framework, article 16 specifies that in the “dismissal criteria” it highlights that: “The following will be causes of discharge of the people participating in the Return to Work Program: Involving acts of violence that result in the alteration of public order, which have been reliably notified by the competent bodies. “The deceased” will also be discharged - deceased people were discovered who were still receiving payment from their relatives; those who expressly renounce the benefit; “due to falsehood of the sworn statements duly verified” - how it happened” and for “incurring any cause of incompatibility provided for in article 15.”

This article provides for the automatic cancellation of plan beneficiaries who:

-Are fugitives from national, provincial or federal criminal and/or correctional justice.

-They are registered as employers in the Argentine Integrated Pension System (SIPA).

-Receive a non-refundable monetary subsidy or benefit for employment and/or training purposes granted by the National, Provincial, Municipal State or the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

- They are owners of more than one piece of real estate.

-They are owners of a car, boat and/or aircraft, whose age is less than 10 years.

-They receive contributory and non-contributory retirements and pensions.

-They receive unemployment benefit or subsidy.

-They have a formal job under a dependency relationship.

-"They have traveled abroad for sufficient time to prevent them from complying with the corresponding consideration or to destinations that, due to their characteristics - and at the discretion of the Enforcement Authority - are consistent with income greater than that provided for in the compatibilities established in the previous article."

Social leaders oppose article 16 of the "Back to Work" program REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian

The government of La Libertad Avanza has already discharged almost 40 thousand beneficiaries who traveled abroad on planes and yachts, among other means, and federal prosecutor Guillermo Marijuan discovered through a complex investigation that 9,413 beneficiaries of Potenciar Trabajo were, in addition, provincial and CABA public employees.

Among the main changes to Empower Work is the implementation of “mechanisms that reduce the possibility of control and discretionary management of the resources that the Management Units in charge of coordinating and managing the benefits and projects of the program had ” and that was in charge of the social leaders and picketers who received close to 34 million dollars annually “to carry out courses and other activities that, according to reports - carried out by Capital Humano - were not effective in promoting employability or generating employment. In addition, the attendance sheet system that allowed these units to exercise control over who received payments and who did not, will be eliminated, thus facilitating intermediation.”

The former Potenciar Trabajo, divided into two programs, depends on the Ministry of Human Capital, headed by Sandra Pettovello (Press Ministry of Human Capital)

For Minister Pettovello, “the stability in the number of beneficiaries throughout the development of Empower Work, far from reflecting successful management, demonstrates the inability to generate true development opportunities. The most significant causes of leave are not due to a successful job placement but rather to inspection and control processes, which resulted in the identification of nearly 50,000 cases of incompatibility, thanks to complaints from the justice system and the cross-referencing of data between the databases. of Potentiar, Synthesis and ANSES . In turn, an equivalent number of withdrawals are attributed to unavoidable circumstances such as death or reaching the maximum age allowed to participate in the plan.”

The Ministry of Human Capital also determined that: “According to the information collected, of a total of 1,400,000 participants in the Enhance Work Plan, only 1.3% managed to transition to formal employment. This situation highlighted the need to review and optimize the program, implementing more effective strategies that facilitate the integration of beneficiaries into the labor market.”