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Politics The Government will propose creating a special prosecutor's office to investigate corruption among public officials - Infobae


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The Government will propose creating a special prosecutor's office to investigate corruption among public officials - Infobae


January 25, 2024

Presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni announced that the Minister of Justice, Mariano Cúneo Libarona, will take the proposal to Attorney General Eduardo Casal. He will put the magnifying glass on members of the Executive and Legislative powers, both at the national and provincial levels.


At the beginning of the usual conference he holds at Casa Rosada, Manuel Adorni anticipated the questions from the press and announced that the national government will propose “creating a special prosecutor's office that is in charge of investigating the corruption of public officials .”

“The Minister of Justice (Mariano Cúneo Libarona) is going to suggest to Attorney General Ricardo Casal the creation of a special prosecutor's office,” the spokesperson announced. “It will focus “especially on cases of political enrichment and unjustified asset increases ,” he expanded.

To give more details about the ongoing proposal, Adorni added that the prosecutor's office will investigate, in cases where warranted, “all national and provincial public officials , both in the Executive Branch and the Legislative Branch . ”

The Minister of Justice Mariano Cúneo Libarona speaks before the deputies (Photo: Franco Fafasuli)

CGT strike: “A minority that cannot metabolize the result of the election”
The presidential spokesperson, before releasing questions to the journalists present at Casa Rosada, also spoke about the strike and mobilization called by the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) for yesterday, in rejection of the DNU and the Omnibus Law proposed by the Government by Javier Milei.

The strike was attended by 40 thousand people, which is what we saw on the street . For us it went just as we had planned. A practically normal day, the mobilization lasted approximately three hours, transportation functioned normally until 7 p.m., and life in the commercial premises has been practically normal,” said Adorni.

And he added: “Even reports from different associations indicate that compliance has been very low . So, we highlight the operation of the protocol, the complaint mechanisms that we have implemented through line 134 and we thank the millions of Argentines who continue to trust us and have not joined this strike that has represented only 0.19% from the workers. We understand that this strike had more of a political nature than actually something that arose from the workers themselves.

Manuel Adorni maintained that “40,000 people responded to the strike” (Photo: AFP)

A minority cannot metabolize the result of the election , and in these fights, with issues that are not the Argentina that we want, such as throwing a minister into the Riachuelo or demonizing businessmen, we understand that these issues are merely issues of spasms of a union caste that is clearly in retreat,” he concluded on the subject.