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The Government will eliminate more than 120,000 pensions: who will be affected and what are the criteria - Infobae​



September 03, 2024

The National Disability Agency will carry out a review of disability allowances, which could affect thousands of people who do not meet all the requirements

Ongoing audits could significantly reduce the number of beneficiaries of disability pensions (Pensa ANDIS)

The National Government has decided to carry out an exhaustive audit process on Non-Contributory Pensions for Occupational Disability , which will result in the elimination of between 120,000 and 160,000 of these benefits in the coming months. This adjustment responds to the detection of irregularities in the granting of pensions, with the aim of ensuring that only those who really need it continue to receive this support from the State.

The National Agency for Disability (ANDIS) , together with the National Directorate of Support and Economic Allowances, began auditing approximately 400,000 beneficiaries of Non-Contributory Pensions for Occupational Disability. These audits initially focused on the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, and then extended to the province of Buenos Aires and other regions of the country.

According to estimates by ANDIS, between 30% and 40% of the audited cases could result in the suspension of benefits granted by the National Social Security Administration ( ANSES ). This means that between 120,000 and 160,000 people could lose this benefit, which represents 70% of the value of the minimum pension in Argentina.

Suspension criteria​

The suspension decisions are based on the identification of irregularities in the granting of these pensions during previous administrations. An initial review of 2,559 cases revealed that only 7% met the legal requirements to receive the pension, which led to the intensification of audits . Among the irregularities detected, there are the presentation of falsified medical documentation , the use of the same X-ray in multiple files , and cases in which pensions were granted to people who did not meet the conditions of occupational disability.

In addition, significant incompatibilities were identified in around 35% of the pensions granted. These incompatibilities mainly relate to the possession of undeclared assets , formal employment , and medical conditions that do not justify work disability .

Diego Spagnuolo, director of ANDIS, and president Javier Milei (ANDIS Press)

Who will be affected?​

The people most affected by this measure will be those who currently receive a Non-Contributory Pension for Occupational Disability without meeting the criteria established by current regulations. This type of pension is intended for people who, due to health problems or situations of social vulnerability, cannot work and lack other income. It is important to note that these pensions are incompatible with other State benefits, such as the Universal Child Allowance or the Pregnancy Allowance.

Those most affected include those beneficiaries whose health conditions do not justify the pension, those who own significant assets (such as vehicles, property, or even airplanes and boats) or those who have formal employment. Also under review are those cases in which the documentation presented to justify the disability is suspicious or clearly fraudulent, as demonstrated by the x-rays of animals that were used to obtain pensions.

Amounts and requirements to access pensions​

To apply for a Non-Contributory Pension for Occupational Disability, it is necessary to meet certain requirements:

  • not receive other income from the State
  • not having formal employment
  • have insufficient income
  • be an Argentine citizen or resident with more than 10 years of seniority in the country
  • not be deprived of liberty in a penitentiary establishment
The amount of this pension is equivalent to 70% of the minimum pension. In August 2024, this value was $157,878, with an expected increase to $164,240 in September , following a 4.03% increase in pensions.

Review process and legal consequences​

The audit process, which has already begun in the City of Buenos Aires and the Province of Buenos Aires, will be extended to other regions of the country in the coming months. In parallel to these audits, criminal charges were initiated to investigate and punish those responsible for the irregularities detected. The National Agency for Disability, in coordination with the Ministry of Health and the judiciary, seeks not only to clean up the pension system but also to hold accountable those who participated in the improper management of these resources.

The Director of ANDIS, Diego Spagnuolo , has emphasized that these audits do not seek to harm those who really need the benefit, but rather to eliminate those cases in which the pension was granted fraudulently. According to Spagnuolo, the objective is to restore transparency in the system and ensure that state resources are allocated to those who really need them.