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Politics The Government will allocate more than 1.5 billion pesos in food for the canteens but the picket protests do not give up - Infobae


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The Government will allocate more than 1.5 billion pesos in food for the canteens but the picket protests do not give up - Infobae



February 28, 2024

The social movements grouped in the Popular Economy Workers Union (UTEP) will demonstrate today and tomorrow in front of the Ministries of Human Capital and Economy. “The help is arriving directly” they assure from Sandra Pettovello's portfolio and reaffirm that “outsourcing will be avoided” with the leaders

By Andres Klipphan

The Ministry of Human Capital seeks to eliminate outsourcing to leaders for food in canteens

This year , Javier Milei 's government will allocate one billion seven hundred and seventy-seven thousand pesos ($1,588,000,000,000) in food for community soup kitchens, schools and other food programs. The figure was confirmed to this medium from the Ministry of Human Capital. Despite this, the social movements grouped in the Popular Economy Workers Union (UTEP) and left-wing picketers announced marches and protests for today and tomorrow.

The fight between La Libertad Avanza officials and social leaders continues to become tense. On the one hand, it is reported that food has not reached the most needy and vulnerable sectors since November 2023.

On the other hand, the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello , revealed the result of an audit that would demonstrate that Alberto Fernández 's government outsourced, through the popular leaders who were part of his government, part of the food delivery; and that the tenders carried out by the former Ministry of Social Development were concentrated in a few companies and up to 500% extra prices were paid. Also that there was “cartelization” and that 80% of the dry food that the picketers handled were not surrendered. “Traceability was lost,” says the study.

Pettovello's report also highlights that the former Ministry of Social Development - now the Secretariat of Children, Adolescence and Family, and which is under Human Capital - did not leave "any food tender" in progress and that "the warehouses were empty."

The protests against Javier Milei's social policy advance. Today there will be a march in front of the historic Moreno and 9 de Julio building starting at 10:30. It is called “National Ollazo for the Food Emergency” Maximiliano Luna

Within this tension, which for now seems insurmountable and which has taken a political turn, Capital Humano highlights that “ the process of normalization of the economy ” has begun and that this fact “affects above all those who have the least.” For this reason, they clarified, “in the most sensitive area we are also making fundamental changes,” such as avoiding intermediation and signing agreements to “transparently” acquire better quality food with a higher nutritional level.


Although Pettovello did not receive the picketer leaders, his second lines maintained dialogue with social leaders who were assured that food assistance “is already arriving directly” through the Alimentar Card and that dry food will be normalized in less than 40 days. In this framework, the reasons for this delay were explained, it is not whimsical and responds to a lack of foresight on the part of the Frente de Todos administration.

No reasoning was enough. Protests against Milei's social policy advance . Today there will be a march in front of the historic Moreno and 9 de Julio building starting at 10:30. It is called “National Ollazo for the Food Emergency”. In the call, it is explained that "the situation in popular neighborhoods throughout the country is getting worse."

It is the continuation of the same measure adopted last week and which was the kick-off to “a plan to combat the shortage of community kitchens and the lack of response from the government.” For this reason, the leaders insist: “We are not going to give up until the pots are filled again.”

Tomorrow the measure will be in front of the Ministry of Economy. The reason? So that budget items are “released to purchase food” and against the cut of a fund managed by social movements for the urbanization of popular neighborhoods.

Minister Sandra Pettovello assures that more than 1.5 billion pesos will be allocated in food assistance

To these facts will be added a no minor measure that was not known at the time of calling the concentrations. The decision of the Government of Javier Milei to eliminate the Potenciar Trabajo program and create two other new plans to continue with the assistance provided, but remove intermediaries from the process, such as social movements and municipalities, which currently demand an investment of about 34 million dollars a year .

The protests over the lack of dry food are carried out beyond the explanations of La Libertad Avanza officials: “ The Alimentar benefit will represent 90% of the budget -of the former Social Development portfolio-, which corresponds to one billion five hundred eighty-eight billion pesos ($1,588,000,000,000) for this year”, a decision that the piqueteros leaders already know and that if necessary, due to inflation, that amount could be higher.

In addition - they explained - “ 47,000 million will be allocated to school food services (SAE); 53 billion to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP); 74,000 million pesos for the purchase of food and 14,585 million for other programs.”

A protester holds a sign that says "The pots are empty" during a demonstration against the government's economic reforms in front of the Olivos presidential residence in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko)

For the Milei administration, “the Alimentar card is the most efficient policy when it comes to ensuring that there is no Argentine who goes hungry : it reaches directly the pockets of 3.8 million people without any intermediary,” they explained. Meanwhile, they believed that "it allows families to eat together at home and consume fresh foods such as meat, chicken and cheese that have better nutritional quality."

For that reason, they recalled: “ We double the amount of money that the beneficiaries of the Alimentar card receive , to ensure their access to the basic food basket.”

In dialogue with this medium, Capital Humano relativized the amount of dry food demanded by the picketers and that arrived through outsourcing: “The purchase of dry food such as noodles, rice and grass that was administered by social organizations - such as the Evita Movement , the CCC, the MTE, Somos/Barrios de Pie and the Polo Obrero - represents only 4.2% of the state's investment in food matters .

A Human Capital audit revealed “Discretion” in the distribution of food by the picketersCredit: Ariel Torres

According to the analysis of the Human Capital authorities: “The discretion in choosing the beneficiaries - during the last administration - was total, the quality of the food was lower in nutritional terms and the costs of food were much higher than in any other country. supermarket because of the bureaucracy involved in purchasing and distribution. “The control of what happened to the merchandise once it left the state warehouses was null .”

For Pettovello's collaborators, this was “ a tool of extortion and a multimillion-dollar business for the cartel of state food supply companies .”

For this reason, Pettovello decided that this “4.2% of assistance that the social organizations controlled be allocated directly to the soup kitchens, which, in turn, must account for the food they buy .” In other words, the money will be transferred so that those directly responsible for the canteens buy the food and cover the expenses - or the investment - with the invoices.

“As a government we committed to eliminating intermediation and we are doing so. It will no longer be the piquetero organizations that are in charge of distributing food and social plans paid for by the national state with the money contributed by working Argentines,” they maintain from Pettovello's portfolio.

The former Social Development portfolio is headed by Pablo de la Torre , the secretary of Children, Adolescence and Family.

“We Argentines are making a very big effort to move forward. From the government we are fulfilling our commitment to accompany those who need it most,” they maintain from that portfolio.

The confrontation between the social movements and the Human Capital authorities, far from decreasing, will increase, not only due to food and the definancing of the fund intended to urbanize popular neighborhoods, but also due to the Government's decision to eliminate the Empower Work and take away to the picketers control of the social plans.