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Politics The Government made concessions and arrives at the debate on the Bases Law with more consensus to obtain the medium sanction - Infobae

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The Government made concessions and arrives at the debate on the Bases Law with more consensus to obtain the medium sanction - Infobae​



April 25, 2024

The ruling party resolved a conflict over labor reform late on Wednesday and will seek a majority opinion in the plenary session of commissions. While he is confident he has the necessary votes, he faces new challenges

By Federico Galligani

Martín Menem and Guillermo Francos at the time of presenting the first Omnibus Law

After multiple negotiations and even last-minute conflicts that threatened to bring down the project, finally this Thursday the Government will closely follow the beginning of the treatment of the new Bases Law in Congress, confident that it has the votes so that, on this occasion , the initiative is approved.

Although in the Casa Rosada they insisted that President Javier Milei “has the mechanisms to be able to manage, even if the package of projects is not sanctioned,” the national authorities consider that the text has already achieved the necessary consensus.

Unlike what happened at the end of last year and the beginning of this year, when the issue was debated for the first time, officials were more open to dialogue and agreed to remove from the discussion all those articles that generated differences with the majority of the opposition.

In fact, until the late hours of Wednesday, before the meeting of the plenary commissions of the Chamber of Deputies was formally called, in the office of the head of the chamber, Martín Menem , the executive secretary of the Government, José Rolandi , right hand of the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse , received the leaders of different blocks to unblock a fight over labor reform.

President Javier Milei (Liberty Foundation)

As Infobae specified , while the Unión Cívica Radical (UCR) demanded that their proposal, which did not have the support of the unions, be maintained without modifications, the group of We Make the Federal Coalition, headed by Miguel Ángel Pichetto , requested a more limited version.

The ruling party needs deputies from both spaces to be able to enact the law, which is why the lack of agreement between the two parties jeopardized all the negotiations that were carried out these months.

However, after frenetic conversations that included a communication between CGT leaders and the influential presidential advisor Santiago Caputo , the Government agreed to eliminate several articles of the labor reform, which went from 58 to 17, and the draft would have been accepted by all. the parts.

Points related to solidarity quotas, the ultraactivity of collective agreements, the regulation of the right to strike in essential services, the limitation of assemblies and teleworking, among others, were excluded from the text.

“We saw him much more receptive, much better than Rolandi,” revealed to this medium an important reference of radicalism, who in principle would be willing to accompany a majority opinion that would come from the plenary session of commissions, which will begin to operate this Thursday, from 12 hours.

The presidential advisor, Santiago Caputo (REUTERS)

The Government's objective continues to be that the law goes to the floor between Monday and Tuesday of next week, so that at the latest it can be voted on in the morning on Wednesday, and this was recently made known by the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo. Francos , to Oscar Zago .

The former head of La Libertad Avanza in the Chamber of Deputies, who was removed from that position after a fight with Menem, asked the official for a meeting at the Casa Rosada to learn more about the negotiations, since he was no longer invited to the meetings. of the ruling party since he left the bloc to form his own with his colleagues from the Integration and Development Movement (MID).

“We were never outside (of the ruling party), we were inside from the first minute and we are going to continue like that. There is no problem, we have an excellent relationship with the President and we only came here to look for the latest information,” Zago explained as he left Francos' office.

However, the deputy acknowledged that he has not yet spoken with his successor, Gabriel Bornoroni : “He still owes me the coffee he said he wanted to have with me, I told him I would pay for it, but hey, I'm still waiting... ,” he commented on the matter. .

In the MID they question Bornoroni's representation and assure that the bench was harmed by the change in leadership. In this sense, they emphasize that libertarian legislators do not have much parliamentary experience and, as an example, they point out that due to the mistake of Bertie Benegas Lynch , Kirchnerism was close this Wednesday to reaching a quorum to discuss university financing and retirement mobility.

The former head of the La Libertad Avanza bloc and current leader of the MID, Oscar Zago (Adrián Escandar)

With La Libertad Avanza fractured in the venue and without agreement at the moment to form an interblock with the Zago party, the Government trusts that the two spaces, despite personal differences, will work aligned to avoid complications in the treatment of the law.

In fact, representatives of other parties even warn that the Executive Branch could have difficulties again if Menem does not manage to “compress the session as much as possible,” since they consider that if the discussion is opened once again to each article in particular, The initiative could fall as it did last February.

Furthermore, on this occasion the debate in the session will be more complex, since the ruling party intends for the set of reforms to be voted on the same day as the fiscal package , which includes, for example, changes in the Income Tax.

The Casa Rosada's predicament is due to the fact that Milei wants the Base Law to be approved as soon as possible in the Deputies so that it can then be sanctioned in the Senate and thus have the reforms that he intends for his management at the time of signing with the governors. the May Pact , in an event that is scheduled for the 25th of that month in the province of Córdoba.