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Politics The Government made the departure of Nicolás Posse official and confirmed that Guillermo Francos is the new Chief of Staff - Infobae

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The Government made the departure of Nicolás Posse official and confirmed that Guillermo Francos is the new Chief of Staff - Infobae​



May 28, 2024

Before leaving for the United States, Javier Milei signed the decrees that confirm the changes in the Executive Branch

Guillermo Francos is promoted to Chief of Staff, replacing Nicolás Posse

Before embarking on his fourth trip to the United States in less than six months, Javier Milei signed the decrees that make the departure of Nicolás Posse official and that confirm Guillermo Francos as his replacement in the Head of the Cabinet of Ministers .

“The resignation presented by engineer Nicolás José POSSE (DNI No. 17,953,379) to the position of Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers is accepted ,” reads article 1 of Decree 472/2024 , published early this Tuesday in the Bulletin Official .

Despite internal questions due to delays in management and differences with front-line leaders of the libertarian administration, the Government thanked “the resigning official for the services provided in the performance of his position.”

By means of the same decree - which bears the signatures of the president and Chancellor Diana Mondino - Francos , political articulator of the Executive Branch and one of the people whom Milei considers the architect of the feat of his arrival to the pink House.

The President's Office confirmed Posse's resignation last night and officially announced his replacement by the head of the Ministry of the Interior, who had an important task in the negotiations with the opposition. This is a decision that had been discussed by the head of state, his sister, the Secretary General, Karina Milei, and the advisor Santiago Caputo .

“Dr. Guillermo Francos will assume the position of Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers in order to provide greater political volume to the Chief of Staff. Within this framework, the Headquarters will absorb the powers of the Ministry of the Interior, into an Interior Secretariat, headed by Dr. Lisandro Catalán ,” the Office reported.

Furthermore, he highlighted that the new Chief of Staff “will contribute his professionalism, experience and political capacity” to the position of coordinating minister, “ after successfully holding the position of Minister of the Interior, having been one of the architects of the feat that led to Javier Milei to the Presidency, and being recognized by all political forces for his management capacity and consensus .”

With respect to Posse, through a statement, the Government explained that this decision was motivated by the difference in criteria and expectations in the progress of the Government and the tasks entrusted to it.” However, it was clarified that the outgoing Chief of Staff "will continue to support, as from day one, the ideas of freedom, the defense of life and property and the project of a free Argentina, promoted by President Milei." “He will do it from a new role, which will be announced in the coming days,” concluded the Executive Branch, announcing that this week “an orderly transition” will take place between Posse and Francos.

As a matter of formality, through Decree 471/2024 , Francos' resignation from the Ministry of the Interior was confirmed. This official text bore Posse's signature, his last signature before leaving high command.

Meanwhile, through Decree 473/2024 , Milei entrusted “the signing of the office and the resolution of matters concerning the Ministry of the Interior, from the issuance of this document and until the appointment of the new head of said portfolio, to the Head of Cabinet of Ministers, Doctor Guillermo Alberto Francos.”

Along with Posse, the controller of the Federal Intelligence Agency, Silvestre Sivori, is leaving the National Government. The now former spy chief released a statement shortly after the fall of the former coordinating minister, in which he reported that he had made the decision to leave his position.

Sívori, a lawyer who worked on the PRO teams, had been appointed in December through a decree that regulated the AFI normalization procedure for a period of two years or “until the reasons” for this cease. extent.

Silvestre Sívori, in one of the few times he appeared at the Casa Rosada

The legal professional arrived after a stint in the City Government and in the management of Cambiemos in the Casa Rosada. He performed functions in the Buenos Aires Legal and Technical Secretariat and in the Environmental Protection Agency, as well as being an advisor in the General Technical Administrative and Legal Directorate of the City's Undersecretariat of Transportation. In the National Executive Branch, with Mauricio Macri, he was general director of Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Transportation during Guillermo Dietrich's tenure in the portfolio.

Sívori depended on Posse himself because for the first time the head of the spies stopped being an official with a direct line to the President of the Nation.

The acceptance of his resignation was made official this morning through Decree 474/2024: “We thank the resigning official for the services provided in the performance of his position,” the Government announced.

Posse is a decent guy and it's sad to see him go.

It seems he had problems with Mileis's sister.

Last night a friend told me he presented his resignation to Milei six times before it was accepted