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Politics The Government questioned the strike and stated that “a strike based on stones, extortion and threats is not a strike.” - Infobae

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The Government questioned the strike and stated that “a strike based on stones, extortion and threats is not a strike.” - Infobae​



May 09, 2024

The presidential spokesman, Manuel Adorni, stated that there were acts of violence to prevent people from reaching their workplaces. He stated that since Javier Milei took office there have been “more strikes than laws”

Manuel Adorni referred to the general strike of the CGT

The national government today rejected the general strike carried out by the CGT , the second since Javier Milei took office last December, and assured that there were acts of violence to prevent employees from reaching their workplaces. In addition, he spoke of union leaders “who have been living off the efforts of others for 40 years” and stated that the current administration has “more strikes than laws” passed.

“It is an absolutely incomprehensible strike if one seeks to find an explanation other than that it is a political strike. A strike based on stones, extortion and threats is not a strike, it is simply a day where we see the consequence of a union scheme that has clearly remained in another time," said presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni, during his usual press conference at the Casa Rosada.

The official stated that “ there were corners where the bus drivers were attacked with stones and punctured tires with nails,” and said that “there were shock forces from the Truckers union preventing workers from entering the factories in Pacheco, Mataderos and San Martín.” .

“How difficult it is to measure compliance when they don't let you get to the workplace and also play with the fear of people and employers through violence and intimidation,” he added.

Adorni began his press conference by thanking “all Argentines who, like you and me, have been working since very early on, among them the bus workers, Fly Bondi workers, police officers, doctors, rural workers, merchants, freelancers, private teachers, monotributistas and self-employed workers who earn their day by working as they should.”

Likewise, he stated that until this morning they had received 1,932 calls to line 134, the system enabled to report extortion by unions and social organizations.

Infobae ParoDrone Drone in the general strike on May 9
Before the questions, the spokesperson dedicated an extensive paragraph to criticize the union leaders: “These are expressions of people who for 20, 30 or 40 years have lived off the efforts of others and not on their own efforts . There are, for example, some of them who have been in power for 30 years. There is one who was a Menemist, a Kirchnerist of Néstor, a Kirchnerist of Cristina, a Peronist of the Peronism of the day. And today, while a million workers are stranded due to the strike of his union, he moves around in an Audi A5″.

"There is another who has been a union leader since 1992 who said: 'During the 4 years of Alberto Fernández, there was never a project against the workers.' Remind this person that Alberto Fernández left power with half of the country poor , with 55% of the workers in black and one of the worst salaries on the continent. We even have one of these people who threatened Minister Caputo with throwing him into the Riachuelo. These are clearly the personal ones that curtailed the progress of Argentines during the last 25 years at least,” Adorni continued.

Regarding the continuity of the relationship with the CGT, the spokesperson reiterated that the Government is "open to dialogue with all sectors", although he said that they do not agree "in absolutely nothing with these characters." “The dialogue will always be open, we are here to talk with all sectors. But the truth is that this Government had more strikes than laws , they do everything possible to not advance in the direction that the people voted for. "It is strange, an exotic situation," he stated. The strike began at 0 this Thursday, and with the compliance of the transport unions, it was strongly felt in the early hours of the day. However, at least in the AMBA, many businesses opened their doors normally and some bus lines even worked.

After confirming that the day will be deducted from public employees who have adhered to the measure, Adorni confirmed that there will be no changes in the intention of labor reform promoted by the Government through the Base Law.

“To believe that unionism as it is has been a benefit to workers is strange. You have a destroyed salary, record informality, businessmen who until not long ago did not want to hire an employee even by chance. Trade unionism, as we know it, does not have much reason to exist in terms of representing workers. Not to mention other details that can be discussed about how the union scheme works in Argentina,” he said.

Adorni was also consulted about the threat made by the general secretary of the western section of the Railway Union, Rubén “Pollo” Sobrero, who warned that if they did not get “answers”, what followed was a 36-hour strike .

“I don't understand what response they are waiting for to decide such an action. The reasons for this strike are not understood, much less are we going to interpret what they want from us by threatening a 36-hour strike , without fully understanding that those who are harmed are those who most need to work and have their day as normal as possible. It is an attack on people's pockets and freedom. A strike of any kind in the current situation in Argentina is absolutely crazy,” she stressed.