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Politics The new date that Guillermo Francos mentioned for the signing of the pact with the governors: “It has an important symbolic effect” - Infobae

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The new date that Guillermo Francos mentioned for the signing of the pact with the governors: “It has an important symbolic effect” - Infobae​



May 17, 2024

The Minister of the Interior admitted that the Base Law will no longer be approved before May 25, the original day established by Javier Milei for the agreement

Guillermo Francos spoke of a possible alternative date for the signing of the president's pact with the governors

The possibility of the much-mentioned pact called by President Javier Milei being signed in Córdoba on May 25 has practically been ruled out , given the lack of progress in the Senate of the Bases Bill , the Government anticipated what the outcome could be. new date for the signing of that agreement , also with a high symbolic content for the country.

The idea was raised today by the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, who, although he said that they are close to obtaining a commission opinion in the upper house of the megaproject, admitted that there is not enough time for it to be sanctioned before a new commemoration of the Revolution. of May.

“The ruling will hopefully be approved next week. The issue has been discussed since January. He has now been in the Senate for three weeks. It is undergoing some modifications, even improvements. “All this procedure generates improvements in the law that seem positive to me, and it takes us a little longer,” said Francos in statements to the LN+ channel .

The minister in charge of political relations with the provinces recalled that the President had thought of a symbolic date for the pact, with these two laws approved,” in reference to the Base Law and the fiscal package. However, he tried to minimize the fact that the Government does not have those two projects approved before May 25.

Karina Milei and Guillermo Francos during the treatment of the Bases Law in Deputies. Photo: Gustavo Gavotti

“The president will decide whether or not to hold the event (in Córdoba), or whether to postpone it. The president proposed May 25 in Córdoba, but we have June 20 in Rosario, at the Flag monument, it also has an important symbolic effect , because the flag is ultimately what unites all Argentines. If you want to look for symbolic effects within the national dates for an agreement of these characteristics, you will find it right away,” he stressed.

The Base Law and the fiscal package obtained half a sanction in the Chamber of Deputies on April 30 , after 25 hours of debate in the chamber. Immediately, the project reached the Senate, where the Government was excited about a quick sanction that would allow it to reach May 25 with the two sanctioned regulations. However, the discussion got bogged down and the ruling party still did not even get the votes to reach the opinions in committees.

“The President will decide what the date is. But he said that if there is no law in May, there will be a law in June, in July. The important thing is the effects that this law will have in the future,” Francos added today.

“An attempt is being made to reach a consensus on a commission opinion between the ruling party and all the blocks that are supporting it in general terms. It will be a single office, with modifications, which will later return to Deputies. But in general terms , the rules that have been worked on in the Senate greatly improve our original wording and those that were made in the Deputies . They will see, but my impression is that if there are no changes that change the concept of the law, Deputies will accompany,” he added.

Act or pact in Córdoba, that is the question​

Concern is growing in the Government about the lack of consensus to obtain votes in the Senate, and they are exploring alternatives to pressure with the May Pact. In fact, Milei is considering holding the event on May 25 with a total change of format, without politicians, and with a “very spicy” speech against the leadership.

The May Pact ceremony was initially planned at the Palace of Justice, with the presence of most of the governors, some former presidents, leaders of political parties, and representatives of all areas of public life, from unionism to the Church. . That day, the provincial leaders and Milei would sign the 10-point document for the development of the country that the President presented with all pomp in the Legislative Assembly.

But the plans began to complicate this week, when several senators that the Government assumed would support the Bases law began to question their support during the debate in committees. And the President, concerned about not appearing as the great loser, had considered postponing it until June or July, as he said after the event for the bust of Carlos Menem. However, in the last hours, in a climate of effervescence in Balcarce 50, he decided that, if the law is not approved, he will carry out the May Pact anyway, but without "the caste."

The place, in this case, would be the Cabildo of Córdoba. And there would not be a single guest from “politics,” not even the host governor, Martín Llaryora, who this week showed discomfort over the plans to delay the event due to the lack of law. The signatories, in such a scenario, would be the citizens themselves. “If the policy does not support, the pact will be signed with the citizens,” they explained. Not everything has been said, and there are several leaders who insist that it be maintained. This afternoon, for example, Maximiliano Pullaro from Santa Fe said, as if nothing had happened, that he was determined to attend because he “believes in the importance of dialogue.”

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