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Politics The left called for an event in Congress and called for a plan to fight against the Government - Infobae

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The left called for an event in Congress and called for a plan to fight against the Government - Infobae​



May 25, 2024

Political, union and social leaders called for a 36-hour strike with mobilization against the “Bases Law”

Left-wing organizations mobilized today in front of Congress and called for a 36-hour strike at the union centers

The Left-Unity Front (FIT-U) and other parties, such as the Movement towards Socialism (MAS) and Política Obrera , held an event today in front of Plaza Congreso to coordinate a “fight plan” against the government of Javier Milei and promote a 36-hour national strike with mobilization when the “Bases Law” is discussed .

Thousands of left-wing activists and representatives from unions, internal commissions, social organizations, neighborhood assemblies, the student and women's movements, human rights organizations, among others, participated in the meeting, coinciding with the national day of May 25 .

According to what was reported, the activity discussed measures “to support the struggles, coordinate actions and propose a way out so that the crisis is paid for by big businessmen.”

The head of the tire union (SUTNA), Alejandro Crespo , was in charge of the opening: “Milei's macabre plan aims to break the morale of the working class. That is why this great plenary speaks forcefully and decisively against the persecution of our comrades from the social movements, piqueteros. Here we are all part of the working class and we defend each other.”

And he continued: “The government attacks jobs, purchasing power and intends to erase the achievements, that is why when the Bases Law is discussed we need a general strike with mobilization to surround the Senate because the people understand that they cannot continue like this and less impose structural laws that end historical rights.”

“This plenary session is of the fighters who fought against all governments, that gives us a responsibility to maintain enormous unity to defend the workers against those responsible for Milei being in the government and defeat Milei. We have to build a great class movement in all unions to be able to fight with the working class against any attempt to destroy us,” he concluded.

PTS leaders present at the event

Claudio Dellecarbonara , member of the Executive Secretariat of the Subway Union and the Movement of Classist Groups (MAC), highlighted the enormous call that is proposed as “an alternative to the union bureaucracy that does not want to confront Milei.”

“Faced with the possibility that the Bases Law will be approved in the Senate, the leadership of the CGT now says that they have already mobilized too much and that they have already stopped too much. To these people who have nothing to do with the working class we say very strongly that we are going to promote the broadest coordination and mobilization so that there are thousands of us in the street the day the law is discussed in the Senate and surround Congress," held.

According to the metrodelegate, among the resolutions of the meeting there was a call to “mobilize independently on the day the Bases Law is discussed in the Senate, as well as coordinate solidarity and active and concrete mobilization in struggles to confront the layoffs.”

For Dellecarbonara, Peronism “has been letting the adjustment pass and is only considering channeling the anger towards the 2025 and 2027 elections.” “They are preparing to return to a country with millions of people in poverty and destitution. We do not want that, we want to fight now, we have a clear program to unite all the people and we have as our goal the general strike not only to fight against the government but to overthrow this regime and really put the workers in the situation. government since we are the ones who move the world,” he noted.

Representatives of more than a hundred recovered unions and internal commissions participated in the concentration, as well as those who have been leading the resistance against the adjustment, from the aeronautical workers of GPS-Aerolíneas , the FATE company and all the tire factories, the school and university teaching, and the state ones that resist layoffs, among others.

The meeting also supported the picketing organizations that are suffering the persecution of Patricia Bullrich with armed causes, raids and press operations.

FIT national deputies such as Nicolás del Caño , Christian Castillo and Alejandro Vilca also participated in the activity .