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Politics The millionaire assets of the former head of Nación Seguros, Alberto Pagliano, denounced along with Alberto Fernández - Infobae


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The millionaire assets of the former head of Nación Seguros, Alberto Pagliano, denounced along with Alberto Fernández - Infobae



February 28, 2024

Alberto Pagliano

The relationship between Alberto Pagliano and Alberto Fernández dates back to the government of Carlos Menem: they worked together in the Insurance Superintendency. Pagliano continued to be linked to the industry, with different positions in Provincia Seguros, and later as an independent consultant during the government of Mauricio Macri. At the end of 2019, he was rescued by his friend and placed in charge of Nación Seguros, where he ended up managing a million-dollar business.

Pagliano has just been denounced along with the former president for what appears to be a huge corruption scandal. Lawyer Silvina Martínez accused them of the crimes of violation of the duties of a public official, abuse of authority and embezzlement of public funds.
At the end of 2022, Pagliano declared an estate of $120,573,868 , taking into account the tax values of his properties. It represents an increase of more than 100% compared to the previous year. But you still owe the 2023 return.

Among other things, he declared that he owned a 300 m2 house located in the city of Buenos Aires (bought in 1990, when he worked at the Insurance Superintendency), a piece of land in San Rafael (Mendoza), and a Chevrolet Spin 1.8 truck. 2014. Of these three assets, the only one that stands out is the 300 m2 house, with a tax value of $42,759,817 (for 50%).

Why land in Mendoza? Since 2016, he has been a producer and owner of the “El Aguaribay” farm, where they are dedicated to the production of D'Agen and Olivos plums.

However, more than half of Pagliano's assets are distributed in bank accounts, in pesos and dollars. In a savings account alone, at the end of 2022 he accumulated $307,633 , equivalent at that time to $54,438,902.02. Currently, it would be more than 260 million pesos.

Alberto Fernández (Europa Press)

The legal case against Pagliano and Fernández began today and fell to the court of Julián Ercolini. Lawyer Silvina Martínez accused the former officials of the crimes of violation of the duties of a public official and abuse of authority and misappropriation of public funds.

The presentation is based on an article published by Ricardo Roa in the newspaper Clarín last Sunday in which it is detailed that within the ANSES a business of 20,000 million pesos annually and 300 million in monthly commissions with the contracting of insurance was discovered.

In turn, Nación subcontracted other insurers and a broker, with a commission three times higher than the market. There , Pablo Torres García, a businessman and financial broker, appears as an intermediary . And another broker, Héctor Martínez Sosa, married to a former secretary of Alberto Fernández, María Cantero.

Martínez Sosa has another link with the former president: according to Alberto Fernández in his last sworn statement, he owes him $102,240.

A few hours later, the national government, through the Anti-Corruption Office , asked to see the file and is already preparing a second presentation to ask to be a plaintiff in the case.

he head of the OA appeared in the case.
The kickoff of the maneuver would have been decree 823/2021, which established that “the jurisdictions and entities included in article 8 of Law No. 24,156 on Financial Administration and Control Systems of the National Public Sector must implement the hiring of the insurance policies that they require in the exercise of their management through Nación Seguros SA in all the branches in which that institution operates.

The monopoly was held by Nación Seguros and then the brokers appeared.

The scheme of intermediaries and million-dollar commissions was replicated in other organizations such as the Ministry of Security , where it was quickly dismantled by Minister Patricia Bullrich.