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Politics The gross salary of senators will exceed $7 million: the plot behind a controversial vote - Infobae

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The gross salary of senators will exceed $7 million: the plot behind a controversial vote - Infobae​



April 18, 2024

It will be the salary for May, to be collected in June. The net is 4.5 million pesos. The total is calculated on a per diem basis, plus representation and uprooting expenses. If the Government had not forced the deactivation of the February increase, this figure would have risen to $3.5 million. Villarruel's Anger

By Mariano Casal

The senators voted by show of hands to increase the allowances (NA)

The senators raised the allowance to more than $7 million gross for May, or close to $4.5 million in hand starting next June, in a controversial vote without debate and by show of hands, which was enabled in less than a minute and with doubts due to the number of legislators who later came out to clarify, desperate, to reaffirm their rejection. The most curious thing about all this is that, if the Government had not forced to deactivate the increase granted by Victoria Villarruel and Martín Menem at the end of last February, the amount to be collected would be half, that is, $3.5 million since the middle of anus.

The mess began yesterday, during the Parliamentary Labor meeting held by block heads and several legislators along with Villarruel. The topic arose there, although several continued it after the Vice President's departure from the party. As it was a draft resolution, she had no say in the decision adopted .

Villarruel did defend the raise granted last February, which after various accusations from the Casa Rosada he deactivated along with Menem. It had been, on that occasion, a joint resolution. The Riojan did fold quickly at that time for fear of being on the other side of the Executive's wishes.

The conversations continued throughout yesterday afternoon. It was decided to keep it private and present a draft resolution that took parliamentary status at noon today. It included the signature of several opposition legislators and also one of the ruling party, Bruno Olivera Lucero . After the session, the libertarian leader in the upper house, Ezequiel Atauche , informed accredited journalists that no one from the bench voted for the initiative in question. “ We want to earn the same as -the presidential spokesperson, Manuel- Adorni. They also raised him recently ,” an experienced senator told Infobae .

Also included in the batch of signatories are the head of the Kirchnerist bloc, José Mayans , the dissident Peronists Juan Carlos Romero and Carlos Espínola , Lucila Crexell from Neuquén , the radical Pablo Blanco and the renewal missionary - not a massist - Sonia Rojas Decut , among others.

The head of the Frente de Todos in the upper house, José Mayans

If we are talking about numbers, the text establishes that the allowances will be made up of 2,500 modules -of $1,800-, plus an additional 1,000 modules for representation expenses and 500 additional modules for uprooting. Regarding this last point, only four do not currently charge it. In addition, one more diet will be added to the current 12 to compensate for the bonus. According to what an office told this media, the initial intention was for a greater number of modules .

During this morning a new meeting was held between different forces to reinforce the project and protect it. At the venue, the one who took the lead was Romero, who requested the incorporation of the topic and asked to enable it on tables. Two thirds were needed. Villarruel put the definition by show of hands and, although some legislators did not do so, it was validated. Without debate, the initiative was formally voted on again and approved .

Under these parameters, the final gross concept from next May - to be collected in June - will be: allowance of 2,500 modules of $1,800, which gives $4.5 million; uprooting of 500 modules, $900,000s; and representation expenses, $1.8 million. It totals $7.2 million. In hand, about $4.5 million .

What happened this Thursday mobilized the feelings of several deputies in the Chamber managed by Menem. In the Senate, from an office it was heard in the afternoon: “ In the end, if they left the increase with which so much scandal was created, all this would not happen .”

The vice president and head of the Upper House, Victoria Villarruel (NA)

Hours after the session, repercussions appeared from Milei, Villarruel and senators who now ask the president of the Upper House for “the possibility of not including the authorized increase” in their diets, as in the case of the Mendoza radicals Mariana Juri and Rodolfo Suarez . To all this must be added the statements of the ruling party about the rejection in the venue, as well as the Pro in its entirety.

Several issues can be found in today's bag of rubble. First, legislators who agreed and then took their feet off the plate; second, two votes - one required two-thirds - by show of hands and quickly, without any request for both to be by electronic means, so that there would be no record of each decision; and third, senators who fiddled with their hand so as not to actually show what they were endorsing .

“Many complain or reject it, but let's see if they donate this increase or not. In the end, the Kirchnerists and Peronists were much more organic than the rest of the room and supported the stoppage ,” a legislator told the accredited press at the end of the session.