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Economy The Government made another increase for the Alimentar Card official: what are the new amounts - Infobae

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The Government made another increase for the Alimentar Card official: what are the new amounts - Infobae​



May 17, 2024

The latest update was implemented in the allocations received in May. Thus, this latest increase becomes the fourth granted by the Executive since he took office.

The money from the Alimentar Card is deposited monthly into the beneficiary's account in which the AUH is paid (Facebook)

The national government made official a new increase for the Alimentar Card . The latest update was perceived this month in the midst of a complex inflationary context for the most vulnerable sectors. In this way, the new assignment values were set.

The measure became effective through resolution 181/2024 , published this morning in the Official Gazette . According to the regulations, “the purpose of the increase is to rebuild the purchasing power of the aforementioned sectors, within the framework of the inflationary process that our country is going through, considering the increase in the Basic Food Basket (CBA) during recent months. ”.

In that sense, as the program's bases establish, the amount each family receives varies depending on the number of children they have. In this context, the updates were established as follows:

  • Those people who have a child from 0 to 14 years old who receive the Universal Allowance for a Child, Universal Allowance for a Disabled Child, Pregnancy Allowance and Pension for mothers of 7 or more children will collect $52,250 , while in May they received $48,125;
  • Those who have two children in that same age range and who are beneficiaries of one of these plans will receive $81,936 in June , compared to $75,468 this month;
  • People who have three or more children from 0 to 14 years old and meet the corresponding requirements will receive $108,062 , while this month they received $99.53.
In its recital, the resolution highlights that the objective of this program is "to guarantee the security and food sovereignty of the entire Argentine population and families, with special attention to the sectors of greatest economic and social vulnerability" and clarifies that this money of a nature remunerative is oriented towards “acquisition of food”.

The resolution bears the signature of the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello (Photo: NA)

The increase will be noted in the payment of the assignment that will be made in June . This increase is added to the other three that the Executive granted since the Government took office. The first was arranged in December, when the devaluation was announced, so the amount on the card was increased by 50%.

At that time, the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo , presented a dozen measures with which Javier Milei 's government began its management in the area. The package, defined by the official as “urgent measures,” included this increase (in addition, the devaluation of the official dollar, the cut of Public Works and the suspension of the official media guidelines, among others). In this context, the official argued that the measures presented were going to generate an acceleration of inflation in the short term, which is why it had been decided to increase social spending in the current assistance policies: the Universal Child Allowance and the Food Card .

Specifically, the minister reported: “Due to this emergency situation, we are going to complement the measures. What we are going to do is double the Universal Child Allowance and increase the Alimentar Card by 50%," he said during the recorded video and assured: "This is in line with strengthening the plans that go directly to the people, without intermediaries, and to the people who need it most,” he said.

Then, in January the value was doubled and families in vulnerable situations began to receive $44,000, $69,000 and $91,000, depending on the number of children. In April, the Government made official the amounts that were collected in May, which were in effect until the publication of this resolution.

The money from the Alimentar Card is deposited monthly into the beneficiary's account into which the AUH is paid. The assignment is automatic, crossing Anses and AUH databases, meaning that its assignment does not depend on a social organization or municipality.