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Politics The Government will distribute with the Army more than a thousand tons of powdered milk that is two months from expiration - Infobae

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The Government will distribute with the Army more than a thousand tons of powdered milk that is two months from expiration - Infobae​



May 30, 2024

The Ministry of Human Capital confirmed that they will be distributed urgently by military transport. They are in warehouses in the Buenos Aires suburbs and Tucumán. The Casa Rosada separated the dismissal of Pablo De la Torre from the controversy over food

By Facundo Chaves

Army trucks will be in charge of distributing milk that is close to its expiration date

The national government decided to urgently distribute, using Argentine Army trucks, nearly a thousand tons of powdered milk that has an expiration date in the month of July. This is merchandise that is in two warehouses, one in the Buenos Aires suburbs and another in the interior of Tucumán, which was detected after a series of investigations carried out after complaints filed before the Justice by social organizations.

The distribution of this vital food is the most urgent, since it is two months away from being unfit for human consumption. Due to the controversy surrounding undistributed food, the Ministry of Human Capital, headed by Sandra Pettovello, decided to open an investigation into the employees and officials in charge of controlling the stock.

In the midst of the controversy, the dismissal of the Secretary of Children and Family, Pablo De la Torre, was announced, and high sources at the Casa Rosada disassociated him from the scandal over food retained in government-dependent warehouses. “ It wasn't because of the food that they kicked him out. The discomfort came from before and serious events appeared that led to the decision being made ,” qualified official sources told this medium.

Sandra Pettovello asked the Argentine Army for assistance to distribute a thousand tons of powdered milk

“As a result of information received about the status and expiration dates of certain products acquired by the previous government (which are located in warehouses in Villa Martelli and Tafí Viejo in the province of Tucumán of the former Ministry of Social Development), it has carried out an audit and has decided to limit the powers of the responsible officials and employees who, due to poor performance of their tasks, have not carried out a permanent control of stock and expiration of merchandise," the Ministry reported.

That is why he anticipated that, along with “corresponding administrative investigations, a protocol is also being put in place for the immediate delivery of soon-to-expire food through the Argentine Army to guarantee fast and efficient logistics .”

This force has extensive experience in assisting the population in times of crisis and catastrophe, which is why the highest authorities expected from Human Capital the addresses where to withdraw and distribute the food.

As Infobae learned , the milk about to expire is in a Villa Martelli warehouse, located on Julio Argentino Roca Street, Florida Oeste, in the Buenos Aires suburbs, and on Avenida Independencia, in Tafí del Valle, in the interior. from Tucumán. According to sources, in those warehouses there are 1,066,000 kilos of powdered milk, about a thousand tons divided, mostly into 1-kilogram packages. There are more than 800 thousand units that will have to be distributed quickly so that they reach the people in need and, at the same time, delays are avoided.

Army trucks will be used to distribute powdered milk to social organizations

The national government carried out a control of the food that was housed in coups and warehouses dependent on Capital Humano after a complaint filed by social organizations, including the one headed by Juan Grabois. The Justice ordered that all information be presented on the stocks of stored products and, when the presence of food was detected close to its expiration date, it ordered to open an investigation and activate an immediate distribution operation.

Tonight, after knowing the official statement from the Government recognizing the situation, Grabois warned: “There are not five but six thousand tons of food in the government warehouses; To make matters worse, there are 339,867 kg of powdered milk that yields 2,718,936 liters of liquid milk that expire in July and the delivery schedule has not yet been presented. In total there are 924,970 kilos of milk. scoundrels!”