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Politics The Ministry of Human Capital presented evidence before the Court of 1,607 dining rooms and picnic areas that “do not exist” - Infobae

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The Ministry of Human Capital presented evidence before the Court of 1,607 dining rooms and picnic areas that “do not exist” - Infobae​



May 26, 2024

They represent 47.5% of the 3,385 establishments that were surveyed between February 7 and May 17. “The previous government did not control those enrolled in the 'Argentina against Hunger' programs,” they maintain from the portfolio in charge of Sandra Pettovello.

By Andres Klipphan

The Ministry of Human Capital, headed by Sandra Pettovello, presented to the court the certifications of the 1,607 dining rooms and picnic areas that the ministry “could not certify” - Maximiliano Luna

The Ministry of Human Capital, headed by Sandra Pettovello, presented to the Court the certifications of the 1,607 dining rooms and snack bars that the ministry “could not certify” because they no longer functioned, because they never existed or because they provided false addresses. Prosecutor Ramiro González investigates whether the representatives of the organizations that administered them continued to receive dry food or money through the Alimentar Comunidad program; also to the officials who were supposed to control and did not do so .

These places represent 47.5% of the 3,385 that were surveyed between February 7 and May 17. The “ghost kitchens” belong to social organizations and picketers such as the Polo Obrero, the Front of Organizations in Struggle, Libres del Sur, the Classist and Combative Current, the Movement of Excluded Workers, the Darío Santillán Popular Front, the Evita Movement and Barrios standing. The last two organizations are referenced by former officials of the then Ministry of Social Development, Emilio Pérsico and Daniel Menéndez . Jeremías Cantero , the right hand man in Eduardo Belliboni's Polo Obrero, also worked in that division . Cantero is accused in another court case along with 27 popular leaders for “extorting” beneficiaries of the Potenciar Trabajo program to make them attend marches or party events under the threat of canceling the plan through the Ministry of Social Economy.

Until now Capital Humano had denounced the non-existence of 1,201 canteens. Now the number has increased. The verification of Pettovello's portfolio indicates that 1,766 dining rooms were accredited. They represent 52.2% of the dining rooms visited in person and another 12 places - 0.4% - will be audited again.

In total, these dining rooms and picnic areas serve 240,370 people, an average of 163 beneficiaries per location.

The documents, to which Infobae had exclusive access, were presented on Friday before the González prosecutor's office by Leila Gianni , legal undersecretary of Human Capital.


The lawyer had already described in one of her presentations that “the then Ministry of Social Development had two policies to assist the picnic areas/dining rooms: one, the acquisition of food in kind; and the other, provide money for the purchase of food. In both cases, assistance was granted to social groups that declared picnic areas/dining rooms nuclear so that they would end up distributing assistance to those 'pre-registered' in the National Registry of Dining Rooms and Picnic Areas (RENACOM).”

The figures are not minor. From the forms incorporated as evidence into the file by Gianni, it is clear that 38 organizations received six billion pesos from the “Food Policies” area.

Survey form presented to the Court

From these official data - published by this medium - it is also clear that the Polo Obrero was the social organization that received the most food in 2023 from the Government of Alberto Fernández : 4,618 tons of the 18,685 tons that were distributed among 44 entities.

Did all of that food actually go to the plates of the most vulnerable or was it used for other purposes? That is what Justice must determine.

The Legal Undersecretary of Human Capital has an opinion on that point and other very unclear events that would have happened during the management of the Frente de Todos through Social Development: “ It appears to be a systematic plan to commit several acts of corruption against the Argentine people, violating human rights such as food, freedom, dignity and work of the most vulnerable sectors,” he told federal prosecutor Ramiro González.

The Government denounced "ghost eateries" and presented evidence to justice REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian

The documentation presented on Friday reads, for example, in the “validation form-records of survey” handwritten observations in which it is stated that at the address visited by the officials “ no dining room or picnic area operates.” According to neighbors, they say that the person responsible died 2 years ago .”

Another reads: “ It no longer functions as a dining room. The address corresponds to a textile cooperative. “It no longer works as a picnic area.”

In another of the places inspected, it was observed: “A dining room/snack bar never operated at the declared address,” or “the pre-registration address information does not match the real ones.”

In some cases, for example, “the registration was duplicated”, in this case “RNCM-0030026”.

In the town of Moreno, for example, there was a supposed dining room that belonged to the Evita Movement, but “a soccer field operates at the declared address.”

In another case, however, "the owner states that the dining room stopped operating six months ago , when it stopped receiving merchandise."

At the Casa Rosada they are convinced that the bags of food that should have been allocated to the most vulnerable were in many cases used as a tool of extortion , as was reflected in the case led by Judge Sebastián Casanello and prosecutor Gerardo Pollicita.

Lawyer Gianni stated before the Federal Prosecutor's Office that from the Human Capital investigation "it emerges that the previous government did not control the registered soup kitchens during the years of management of the 'Argentina against Hunger' programs." Also known as “ The Table against Hunger ”.

As reported by this media, prosecutor Ramiro González requested a series of reports to clarify who were the officials responsible for controlling the canteens .

Justice seeks to determine the identity and participation of “all the people who are responsible, including public officials who have served in the Secretariat of Social Inclusion, in the National Directorate of Food Safety, in the Directorate of Policy Planning and Evaluation Food, in the Ministry of Social Development from the year 2020 to December 10, 2023, as well as any public official who works in areas with links to the events.

The case investigates the alleged crimes of “fraud against the public administration” and “ failure to fulfill the duties of a public official .”

Alberto Fernández with his last two ministers of Social Development Victoria Tolosa Paz and Juan Zabaleta

The three ministers of the area in the Fernández administration were Daniel Arroyo, Juan Zabaleta and Victoria Tolosa Paz . The person in charge of the Social Inclusion Secretariat was Laura Valeria Alonso . The judge and prosecutor must decide whether to call these or other officials to testify as witnesses, accused or if they do not do so.

Beyond the criminal case, Sandra Pettovello resolved to remove the “outsourcing” of dry foods from social organizations and picketers. Now, validated kitchens are given a card through the Alimentar Comunidad program that is loaded with a certain amount of money each time the previous purchase is made.

Outside of these dining rooms, there are almost 8,000 who are assisted through agreements signed for 20,000 million pesos for the purchase of 5 million units of food with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Organization of States. Ibero-Americans for Education, Science and Culture (OEI) within the framework of the expansion of the Community Approach Program.

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