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Real Estate News The Government will repeal the rental law: What it means for tenants - CLARIN



The Government will repeal the rental law: What it means for tenants - CLARIN​




This was confirmed by the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem.

Virtually no new agreements are being signed under the law that was voted in October, expectations regarding Milei's decree are growing.

The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem, reconfirmed this Wednesday that within the package of measures - which Javier Milei will present tonight - is the repeal of the rental law.

The Deputy did not want to elaborate or give details about the deregulation decree, however, during a radio interview he made it clear that the measure has already been taken.

The main question that arises, then, is about how the locations will be agreed upon after the publication of the decree .

Going by the principles that Javier Milei advocated during the campaign, the repeal of this law would be based on freedom between parties : even agreeing on what currency would be used to close the transaction.

In any case, Menem avoided entering into specific definitions and did not specify whether after the repeal the previous law will be restored , or whether he will send a new text to Congress.

The rental law was passed in July 2020 and since then criticism has rained down, especially due to the overwhelming reduction in operations.

According to Tenants Grouped, the repeal of the rental law would imply:

  • Deadlines: eliminate 3 years of contracts; and return to the classics 2 years long.
  • Dollarization: the currency in which contracts will be agreed will arise from an agreement between the parties and can be agreed upon in any currency.
  • Price adjustment: it may be updated by inflation index, dollar, gasoline, or whatever is agreed upon by the parties involved.
  • Guarantee: anyone can request it and the surety insurance is universalized.
  • Deposit: the concept of a two-month deposit upon entering the property is maintained.
  • Expenses: tenants must pay ordinary and extraordinary expenses. In general, extraordinary expenses that have to do with building repairs, painting or other issues that affect the common good, were paid by the owners.
  • Electronic address: here will no longer be the possibility of establishing a contact email between tenants and owners.

"From what we have seen and talked about, it goes in that direction, ," said Menem in dialogue with Marcelo Longobardi's "Cada morn" program, which is broadcast on Radio Rivadavia.
