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Politics The Ministry of Security denounced pressure from union members during the CGT strike: “If people work they will face the consequences” - Infobae

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The Ministry of Security denounced pressure from union members during the CGT strike: “If people work they will face the consequences” - Infobae​



May 17, 2024

Infobae accessed a video in which you can hear a leader of the UOCRA warn about what would happen if he found people working who did not comply with the measure of the Union Central

The video, to which Infobae had access, which exposes the extortions of a UOCRA delegate to get the workers to join the CGT strike

The Ministry of Security continues with its complaints of extortion and pressure by union members during last week's general strike , called by the CGT . “ If people work, they will face the consequences ,” said one of the threats.

Last Thursday the CGT carried out a forceful measure that affected the normal functioning of some services such as transportation, hospitals, airports, banks, schools and shops. In this context, several companies and even the national government announced that it would discount the work day for those who joined the strike. In this way, the Security portfolio made available a line so that those who were squeezed or extorted could make the corresponding complaint.

Thus, through this means of communication, the organization began to receive several similar complaints, some of them were accompanied by multimedia content. In that sense, a video, to which Infobae had access , reveals a historic UOCRA delegate threatening what would happen if the workers cannot join the strike.

In the images, you can see the playback of an audio sent through the WhatsApp application, configured so that it can be played only once.

I am not responsible for what happens tomorrow if we find people working ,” the union member begins and continues: “You don't want to recognize the day, you don't want to abide by the general strike that was declared. Well, face the consequences. He who warns not betray ".

The man continues with his pressure and warns: “That people are afraid to stop because you are going to deduct something, it is unnecessary. You do not have to deduct anything, absolutely nothing. And if they discount them, well, they will accept the consequences too.”

The CGT dome (Photo: Luciano González)

Then, the union member confirms: “If people work tomorrow, they will face the consequences as well. "I already warned." “ I'm going with the note from the Ministry of Labor plus ours and that's it. If you click, you have to click ”, He closes the extortionate message from the UOCRA delegate.

This is not the only complaint of extortion that the Ministry of Security received, since yesterday a communication was made known in which the pressure exerted by a well-known trade unionist during the general strike is exposed. The complainant targeted Carlos Acuña , one of the members of the triumvirate that leads the CGT and heads the Service Station Workers Union (SOESGyPE) .

The individual who called the ministry stated that they forced the owner of a service station located in La Paternal not to open. “If we didn't close we were going to have problems with the safety of the employees and the business, the service station. (They said) That they were going to break everything for us,” said this person when making the accusation by telephone.

The complainant mentioned that they received “motorcycle visits.” Regarding the type of threats, he commented that the manager of the Shell station was warned that “they were going to stop by every 30 minutes to check that the service station was closed or, otherwise, they were going to have problems with the security of the service station.” people and business.”

The same morning of the strike, another threat occurred against a merchandise warehouse that was open and working, located in Villa Soldati at 3500 Carlos Berg Street , south of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. It was carried out by a group of members of the Truckers union . “Close the blinds, you know what this is like,” they told the workers so that they would join (forced) to the Cegetist measure of force.

The City Police, alerted to the situation, arrested 12 people for this incident. They had entered “for intimidation purposes and with the objective of stopping work,” as police sources confirmed to this medium on that occasion. Consequently, the accused were detained at 3200 Troxler Street. Criminal and Correctional Court Number 12 ordered the arrest of the 12 people, in addition to the seizure of the vehicles, and a report was drawn up for extortion actions. Likewise, a wooden stick, a knife and an extendable metal rod were found in one of the eight vehicles.