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Politics The Government will deploy a strong operation to enforce the anti-picket protocol around Congress - Infobae


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The Government will deploy a strong operation to enforce the anti-picket protocol around Congress​



March 01, 2024

The Legislative Palace has already been fenced. At 9 p.m., Javier Milei is scheduled to give his opening speech for ordinary sessions. Left-wing organizations such as the Polo Obrero and Trotskyists will march to demonstrate against the social and economic policies of La Libertad Avanza

By Andres Klipphan

This is how Congress woke up waiting for the message that President Milei will deliver tonight

The Ministry of National Security, headed by Patricia Bullrich , will deploy today a broad operation in which all federal forces will be involved to enforce the anti-picketing protocol. The surroundings of the Legislative Palace will be armored, where it had already been fenced since last night. The measure is due to the fact that leftist organizations, Trotskyist parties, neighborhood assemblies and some unions will gather in Plaza Congreso to demonstrate against the policies and social policies of Javier Milei who will inaugurate the 142nd period of the ordinary sessions of the National Congress. for the first time since his government took office on December 10, 2023.

The operation will be equal to or more imposing than the one designed during the treatment of the megaproject of the so-called Omnibus Law. On that occasion, on Wednesday, January 31 and February 1 and 2, incidents and clashes occurred between protesters and the Federal Police, Gendarmerie, Prefecture and the Airport Security Police.

Although the Security portfolio did not specifically provide precise data on the number of troops that will be mobilized, Infobae was able to reconstruct that more than 3,500 federal agents will be mobilized, but that it could amount to about 5,000 if the Police of the city. There will also be a special device for the SAME and transit areas.

The Ministry of National Security, headed by Patricia Bullrich, will deploy an impressive display to enforce the anti-picket protocol

Five hydrant cars will lead the device that will be carried around the parliament, to prevent incidents or act in the event of possible disturbances and the cutting of arteries such as Entre Ríos, Callao, Rivadavia, Hipólito Yrigoyen, Avenida de Mayo and Combate de los Pozos, among others.

As already happened in previous devices, the Special Federal Operations Group will be part of the mega operation; the Motorized Police Corps; the White Brigade; the Special Tactical Assault Group (GEAT) of the Airport Security Police; the Special Force “Alacrán” of the Gendarmerie, and the Albatros Group of the Prefecture, among other special groups.

During the treatment of the so-called Omnibus Law there were incidents outside Congress (Gustavo Gavotti)

According to Minister Bullrich's reasoning, police intervention “avoids more serious incidents.” For this reason, she maintains, “the deployment of federal forces is not disproportionate.” “The security forces must have control to avoid a disaster,” they explained from the Bullrich portfolio and that the central command evaluates the actions of the bodies “according to the violence, the aggressiveness of those who have already accustomed us to make the decision to break everything,” they explain.

Piquetero organizations such as the Polo Obrero, the MST-Frente de Izquierda Unidad, the MTR Votamos Luchar; the Movement 29, the MTR April 12, the Classist and Combative Current (CCC), the Historical MTR, the Popular Rebellion Movement Facundo Morales, the Free People, the Tupac Amaru Neighborhood Organization, the Social Movements in Struggle, the CTA Neighborhood Front and the Tire Union (SUTNA), among other organizations, have already announced that, starting at 5:00 p.m., they will gather in front of Congress.

At 9 p.m., social organizations called for a national cacerolazo against the government of Javier Milei (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko)
The federal forces and the City Police will be attentive from the early hours. At 10 in the morning, picketer organizations and the Popular Economy Workers Union (UTEP) will hold a press conference at the Buenos Aires Obelisk through which they will denounce that the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello , continues without sending food to the community kitchens and that, in this situation, “the Milei government does not provide a response,” nor does it receive them. They will also warn about the “definancing of all social policies”, such as the urbanization of popular neighborhoods and the elimination of the Empower Work program.

Javier Milei's speech in front of deputies and senators is scheduled for 9 p.m. At that time, social and neighborhood organizations called for a “cacerolazo” against the administration of La Libertad Avanza.

avier Milei will give his first opening speech to ordinary sessions in parliament. The exterior will be fenced (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko)
According to Infobae, federal forces will also be present at the train and subway terminal stations of Constitución, Once and Retiro. At 5:30 p.m., Buenos Aires deputy Celeste Fierro, from the MST-Frente de Izquierda Unidad, called to “jump the turnstile” in Once and march to Congress. “The shipwreck of the Omnibus Law, the paralysis of the DNU and the questioning of the Protocol, show that the libertarian program is unviable, because it implies a true social catastrophe,” said the legislator who encourages non-payment of the fare. Given this attitude, and those that already happen, the Ministry of Transportation reported that the fine for evading the payment of the ticket and jumping the turnstile is $1,300 .

Despite the public request made by the piquetero leaders, the CGT did not call to mobilize in Congress this afternoon. Nor will most of the social organizations enrolled in the Union of Workers of the Popular Economy such as the Evita Movement, Somos/Barrios de Pie, the MTE, the Missionaries of Francisco Movement and, among others, demonstrate against the speech that the president will develop. the Darío Santillán Popular Front.

Today will once again be a key day for the Minister of Security: enforce the “anti-picketing protocol”, avoid provocations by protesters with federal forces to avoid incidents that can be prevented and be attentive to the “hooded men” who during the treatment of the Omnibus Law infiltrated the neighborhood assemblies, threw stones and objects at the police and gave rise to violent incidents.