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Politics The Government will stop paying compensation to victims of State terrorism who present irregularities - Infobae

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The Government will stop paying compensation to victims of State terrorism who present irregularities - Infobae​



April 22, 2024

It was reported by the Minister of Justice, Mariano Cúneo Libarona. They will begin an audit, since they claim to have detected maneuvers to falsify data, and are analyzing claiming a refund of money collected.

Esma was one of the clandestine detention centers during the last dictatorship (Reuters)

The National Government reported this Monday that it will stop paying compensation claimed by people who claim to have been victims of State terrorism during the last military dictatorship in the country, after having detected irregularities in the procedures, according to the Ministry of Justice .

“We arranged to carry out a comprehensive audit of all requests made within the framework of the Property Reparation Laws for victims of State terrorism,” wrote Minister Mariano Cúneo Libarona , reporting on the statement.

According to the text, disseminated through the official X account of the national organization, the measure is due to the detection of “different cases with irregularities in the processing, granting and/or payment” of the benefit for the people who were to crimes against humanity.

The events took place during the de facto government, between 1976 and 1983, in which members of the Armed Forces disappeared and tortured people. Until today, the State had compensated the damage suffered by the victims. With the disposition adopted by the current management, that will be subject to review.

The minister, a member of President Javier Milei 's cabinet , advanced the decision through ministerial resolution N RS - 2024 - 40979055 - APN - MJ, through which a comprehensive audit of all orders made under the laws is imposed of patrimonial reparation for victims of State terrorism.

The motives​

Among the foundations, Justice points out that the measure arises from the case “” Martínez Moreira, Adrián and others on fraud, falsification of public documents and illicit association ”, and which was confirmed by Chamber II of the National Court of Appeal in Criminal Matters. and Federal Correctional Facility. In this file, people were prosecuted who are accused of having falsified data to receive the benefit granted by the State. The national organization assures that it is not the only case.

“The Ministry will articulate the measures to not pay the financial sums of the benefits to those who do not correspond. It will also pursue the return of sums paid through fraud and that have been improperly collected so that they are returned to the State coffers,” concludes the text shared by Cúneo Libarona.

Mariano Cúneo Liberano shared the resolution that stops the payment of compensation to victims of State terrorism, after detecting irregularities (Photo: Adrián Escandar)

The economic compensation and pensions that the State granted to date to the victims of the last military dictatorship are provided for by six national laws enacted between 1991 and 2013. They are applied when a complainant initiates a lawsuit against the State and proves the damage in a judicial case. . However, the Government maintains that many of the rulings may have been obtained through false documentation.

The body in charge of its execution was the Directorate of Reparatory Policies Management, which coordinates with the Judiciary to obtain the necessary evidence for the accreditation of each reparation request, and which depends on the Ministry of Justice.

After the resolution, the minister reported that the alleged scam nests in around 100 cases, with procedures initiated in Justice, in which payments of 150 thousand dollars were claimed in each presentation, which makes a figure of 15 million dollars. . The Government maintains that all of these present suspicions, on the part of those who initiated the process, of having falsified data. “This could not have happened without the collaboration of officials,” Cúneo Libarona denounced in statements to LN+ .

The official indicated that the State has already paid 7,996 compensation to victims of terrorism in Argentina. He also faced the compensation of 14,400 cases of exiles.

The resolution issued this Monday by the portfolio led by Minister Cúneo Libarona has as a precedent in the ruling party an initiative that Victoria Villarruel had defended even before being elected Vice President.

In 2021, even before becoming a National Deputy, Javier Milei's running mate had stated: “ The work of human rights is still valid .” It consists of an impressive amount of compensation to detained, missing, exiled people and appropriate children. There were victims of these alleged disappearances who were compensated, because there is a law that provides for it,” Villarruel critically stated on that occasion.