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Politics The Government updated the salaries of the security and penitentiary forces - Infobae

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The Government updated the salaries of the security and penitentiary forces - Infobae​



May 31, 2024

The salaries established as of June 1st apply to personnel from the Gendarmerie, Naval Prefecture, Federal Police and Airport Security, and the Penitentiary Service.

Gendarmes guarding Casa Rosada (REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian)

The National Government updated the salary scales of federal security forces personnel . The increase in salaries, which will be collected starting June 1, applies to members of the Gendarmerie, Naval Prefecture, Federal Police and Airport Security .

The decision was made effective through Resolution 441/2024 of the portfolio headed by Patricia Bullrich , published this Friday in the Official Gazette . “It is necessary to establish a salary scale for active personnel of the police and security forces dependent on the Ministry of Security, which recognizes an adequate hierarchy in relation to the capacity, responsibility and dedication required by the correct execution of their activity,” stated the Executive Branch.

In the case of the monthly salary for Gendarmerie personnel , it varies according to the hierarchy, with grade II being the lowest paid with $521,957.57 , while a General Commander will earn $1,932,058.19.

In addition, the amounts corresponding to the particular supplement “for Neighborhood Prevention Functions”
and the compensation “for Service Surcharge” were established . In the supplement, the minimum amount will be $251,827.85, while the maximum amount will be $806,307.21. Regarding compensation, it varies, not only by hierarchy, but also by the number of hours (3 to 5, and more than 5). The official minimum will be between a little more than 8 thousand pesos and $20,500; while the maximum ranges between 16 thousand pesos and just over $41,000.

In the case of the Argentine Naval Prefecture , the monthly salary was established, which also varies according to the grade of the personnel. The maximum salary amounts to $1,932,058.20 , in the case of a Prefect General , while a Sailor - the lowest grade - will rise to $574,153.34 .

Regarding compensation for Service Surcharge, the minimum varies between 8 thousand pesos and $16 thousand; while the maximum ranges between 16 thousand pesos and $41 thousand.

Article 3 established, starting this month, the monthly salary, the amounts corresponding to the particular supplement for “Zone”, as well as the value of the Additional Police Service and Compensation, received by personnel with active police status and Auxiliary Security and Defense personnel. In effect, a 7th grade assistant will earn $538,891.00, while a general commissioner - higher grade of the PFA - $2,124,435.90 .

In the Official Gazette this morning, the amounts corresponding to the “hierarchical responsibility supplement” received by the director and the deputy director of the National Gendarmerie were also established; the National Naval Prefect and the Sub-Prefect of the Naval Prefecture and the Chief and Deputy Chief of the Federal Police. Depending on the position, they range between 248 and 275 thousand pesos.

For police personnel of the Airport Security Police , the basic salary for an officer candidate will be $145 thousand ; while the maximum for a general commissioner will reach $1,032,651.80.

Finally, the National Government considered it “appropriate” to update the total monthly salaries and general and particular supplements corresponding to the Personnel of the Federal Penitentiary Service. Within this framework, as of June 1, 2024, the “Monthly Pay”, the compensation for “Domicile Fixation” and “Housing Variability”, the particular supplement for “Executive Function”, the particular supplements for “ Southern Zone” and “Academic Title”, the “Travel Expenses Regime”, the compensation concept “Reimbursement of Expenses” and the “Reimbursement of Funeral Expenses” benefit, for SPF personnel. The salaries vary between a minimum of 271,512.61 pesos per month and the maximum that is above two million pesos, depending on the position.
