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Politics The Government receives the CGT to negotiate a labor reform: Hugo Moyano participates - Infobae

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The Government receives the CGT to negotiate a labor reform: Hugo Moyano participates - Infobae​



April 10, 2024

The text of the project will be prepared between the ruling party and the UCR, with the aim of it being debated together with the new Bases Law and the fiscal package. The points of conflict

By Federico Galligani


Hugo Moyano entering Casa Rosada

With the aim of discussing the labor reform that will be sent to Congress in the coming days, the Government receives this afternoon at the Casa Rosada the main leaders of the CGT, with Hugo Moyano at the head, and in anticipation of the points that the project will include.

The union leaders arrived at Balcarce 50 shortly before 4:30 p.m. and went directly to the office of the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos , where the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse , was also present, who invited them to try to agree with this sector on the most conflictive articles, before the matter begins to be debated in the Chamber of Deputies.

In addition to Moyano, the general secretaries of the labor union, Héctor Daer (Health) and Carlos Acuña (service stations), and the authorities of the construction unions, Gerardo Martínez , also participate in the meeting ; of the Union of Civil Personnel of the Nation (UPCN), Andrés Rodríguez ; of Insurance, Jorge Sola , and of Sanitary Works, José Luis Lingeri .

The union leaders are received by the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, and the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos

Also in the room were the secretaries of Labor, Julio Cordero , and of the Interior, Lisandro Catalán , and the union members Marina Jaureguiberry (SADOP); Cristian Jerónimo (Glass Employees); Susana Benítez (SATSAID), and Oscar Rojas (Maestranza).

The surprise of the day was the appearance of the trucker leader, who was not expected at the Francos offices, where they calculated that the one who was going to come was going to be his son Pablo, who is also a member of the CGT leadership, but he did not arrive.

As anticipated by this media, the Government would agree to lower two articles of the labor reform objected to by unionism in search of achieving greater political consensus to accelerate its parliamentary approval: the limitation of solidarity quotas and the ultra-activity of collective labor agreements .

The first of these points is the most effective resource for financing unions through compulsory discounts of a sum agreed upon in collective labor agreements, which the Executive Power proposed should have the “explicit consent” of the worker to be discounted.

The second issue has to do with the principle that requires maintaining the validity of collective agreements until a new one is negotiated, something that the unions strictly defend as a way to “preserve the rights of workers” and avoid a “negotiation to "he lowers it."

Héctor Daer and Carlos Acuña (NA/Juan Vargas)

Sources from the ruling party specified that the final text of the labor reform is being prepared by the Radical Civic Union, which will then present it to La Libertad Avanza to finalize the details and then debate it in the plenary session of commissions of Deputies, along with the Law. Bases and the fiscal package.

Important leaders of radicalism pointed out that it was the centenary party that proposed to Francos to include this project in the parliamentary discussion, since it is an initiative that is demanded by the voters of both spaces.

However, the details of the project in question were still being negotiated, since the intention of all parties is that it does not hinder the rest of the legislative debates and, in that context, the Minister of the Interior receives the leadership of the CGT, so definitions could emerge from this meeting.