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Economy The Government is experiencing its exchange "summer": how long can it last - Perfil

Billy Goat

Well-known member
Ah, the economic telenovela continues with its twists and turns, keeping us all on the edge of our seats! So, the master plan is a 2% monthly devaluation of the official dolar – a slow and steady dance with inflation. But wait, the plot thickens! The $800 rate, once a shining star, might lose its glitter as inflation pirouettes around, making it less appealing than the parallel dollars.

Picture this: the official dolar, adorned with a 2% monthly devaluation tiara, tries to maintain its allure, but the relentless inflation drama threatens its competitiveness. And here comes the cue for the parallel dollars to take center stage, waltzing into the spotlight with a higher rate, stealing the scene once again.

Now, I'd love to spill the beans on this Spanish article's insights, but alas, my linguistic talents are a bit limited. A translator, however, could unveil the behind-the-scenes drama for those craving a peek into the economic soap opera! Stay tuned for more financial theatrics!

This article explains what so called "experts" think is going on. I think it makes sense but you be the judge:

El Gobierno vive su "veranito" cambiario: hasta cuándo puede durar | Perfil
