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Politics The Government named one by one the deputies who voted against the Omnibus Law - Infobae


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The Government named one by one the deputies who voted against the Omnibus Law: “They decided to continue playing into the hands of the caste” - Infobae​



February 07, 2024

The list points against parliamentarians who belong to the so-called dialogue opposition. In addition, they were questioned for committing a “betrayal of their voters” given that they “turned their backs” on the promise of a “different Argentina.”


Although last Friday, February 2, the Omnibus Law was approved in general, the treatment of each article of its content continued. In this framework, this Tuesday and faced with the lack of votes on key articles, there was a fourth intermission and then, the ruling party adjourned the session with the approval of the majority in the room. For this reason, the project was returned to the parliamentary treatment committees. Faced with this situation, the National Government did not take long to express its discomfort against those deputies who voted against the law.

The beginning of the session for the treatment of the Law of Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines had begun in a favorable way for La Libertad Avanza, given that the approval of the first six articles was achieved. That is, the sections that talk about the emergency situation and the powers delegated to the President of the Nation.

However, the Government did not obtain the votes for the article referring to State reforms and from there the decline of the session began. Before the debate focused on the privatizations of state companies, the Chamber of Deputies went to an intermission that lasted one hour.

During that period, deputy Miguel Ángel Pichetto requested a meeting of the block heads with Martín Menem and upon returning to the premises, the ruling party adjourned the session due to the lack of agreement on the chapter linked to privatizations .

The Government published the list of deputies who voted against the Omnibus Law

In the absence of agreement, the representatives of the Executive targeted the governors of the provinces whose legislators had to accompany the law with their votes. Immediately the repercussions arose from different areas, but it was after midnight that the Casa Rosada expressed their discomfort against the blocks that voted against the Omnibus Law.

Through the social network as well as all the deputies who this Tuesday voted in particular in favor of the “Law of Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines.”

President Milei himself, in the Israeli morning, accompanied the publication made in the President's Office with a harsh message against the parliamentarians: "Here is the list of the loyalists and the traitors who used the discourse of change to be able to steal a seat" . And he closed: “Come in and see the enemies of a better Argentina.”


Despite this support, the National Government targeted the opposition sectors, considering that it was a “betrayal of their voters by all the blocks that turned their backs on their campaign promises for a different Argentina.”

The people will never forget the names of those who, being able to facilitate the reforms that were elected by 56% of Argentines, decided to continue playing into the hands of caste,” they questioned.

Before mentioning those who voted against the Omnibus Act, the National Government detailed those who “voted in favor of the people” . For such reason, mention was made to MPs Ritondo(PRO), Arabia(PRO), Ardohain(PRO), Avico(PRO), Bachey(PRO), Baldassi(PRO), Besana(PRO), Bianchetti(PRO), Bongiovanni (PRO), Brambilla (PRO), Capozzi (PRO), De Sensi (PRO), Fernandez Molero (PRO), Figueroa Casas (PRO), Finocchiaro (PRO), Giudici (PRO), Gonzalez (PRO), Iglesias (PRO) PRO, Laspina(PRO), Lombardi(PRO), Lospennato(PRO). Maquieyra (PRO), Milman (PRO), Nunez (PRO), Quiroz (PRO) and Razzini (PRO).

In addition, he joined the deputies: Ajmechet(PRO), Rodriguez Machado(PRO), Romero(PRO), Santilli(PRO), Sotolano(PRO), Stefani(PRO), Tortoriello(PRO), Vasquez(PRO), Vidal (PRO), Yeza(PRO), Almiron(LLA), Ansaloni(LLA), Arancibia Rodriguez(LLA), Araujo(LLA), Arrieta(LLA), Benedit(LLA), Benegas Lynch(LLA), Bonacci(LLA) , Bornoroni(LLA), Correa Llano(LLA), D'alessandro(LLA), Lemoine(LLA), Lopez Murphy(HCF), Pichetto(HCF) and Espert(AL) among others.

The Omnibus Law project will return to committees (Photo: Maximiliano Luna)

As part of its message, the National Government detailed the surnames of the deputies who “voted against the people ,” they expressed. And they mentioned: Massot(HCF), Morchio(HCF), Agost Carreño(HCF), Avila(HCF), Borrego(HCF), Brugge(HCF), Campagnoli(HCF), De La Sota(HCF), Fein(HCF ), Ferraro(HCF), Frade(HCF), Garcia Aresca(HCF), Gutierrez(HCF), Klipauka Lewtak(HCF), López(HCF), Monzo(HCF), Oliveto Lago(HCF), Paulon(HCF), Randazzo (HCF), Stolbizer (HCF), Torres(HCF), Arrua(Innovation), Calletti(Innovation), Domingo(Innovation), Fernández(Innovation), Llancafilo (Innovation), Outes (Innovation), Ruiz (Innovation), Vancsik (Innovation), Vega (Innovation), Acevedo (For Santa Cruz), Garrido (For Santa Cruz), Moreno (PYT), Picon Martínez (PYT), Aguirre (UCR), Polini (UCR), Reyes (UCR) and Tetaz (UCR).

In turn, reference was made to the deputies: Cobos(UCR), Antola(UCR), Rjol(UCR), Barletta(UCR), Benedetti(UCR), Brouwer De Koning(UCR), Carbajal(UCR), Carrizo, A.(UCR), Cervi(UCR), Cipolini(UCR), Coletta(UCR), Coli(UCR), Galimberti(UCR), Giorgi(UCR), Juliano(UCR), Manes(UCR), Quetglas(UCR) , Rizzotti (UCR), Sánchez (UCR), Sarapura (UCR), Tavela (UCR), Macyszyn (Buenos Aires Libre), and Piparo (Buenos Aires Libre).

In this way, the Government questioned the lack of support for the project that began with more than 600 articles, was reduced to 383 and will now be discussed again in the commissions of the Chamber of Deputies that had already given it an opinion weeks ago, to that the different spaces discuss the text again, now with the agreed changes, and try to reach a greater consensus. That is, in the Chamber it will be submitted to the ordinary procedure, as if it had not received any sanction, according to the regulations.

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