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Politics The Government made educational vouchers official for families who cannot pay increases in private schools - Infobae

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The Government made educational vouchers official for families who cannot pay increases in private schools - Infobae​



March 21, 2024

The measure will seek to assist students from establishments at the initial, primary and secondary levels, with a subsidy of 75% or more and a fee that does not exceed 54,396 pesos

Ministers Petri and Cúneo Libarona with the head of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello

The government of Javier Milei today launched the “Educational Vouchers” Assistance Program to help families who send their children to establishments at the initial, primary and secondary levels with a subsidy of 75% or more and a fee that does not exceed $54,396 .

The measure came into effect after Resolution 61/2024 was published in the Official Gazette . According to the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello , the implementation of this educational policy was essential for students from private institutions to remain on the payroll, despite the inherited economic context.

The people who will be able to access state assistance will be those who have students up to 18 years of age under their parental responsibility. Likewise, it will be a requirement that the school has at least 75% state subsidy and that the family income does not exceed seven minimum, vital and mobile salaries.

Currently, the established minimum income is $202,800 since the amount was updated in mid-February. In this sense, the family that aspires to enroll in the program must have a monthly income that does not exceed $1,419,600.

Those interested in applying to the program can register from April 3 to 30 at argentina.gob.ar (Getty Images)

In this way, those family groups that are included in the list of beneficiaries will be able to receive 50% of the value of the single-day rate, not including extra-programmatic activities, based on the base fee (March 2024) for May, June and July. In addition, they highlighted that the voucher will have a limit of $27,198 per child.

Regarding the origin of the funds that will be allocated to cover the payment to the owners, the head of Human Capital explained that these will come from the National Treasury . She even stressed that the application of the benefit will be under the orbit of the Secretary of Education, Carlos Torrendell .

“Education and knowledge are personal and social rights that must be guaranteed by the State,” they stated, revealing that assistance would reach 2,409,006 children who attend more than 6,000 schools throughout the country, according to provisional data. obtained by the Ministry of Education .

It was explained that families who want to access the benefit must complete a form available at argentina.gob.ar, from April 3 to 30, where they must include the CBU where the money will be credited and inform the educational establishment.

The decision to move forward with "educational vouchers" was made by Milei to assist families who had school fee increases.

The announcement was made by the Ministry of Human Capital, headed by Sandra Pettovello, in line with what President Javier Milei had announced in mid-February. “There will be vouchers and financing for students . Ministers Pettovello and Caputo are working. “We are very close to announcing that,” the president said in a journalistic interview.

And he added: “We are going to incorporate an assistance mechanism for the middle class so that children do not miss school, because the situation in which your income drops and you have to change the child's school is not only traumatizing for the parents. but also for the boys.”

The implementation of vouchers in the educational system had been one of Milei's campaign promises. The proposal involved moving from financing supply, through the support of schools and colleges, to financing demand, that is, of each student. However, the voucher proposal was not taken up since the administration began. Milei's announcement now means that there will be state subsidies for both supply and demand in the private education circuit.

The thing is that education is always public, although it can be done through public or private institutions. And within the latter, some receive financial subsidies in different percentages. The majority of these latter entities are Catholic schools that provide initial, primary, secondary, tertiary and university levels.

Joint teaching meeting with officials from Javier Milei's administration

The educational question​

The problem of educational financing is one of the issues that Javier Milei's management faces. Last month, it was announced the interruption of the sending of resources to the provinces that were part of the Teacher Incentive Fund, which was intended for the salaries of teachers throughout the country. At the same time, the national parity negotiation is bogged down because the current administration considers that salary policy is a non-delegable function of the provinces in which the National State should not intervene.

Furthermore, in the draft “Bases and Starting Points Law for the Freedom of Argentines” - known as the “Omnibus Law” - a series of articles had been included that contemplated everything from the mandatory final exam for the completion of secondary school to the declaration of education as an “essential service”, therefore uninterrupted by strikes and union demonstrations. Finally, those items fell by the wayside but the La Libertad Avanza government anticipated that they will insist on these proposals again in the future.
