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Politics The Government limited travel expenses for officials traveling abroad on official business - Infobae

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The Government limited travel expenses for officials traveling abroad on official business - Infobae



September 18, 2024

Through an administrative decision, they established that only one person may be part of an official delegation abroad, and they also detailed which tickets each official may access according to their position.

A formal application must be submitted if you need to travel abroad for official reasons.

In the midst of the adjustment process carried out by the national government , the travel allowance regime for officials who travel abroad on official business has been modified. Guillermo Francos will be the one who must authorize the transfers of ministers or secretaries of the Presidency of the Nation.

The measure was made effective through the publication of administrative decision 888/2024, published early this morning in the Official Gazette, which states: “Transfers in compliance with official missions or commissions abroad must be carried out by the shortest and least expensive route; both factors must be taken into account, prioritizing the first over the second, both on the way out and on the way back. In order to process the transfers in the aforementioned terms, they must be managed with sufficient advance notice, in order to enable access to the best rates and routes offered by the market.”

The Government has thus indicated that the airline that operates “the shortest route and has the most appropriate fare” will be selected. “The tickets, for their part, must be issued by the same airline, for a round trip, when this is the most economical option, and must be non-transferable and refundable only at the office of origin,” the regulations clarify.
Guillermo Francos will authorize the travel of ministers and secretaries who depend on the Presidency of the Nation (EFE/ Juan Ignacio Roncoroni)
In this regard, they detailed which passages the different officials will have access to according to their rank. The categories were established as follows:

  • Officials in Group A, at ministerial level or above, may use business class tickets . In the case of the transfer of officials with the rank of secretary, business class tickets may only be used for trips lasting more than 8 hours, and prior authorization must be obtained from the head of the jurisdiction or entity on which they depend;
  • Officials in Groups B, C and D will be issued economy class tickets .

In addition, they limited the official delegations that make up transfers for official missions abroad to a maximum of "one official or authority for each international event or activity recognized as urgent for the interests of the national State."

Regardless of the source of funding for the expenditure, transfers on official missions or commissions abroad must be reported and authorized by the Cabinet Office, headed by Guillermo Francos , in the case of ministers and secretaries who depend directly on the Presidency of the Nation. To do so, a form called “International Management Planning Report” must be submitted.

In turn, each of the ministers, secretaries or deputy chiefs of staff of the Chief of Staff and heads of decentralized agencies will be responsible for approving travel when it concerns: the head of the Military Household, heads of Secretariats and Undersecretariats of the National Administration; heads of Social Security Institutions, regulatory bodies, liquidating bodies and superintendencies, including collegiate bodies, agencies of the decentralized national public administration; officials with a level lower than national or general director or its equivalent from the jurisdictions and agencies referred to in the preceding paragraphs.

All invitations to international missions or delegations must first go through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship (Photo: Jaime Olivos)

These trips will have to be approved by an official with a level no lower than that of undersecretary and the head of the jurisdiction or decentralized agency on which they depend, as indicated in the published text.

Regarding the payment of food and lodging costs, they pointed out that when the invitations guarantee coverage of food, a maximum of 50% of the corresponding travel expenses will be paid , while if the invitation includes lodging, no amount will be paid for this concept.

The application must be submitted at least 10 days before the mission abroad and must meet a series of requirements: among them, it must include an invitation to the mission and justification for the trip, it must have a schedule of activities, the amounts to be covered, the reservation of the tickets and the authorization of your superior.

The administrative decision clarifies that all invitations to international missions or delegations must first go through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship , headed by Diana Mondino.
