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Politics The image of President Javier Milei fell in 14 provinces - Infobae

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The image of President Javier Milei fell in 14 provinces - Infobae​



June 06, 2024

The perception of the president's figure showed declines in May, according to a recent survey. In any case, in only five districts the negative perception exceeds the positive one. Who are the governors and mayors best viewed by citizens?

Argentina's President Javier Milei speaks at a business event, in Buenos Aires, Argentina June 5, 2024. REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian

The image of President Javier Milei registered a drop in 14 of the 24 provinces during May, compared to the previous month, according to a survey published by CB Consultora Opinión Pública .

The decline in the president's perception, coinciding with the worsening of the economic recession and employment in the industrial sectors , had the greatest impact in the province of Buenos Aires, where the drop was 3.5%, the most pronounced on record. . The district managed by Axel Kicillof is the second where the libertarian economist has the worst image (54%), just below Santiago del Estero (54.8%).

Although the drop in May is general, the truth is that the head of state only has a negative image higher than the positive one in 5 provinces: Buenos Aires , Chaco , Tierra del Fuego , Formosa and Santiago del Estero . The greatest positive image is found this month in the province of Córdoba (64.8%). There, it rose 2.9%, which could respond to an effect of the celebrations for May 25 , when Milei traveled to carry out an official activity even though the promised “May Pact” did not materialize.

Other notable data were the impact of the crisis in Misiones , after the police uprising and the teaching and public employee strikes. The positive image fell from 52.4% to 49.7%, about 2.7 points.

More striking is the situation of Tucumán , a traditional bastion of Peronism and one of the most populous districts in the north. There, the presidential image had a drop in the positive image of 3 points, from 56.6 to 53.6% in one month. This data contrasts with the perception of Governor Osvaldo Jaldo , a leader who distanced himself from Unión por la Patria and appears to be allied with Milei. Jaldo was third in positive image this month, with 63.7% in favor and an increase of 0.4 points compared to the previous period.

Santiago del Estero is the province that values President Javier Milei the least

In addition to Jaldo, on the podium of the best rated governors in June are Maximiliano Pullaro (UCR) , from Santa Fe, with 64.3% that allowed him to lead the ranking, while Ignacio Torres (PRO) , from Chubut, came third. These are two leaders who show a particular profile: they are young, they maintain a position of collaboration with the Government, but they do not hesitate to strain the relationship with Milei.

The worst rated in May were Axel Kicillof , with 40.3% positive image, which leaves him in last place. He is followed by Ricardo Quintela, from La Rioja, with 41.2%, and Gustavo Sáenz , from Salta, with 44.5% of positive image.

The governor who grew the most compared to the consultancy's last measurement was Alberto Weretilneck (+3.1%), while again, in Misiones, Governor Hugo Passalacqua was the one who fell the most and fell 5.4% as a result of the strong protests .

Of the governors, Maximiliano Pullaro is the one who has the most positive image in his province

The ranking of the mayors​

At the local level, in the interior of the country there were also changes. The three Mayors at the federal level best valued by their neighbors in June were Gustavo Sastre , from Puerto Madryn (58.1%), followed by Roger Nediani from La Banda (57.7%), and Leandro Stelatto from Posadas (57.5%). .

In contrast, the three Mayors with the worst image in their city this month are: Walter Vuoto from the city of Ushuaia (37.7%) coming in last place, followed by Armando Molina from La Rioja (39.6%) and Walter Cortez de Bariloche (40.5%).

The curious fact is the good performance that a leader of an important municipal district had: Julio Alak, from La Plata, was the one who grew his image the most compared to the last measurement (+2.2%), while Mariano Gaido, from Neuquén , was the one that fell the most with a drop of 3.5 percent.

The mayor of Puerto Madryn, Gustavo Sastre, heads the ranking of municipal leaders


Population Object of Study: General population over 16 years of age


Quotas: Sex, educational level, geolocation and age group.

Affixation: Uniform Information Collection Technique: CB CAWI Research (Online)

Information Collection Instrument: Structured questionnaire of closed questions with direct application.


Total sample by province: 18,625 total cases (Average 620 -1,285 cases per province)

AVERAGE Sampling Error: +/- 3 to 4%

Field Work: JUNE 1 to 4, 2024

Sampling Procedure: Stratified by provincial districts.


Sample size by municipalities: 10,399 total cases (Average 378-567 cases per Municipality)

AVERAGE Sampling Error: +/- 4 to 5%

Field Work: JUNE 1 to 4, 2024

Sampling Procedure: Stratified by municipal districts.