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Politics The intimacy of Javier Milei's barbecue in Olivos with the deputies who supported the veto of the pension reform - Infobae

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The intimacy of Javier Milei's barbecue in Olivos with the deputies who supported the veto of the pension reform - Infobae

September 18, 2024

There were several absences from the PRO bloc. They brought a posnet from the Casa Rosada to collect 20 thousand pesos from each of the guests. Santiago Caputo and Guillermo Francos were together

By Eduardo Menegazzi

The deputies, in the queue to pay for dinner at the Olivos barbecue area.

In Javier Milei's entourage, everyone expressed their satisfaction with the result of the barbecue they shared last night in Olivos with a large part of the 87 deputies who supported the presidential veto of the pension reform that both Chambers had approved in Congress. It was a result that prevented the president from defeating him and consolidated a sufficient bloc to establish itself as a "legislative shield" against future opposition attempts to impose the aggravated two-thirds majority.

Many of the guests arrived at the Presidential Residence from Congress, where three minivans were waiting for them. Others went in their own cars, in taxis or in vehicles hired through apps. Most wanted to arrive early, before 8:30 p.m., because they were warned that the places where they were going to be located had not been previously assigned.

Karina Milei and presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni also swiped their debit cards through the payment system installed in Olivos.

That is why, at the long U-shaped table, near the head of the table where the President sat, very close were the deputy Romina Diez (very close to Karina Milei), the head of the libertarian bench in the House of Representatives, Gabriel Bornoroni, José Luis Espert (president of the Budget and Finance Committee in the Lower House) and the PRO legislators Cristian Ritondo, Diego Santilli and Patricia Vásquez.

Upon entering, everyone had to leave their cell phones behind, while the catering was being carried out with a “tray” of bruschetta. At a table in the Reception Hall where the event took place, some of the employees of the Casa Rosada dining room were using a posnet to receive payment of the $20 thousand pesos that each of the guests had to pay. The money raised went to the General Secretariat of the Presidency, which is responsible for the dining room.

Milei arrived around 9pm while the diners were already enjoying empanadas, as a starter for the main course. “She gave a few words of welcome, it was brief, not very long, she thanked the deputies, she asked us to work together,” said one of the PRO attendees.

The head of state asked: “ Let us all continue to work together, as we have done until now. Together we can form a scrum (a formation in rugby in which players gather to fight for the ball) to block attempts to destabilise the economy.”

Javier Milei spoke to the deputies who went to Quinta de Olivos

He also repeated the arguments he had already presented to them at the meeting on August 30 at Balcarce 50 when he detailed the reasons for the veto of the pension reform approved in Congress by 162 affirmative votes, in a brief speech that lasted no more than 5 minutes.

" He talked about the deficit generated by the opposition's retirement formula and that it was not the way to address the solution to the conflict ," said another legislator.

Everyone stressed that “there was a very good vibe, a calm atmosphere among everyone” and that the last ones left after 11pm. Milei was there until the end saying goodbye to the guests.

The absence of some of the PRO deputies was surprising. There were 25 of the 38 that make up the group. In addition to Ritondo and Santilli, the following were present: Maria Eugenia Vidal, Martin Yeza, Silvana Giudici, Hernan Lombardi, Alejandro Finocchiaro, Damian Arabia, Maria Florencia De Sensi, Maria Sotolano, Sabrina Ajmechet, Fernando Iglesias, Martin Maquieyra, Patricia Vazquez, Gabriel Chumpitaz, Jose Nunez, Germana Figueroa Casas, Veronica Razzini, Laura Rodriguez Machado, Karina Bachey, Sergio Capozzi, Martin Ardohain, Emmanuel Bianchetti and Gabriela Besana. There were 4 who did not receive the invitation at all.


Patricia Bullrich pays the $20 thousand of her insurance

There were also absentees from the radical side. Of the five who supported the veto, only Mariano Campero from Tucumán went to Olivos, since the other four could not be there for different reasons. There was perfect attendance from the MID and the presidential forces that support the Government in most of its initiatives.

“It was very important for the Government, I think, the possibility of fraternizing with Deputies from other allied political sectors that we have worked together with since the beginning of the year, despite the fact that at the beginning we had differences over how the pension adjustment reform was handled,” explained this morning on Radio Mitre, the Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, who sat next to the president. To his right was seen the presidential advisor, Santiago Caputo, who until the last moment remained incognito about whether he would participate in the dinner.

“The president is very pleased with this and wanted to meet with them all to talk. This is not a normal task, but he understands that politics involves that. He dedicated himself to the task of persuasion and it was a very good-natured meeting with a lot of camaraderie,” Francos added.

Milei speaks in front of the deputies during a barbecue at the Quinta de Olivos