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Politics The Government will close two more public offices: 900 employees will be laid off - Infobae

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The Government will close two more public offices: 900 employees will be laid off - Infobae​



March 19, 2024

This is the Institute of Family, Peasant and Indigenous Agriculture, which was headed by a leader of the Evita Movement close to Emilio Pérsico, and the National Council of Family Agriculture. “There will be 64 employees left,” said presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni.

Manuel Adorni announced that two public organizations will close
The Government will advance in the elimination of two other public organizations, in line with the spending reduction policy that included the dismantling of INADI and the state news agency Télam . According to the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni , the Institute of Family, Peasant and Indigenous Agriculture , and the National Council of Family Agriculture will cease to exist.

“After a review of calamitous, deeply devastating data, this Institute and the Council had 964 employees; It is going to be transformed into an address where 64 employees will remain. 900 non-working positions are going to be reduced . This will mean a saving of 9 billion pesos,” stated the national official at the beginning of his usual press conference.

When justifying the measure, which will be implemented by the Minister of Economy, Luis “Toto” Caputo , Adorni criticized “ the celebration of public spending ” and listed: “It had 160 delegations, two headquarters, one in Catamarca and the other in Santiago del Estero, and one in three employees were delegates. They had 204 vehicles and 85% of the budget was dedicated to paying salaries, almost a political employment agency.”

And he completed: “Discretionary funds were transferred and social organizations and municipalities acted. The inefficiency of this organization is reflected in the fact that we have not yet received complaints from producers or farm workers.”

The Institute of Family, Peasant and Indigenous Agriculture had been created by decree (729/2022) during the administration of Alberto Fernández at the end of 2022. It was a decentralized entity, with economic and financial autarky, which was headed by Miguel Gómez , a leader of the Evita Movement close to Emilio Pérsico , who held the position of Secretary of Family Agriculture at that time.

The leader of the Evita Movement, Emilio Pérsico

This announcement also takes place after the complaint against Pérsico for “ fraud against the public administration made by the Ministry of Human Capital, headed by Sandra Pettovello , after detecting that the Anti-Corruption Office had ruled against him in a file in the one who is pointed out for positioning himself as “judge and party” when it comes to the distribution of social aid funds. They accuse him of having delivered million-dollar amounts to organizations that he himself directed.

Pérsico is recognized for being the leader of the Evita Movement. During his time in the national government, he was in charge of the administration of million-dollar amounts of public funds destined to assist organizations that, in turn, sought to contain the situation of poverty in neighborhoods and precarious sectors of citizens. The movement he founded was among the recipients of those funds.

According to the complaint of the current administration, he took advantage of his position “to intercede on behalf of the Evita Federation and the Cooperativa la Patriada to grant these entities important economic subsidies from the State coffers.”

With the arrival of Milei to the Casa Rosada, the new management proposed as a principle the policy of eliminating intermediation in the distribution of social aid that the government uses public resources. This meant the cutting of all the amounts received by civil organizations, such as those administered by the piqueteros movements, which were not part of the Executive Branch.

In this framework, the government indicated, through the recent complaint, that Pérsico was doing exactly the opposite: as an official, he allocated funds to a movement like Evita, which he led de facto.

“Having proven that the funds in question have come out of the State coffers and then entered into the assets of the aforementioned organizations (cooperatives or federation of cooperatives), the requirement of the objective type of the figure under analysis is thus configured insofar as it requires the existence of concrete and/or real property damage with respect to the assets of the public administration,” the complaint maintains.