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Politics The labor reform and the change in the pension formula crossed the political debate at the AmCham summit - Infobae

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The labor reform and the change in the pension formula crossed the political debate at the AmCham summit - Infobae​



March 12, 2024

At the annual event that brings together businessmen from the main multinationals based in the country, national government officials, deputies and union members presented opposing positions on the axes of the Omnibus law and the Milei DNU

By Brend Struminger

Nicolas Stulberg

The Government's labor reform plan , which is being stopped by Justice in its version of the DNU, and the change in the retirement mobility formula that could be debated tomorrow in Congress went straight through the 2024 AmCham Summit that was held today in the Convention Center of the City of Buenos Aires, with presentations in separate panels of national officials, pro-government and opposition legislators, and union members, as well as businessmen.

The meeting of the CEOS of multinationals based in the country took place prior to the special session that will be held tomorrow at the request of the interblock We Make Federal Coalition to debate the update of retirements. The Government saw the formula with which it sought to modify it fail at the beginning of the administration, and since then it has not moved forward with a new concrete proposal. For this reason, the dialogueist opponents led by Miguel Pichetto, with the support of radicalism and, probably, Kircherism, rushed the discussion yesterday with the justification that the income of the beneficiaries cannot wait in the face of the strong advance of inflation.
The political crusade moved to several of the panels of the event that brings together the North American establishment. In the morning, as Infobae published , the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem, practically ruled out an accompaniment of La Libertad Avanza in the chamber, even though he was forced to call the special session. While several Pro deputies who visited the conference center let Infobae know, off the record, that they will probably differ from their Hacemos peers and will not provide a quorum.

With an opposite position, in the afternoon the national deputy Juan Manuel López, from the Civic Coalition, the author of the project that aims to tie the retirement formula to the consumer price index and, consequently, to inflation, spoke. He was accompanied, on stage, by the president of the Unión por la Patria bloc, Germán Martínez, who was aligned with the position, although he was careful to fully confirm support.

Nicolás Stulberg

The debate took place prior to the special session that the ruling party was forced to call for tomorrow at the request of the pressure exerted by the bloc made up of López and chaired by the dialogueist Pichetto. This branch of allied opponents tried to set the tone for the Government, which is delaying the presentation of the Omnibus law and, therefore, the retirement reform.

The issue has been discussed practically since the beginning of Javier Milei's administration. The President's proposal to improve pension management at the request of the Executive fell with the Bases law at the beginning of February. And since then libertarians have resisted treating the most pressing points separately. Instead, they waited for the Legislative Assembly, where they sought to reset the relationship with like-minded opponents with a view to re-presenting their founding battery of measures as a whole. And just today the President confirmed, together with José Luis Espert, from Avanza Libertad, who had just joined LLA, that they will include the new formula in that project.

Opponents expressed discomfort, in public and in reserve, with this delay. They have been warning about the decrease in the purchasing power of retirees, especially with the strong inflation percentages registered between December, January and February. And this afternoon, in front of dozens of CEOs, they revealed that they can no longer wait. “We have a (block) meeting this afternoon, but we are of the idea that Congress has to be open and functioning. And if that leads us to the possibility of developing consensus to make agendas, that is what is important,” Martínez said this afternoon, sitting next to López, Florencio Randazzo (who is part of the Hacemos bench) and the radical senator from Corrientes, Eduardo Vischi.

(Nicolas Stulberg)

“Will there be a quorum?” the moderator, Alejandro Fantino, asked López, who could not give a reliable answer: “The session has been scheduled. “We want to try a pension formula that accompanies inflation every month,” he said. While Randazzo clarified: “We accompany.”

Martínez distanced himself from the Government, but was more open to dialogue than in the Chamber of Deputies, where he usually has bellicose interventions: “The Government has to realize that it cannot do it alone, and we have to build consensus for what is coming. We have to have dialogues to generate an alternative agenda to the one Milei proposes,” he said. For now, the different blocks defined what to do this afternoon, and everything indicates that the outcome of Pichetto's move will not be known until tomorrow.

Labour reform​

Labor reform was also the other central axis of the meeting. The president of the Chamber, Menem, argued for long minutes this morning about the need to update the laws that regulate the labor market. While the Kirchnerist from Santa Fe, Martínez, later contrasted with the allegation that this type of modification in the rules “does not necessarily have to imply subtracting rights.”

The issue was addressed in greater depth in the section featuring the UPCN and Health union leaders, Andrés Rodríguez and Héctor Dáer, who asked the Government to call them to negotiate the details of an initiative that directly affects them, and ensure that any change is debated in Congress, instead of acting by decree.

Adrian Escandar

In the end, the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, in charge of the closing panel, was willing to talk with the leaders of the unions grouped in the CGT, who have been threatening to carry out a second strike against the adjustment. “I have had several coffees with the CGT, with those who were there today and with others, talking. We have different visions out there, but there is something evident: when you have a country with more informal workers than formal ones, it is a market to capture,” he said in front of the union members' invoices.

And he closed with his usual willingness to dialogue: “You can talk, we will have some differences, but I am convinced that we can find agreement mechanisms to make the market more competitive.”

López, from the CC, said that he agreed with a labor reform: “There are new forms of work that must be legislated. “The fines for unregistered dismissals have been distorted and have not worked for years,” he exemplified.

While Martínez noted that the reduction of working hours "is an important issue." “I want to get rid of the stigma. If it is neoliberal, we don't want it. But I prepared a report on the modernization of inclusive labor reforms and today the world does not discuss reforms to take away rights,” he concluded. The debate is open, and the Government has not yet decided whether to include the reform that it had promoted in the DNU in the Omnibus bill that, for now, it has only presented to society in broad strokes and without definitions.