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Politics The Government made official the Milei event in Córdoba on May 25 without an agreement with the governors - Infobae

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The Government made official the Milei event in Córdoba on May 25 without an agreement with the governors - Infobae​



May 21, 2024

Through a statement it was reported this Tuesday that the President of the Nation will celebrate a new anniversary of the May Revolution, but without agreement with the provincial leaders due to the lack of approval of the Bases Law and the Tax Reform

The Government made official the Milei act for May 25 without an agreement with the governors

Having not yet fulfilled the purpose of approving the Base Law and the Tax Reform , the Office of the President confirmed this Tuesday that Javier Milei “will be present in the City of Córdoba” on Saturday the 25th, but there will be no signing of the May Pact with the governors, as the President of the Nation intended and as Infobae had already anticipated .

The reason for the head of state's presence in the "productive heart of our Nation", according to what was announced in the official statement, is to "celebrate the 214 years of the May Revolution together with the Argentine people."

“The Office of the President calls on citizens to celebrate Homeland Day in a new Open Town Hall this May 25, commemorating the beginning of the process that resulted in Argentine independence, the dismissal of Viceroy Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros and the swearing in of the First Government Board of the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata”, explained the Government's message.

In turn, the ruling party emphasized that "the celebration will begin at 2 p.m. in Plaza San Martín, in front of the Cabildo of Córdoba, where President Javier Milei and the Argentine people will meet once again to celebrate freedom. " .

Javier Milei assured that the May Pact "are reforms that have to do with the long term." (Nicholas Stulberg)

“As the President explained in his speech at the Opening of Ordinary Sessions on March 1, the May Pact , which seeks to reinsert our people on the path of development and prosperity, will be signed with the governors, the Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires, former presidents, presidents of political parties, social leaders and representatives of the business sector, when the Bases Law and the Tax Reform have been approved ,” argued the Office of the President to explain what will happen next Saturday, December 25. May.

Likewise, the President of the Nation himself had said this Monday that “there is no May Pact because the Base Law will not be in place. There is no time for it to come out now. It can be done on June 20, or July 9. Fifteen more days, less, one more month, is not going to move the ammeter. “They are reforms that have to do with the long term.”

In the same sense, the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos , also sent a message after having assured in statements to TN that “May 25 is a National date and it is a date that the President had chosen to sign an agreement with the sectors politicians, with the governors, and had put the approval of the laws as the first step. The laws have not yet been approved, therefore, the pact will not be able to be signed .”

The objective was to have former presidents, presidents of political parties, social leaders and representatives of the business sector

Also the governor of Entre Ríos, Rogelio Frigerio, “deeply” regretted that the May Pact was not made , after having indicated that his assistance in finalizing the agreement was a fact. “It is the north that Argentina needs,” said the Entre Ríos representative, who also shared the 41st annual IAEF congress with the President.

At this event, Javier Milei emphasized the initiatives promoted by the opposition in Congress : “I warn you, in case you are interested, that any project that you send to Congress that seeks to break the box and blow this country up into the air, "I'm going to veto them, I don't give a damn." “Or you think it is easy to deal with these maniacs, public spending degenerates. Notice that now the only thing they do is send initiatives to break our fiscal balance,” he added.

The context of conflict and lack of approval of the Base Law and the Tax Reform were decisive for the President not having his long-awaited photo with the governors, something that at the opening of the ordinary sessions of the National Congress he proposed as the signature of a new “social contract” called “May Pact”, which would include “10 principles of the new Argentine economic order”.
Plaza San Martín, in front of the Cabildo of Córdoba
ooh, i went there in March and April a couple times! super cool place, and next to the massive outdoor market. for those coming to Cordoba capital tomorrow, here's the Google Maps link:

sounds like the Pacto de Mayo is still happening, despite some Kirchnerist/Peronist/communist governors saying they are refusing to sign it:

official Twitter/X agrees:

perhaps the Governors are mad at him? :p it might be because he said he was returning from Spain by "surfing on a wave of communist tears" ahahahahhahahahaha:

see you guys at 14:00 tomorrow 25May2024 in Cordoba's main plaza! another thread said:

confirmed that next Saturday there will be no May Pact with the governors in Córdoba, as Infobae had anticipated .
...but this makes no sense; it was unlikely any commie governors would have attended anyway, so it seems like Infobae was wrong, and still is wrong? not sure. i also don't know how you can 'be against' the May Pact/Pacto de Mayo because the document just gives people more liberty. as @BowTiedMara notes on his site/Substack:

"The May Pact consists of a ten-point agreement, and its main objective is to reconstitute the foundations of Argentina:
  1. The inviolability of private property
  2. A non-negotiable fiscal balance
  3. The reduction of public spending to historical levels, around 25% of the Gross Domestic Product
  4. A tax reform that reduces tax pressure, simplifies the lives of Argentines and promotes trade
  5. The rediscussion of federal tax sharing to end forever the current extortionate model
  6. A commitment by the provinces to advance the exploitation of the country's natural resources
  7. A modern labor reform that promotes formal work
  8. A pension reform that gives sustainability to the system, respects those who contributed and allows those who prefer to subscribe to a private retirement system
  9. A structural political reform that modifies the current system and realigns the interests of the representatives and those represented.
  10. Opening to international trade, so that Argentina once again becomes a protagonist in the global market."
