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Politics The Government will explain before the Federal Chamber the reasons why it does not distribute 5 thousand tons of food - Infobae

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The Government will explain before the Federal Chamber the reasons why it does not distribute 5 thousand tons of food - Infobae​



May 30, 2024

He will do so next week before judges Martín Irurzun, Eduardo Farah and Roberto Boico. Magistrate Sebastián Casanello had ordered that the portfolio headed by Sandra Pettovello present a plan for the immediate delivery of these foods

By Andres Klipphan

Sandra Pettovello, Minister of Human Capital

The Ministry of Human Capital informed Chamber II of the Buenos Aires Federal Court of Appeals that on Wednesday, June 5, it will orally present its arguments for which it appealed the resolution of Judge Sebastián Casanello that ordered Sandra Pettovello's portfolio to present a plan for the immediate delivery of the five tons of food that the government has stored in two warehouses.

The decision of the first instance magistrate had been appealed yesterday by the legal undersecretary of Human Capital, Leila Gianni. The judge imposed a period of 72 hours to develop a plan for the distribution of dry food intended for social assistance housed in a warehouse in the province of Buenos Aires and another in Tucumán. He also requested “his immediate execution . ” In addition, he organized an operation to obtain details of everything stored.

The government objected to that decision and it was presented to the Federal Chamber. The case was handled by Chamber II of the court, made up of judges Martín Irurzun, Eduardo Farah and Roberto Boico, who called a hearing for Capital Humano's lawyers next Wednesday to hear their arguments. The government had the option of requesting that the hearing be oral or present its arguments in writing. Leila Gianni decided to do it in person. She wants her presentation to be heard by the magistrates.

In the appeal brief, the lawyer stated that the question of how resources are distributed, in this case food that had been acquired by the previous administration, is a “non-judicial political question . ” Along the same lines, he developed: “In this sense, political issues constitute an exception through which the Courts are excluded from hearing and deciding on certain issues that, in most cases, imply relevant institutional importance. since if the Judicial Branch interferes in them, the balance and independence of powers, enshrined in our National Constitution, would be altered.”

Juan Grabois filed a complaint against Sandra Pettovello for the suspension of food delivery in community kitchens located throughout the country, within the framework of the “Argentine National Plan against Hunger (Gastón Taylor)

The third foundation of Human Capital lies in a “lack of competition and illegality of the ordered measure” , while the last points out the “arbitrariness of the ordered measure” . At that point it is indicated that Casanello's resolution is also “ contradictory .” Along these lines, he expresses that the judge “arrogates to himself powers” that are inherent to the Ministry.

Within this framework, Gianni stressed that it is a function of the Ministry of Human Capital to decide on the distribution of food. Likewise, he highlights the “power to develop food policies, establish priorities and determine when they should be distributed and under what circumstances based on the Current Laws and Agreements.” La Libertad Avanza had also argued that these foods were preserved for “catastrophe” situations.

The measure ordered by Casanello was dictated in the same resolution in which he requested the investigative statement of 23 piqueteros leaders for the alleged extortion they carried out on beneficiaries of the Empower Work program against those who threatened them to attend the marches carried out by social organizations, Otherwise, the social plan was lost. Among the main defendants are the leader of the Polo Obrero, Eduardo Belliboni , and his second, Jeremías Cantero .

Today the same magistrate ordered the inhibition of Belliboni's assets, which was called for investigation on June 25. The decision was made after suspicion of the organization's money management through fraudulent invoices and drawn expenses.

The Government denounced the existence of "Ghost Eaters" Maximiliano Luna

Pettovello's decision to cut off the supply of dry food to community soup kitchens and picnic areas through social organizations and picketers was made after a series of audits revealed the alleged existence of "ghost kitchens", meaning that they do not exist, any of whom were listed as receiving bags of food.

Last February, the presidential candidate of Unión por la Patria, Juan Grabois, filed a complaint against Pettovello for the suspension of the delivery of these foods in community kitchens located throughout the country, within the framework of the “Argentine National Plan against Hunger.” The same social and political leader believed that it was false that the five thousand tons of food that is stored in the warehouses of the former Ministry of Social Development are reserved for a “catastrophe as the Government says.”

Grabois, who denounced Pettovello for the alleged crimes of “abuse of authority and violation of the duties of a public official,” said: “We clarify that the argument that food is stored for 'catastrophes' is absolutely false , there is no evidence. documents that allow us to affirm such a question, and, on the contrary, we show - in the judicial case being instructed by prosecutor Paloma Ochoa - documentation that indicates that the food is acquired to serve people in situations of social vulnerability .

In appealing the measure ordered by Casanello, Capital Humano attached an inventory with the food in stock and stored in the Villa Martelli and Tucumán warehouses . Thus, it specifies that, in both distribution centers, 62.6% corresponds to yerba mate .