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Real Estate News The new hub Viaviva commercial mega project is coming - La Nación Propiedades



The new hub Viaviva commercial mega project is coming - La Nación Propiedades​



November 01, 2023

From Belgrano to Palermo: This will be the new hub with top restaurants and dealerships that will open on Libertador Avenue​

The second stage of the Viaviva commercial mega project began, which began in Chinatown and today seeks to transform the entire viaduct that goes from Belgrano to Palermo.

By Candelaria Reinoso Taccone


It will be located on Del Libertador Avenue in the Belgrano and Palermo neighborhoods.

In recent months, the city has seen a total transformation in the iconic Buenos Aires Chinatown, known for the families of Asian immigrants who settled there in the 80s. Today, after the elevation of the train tracks in the Miter viaduct will completely modify the landscape, a mix of new proposals and others already known flood the streets and attract more than 28,000 people every weekend. Behind this transformation is Viaviva, a commercial project that covers four kilometers and crosses the neighborhoods of Belgrano and Palermo, two areas where property sales values are the highest in the city of Buenos Aires.


The Havanna store with its brand version written in Chinese

Designed in three sections, - Barrio Chino, Libertador and Hipódromo -, the circuit is located on the land below the elevation of the tracks occupied by the Miter viaduct, from the Belgrano station, in Barrancas de Belgrano, to the Lisandro de la Tower, in Palermo. These three sectors have their own particular proposals, with a gastronomic hub in Barrio Chino (which goes from Monroe to Sucre), a corridor of high-end car dealerships (between La Pampa and Olleros) and an area that combines nightclubs and clubs. of food (from Olleros to Dorrego). Once the project is completed, the circuit will house a total of approximately 200 stores.

Of the four kilometers that will make up the circuit, the first 400 meters are already open to the public. These comprise four of the six blocks that make up the Chinatown area, which already offers well-known brands such as Farmacity, Fenjiu, The Food Truck Store, Temple, Keller, Bar&Blue, Joy, Havanna, Freddo, among others. To achieve comprehensive completion of this section, the remaining two blocks in the direction of Monroe must be completed.

“To date, we have invested close to US$8 million in this area. In addition, we continue with the construction of the final two blocks, with the expectation that the entire passage will be completely open by March or April of next year ,” highlighted Tomás Garzón Macedo, commercial director of Viaviva.


The Chinatown area is now open to the public

One of the first establishments to open in these remaining blocks will be The Temple Bar , which will break ground on its second location in Chinatown at the end of November. Currently, each block houses an average of 25 commercial establishments, and once the expansion is completed, Viaviva anticipates a total of between 90 and 100 establishments in Chinatown . “We have already secured 70% of the pending premises, with signed contracts and projects in the adjustment process,” explains Garzón Macedo.

Unlike the first blocks, when they were not yet fully positioned in the neighborhood, Viaviva can now afford to be more selective in choosing the premises that will add to the landscape. “We look for establishments that not only provide attractive commercial proposals, but also innovative ones. That at least include everything from kimchi sauce to signs in Chinese,” says the commercial director.

Likewise, the oriental-inspired proposals that will come together in this last section include a Korean place specializing in shaved ice, traditional Taiwanese establishments, and the La Vinatería wine bar, among others. A brand that stands out is Pancho 46 , the classic bakery in the suburbs of the San Martín area, which will have an interesting twist by offering a gourmet experience with an oriental touch.

Juan Nielseno, one of Temple's partners and a pioneer in Chinatown through Viaviva, considers it a strategic location. In his opinion, Belgrano faced the challenge of creating a gastronomic hub without neighborhood conflicts, and after years of looking for locations in the area, he saw the potential for success in this opportunity. Furthermore, he points out that in the last two decades there has been a global transformation in the gastronomic scene. With the tendency to live in smaller spaces, people seek culinary experiences on the street instead of organizing meals in their homes , which has driven the creation of various gastronomic concepts and the emergence of these new centers throughout the city.

The second stage on Avenida del Libertador​


Different sections of the project are expected to be inaugurated in mid-2024.

The second phase of Viaviva, which extends along Avenida del Libertador from La Pampa Street to Olleros, will cross the tennis clubs of the northern corridor of Buenos Aires. It is planned to create 25 commercial spaces of 400 square meters each , mostly high-end car dealerships, located on the avenue and with a pedestrian and vehicular circulation area in the back , creating a modern design with glass structures.

Construction began in the second half of October 2022, and different sections of the project are expected to open in mid-2024 . According to Viaviva representatives, currently 40% of the investment planned for that area, estimated at around another US$7 million, has already been used.

Starting from Lacroze Avenue, the circuit will house dealerships such as Audi and representations of brands run by the Eximar group, such as Volvo, Land Rover, Jaguar, Gelly and MG. “At Audi, the main vision is not only to create a commercial hub, but also to delve into the latest technologies ,” comments Juan Pieruzzini, president of autovisions in charge of Audi, who mentions that his store, in addition to chargers for electric vehicles, will present the “Audi Progressive Retail” project, an innovative store concept, the second of its kind in Latin America.


The opening of a Michelin establishment is also planned.

In the Plaza Bolivia area, located in Olleros and Libertador, the opening of a Michelin establishment is also planned, along with a gastronomic sector at the Lisandro de la Torre station that will have between nine and 12 gastronomic proposals on two floors and could include brands such as Quotidiano, Patagonia and Mooi. “In addition, in the center of the dealerships, we plan to establish a bar to complement the experience in the place,” explains Paulo Gonzalez Toledo, architect and shareholder partner.

The offer will be completed with a sports sector, gym, sports clothing brands and a sector for private safe deposit boxes. Viaviva says that they are also holding talks with the company Arcos Dorados, Burger King, Starbucks, Sao and other specialty coffee shops.

It is no small fact that Viaviva's audience in the Libertador area will be very different from that of Barrio Chino. “First of all, there is a notable change in the environment. The premises are larger in size and the landscape is completely transformed, offering views of the Palermo Forests,” says Gonzalez Toledo. Because Chinatown already had a solid base of visitors and an established community, rental costs in this area are lower than in the first phase of the project.

What will happen to the Hippodrome area?​


Víaviva in the Hippodrome area will have 6,000 square meters for theme bars and specialty restaurants.

The last phase of the project, which goes from Olleros to Dorrego and surrounds the Palermo Hippodrome, represents the biggest commitment. “We plan to offer dining options in front of Plaza Pakistani, dividing the space into 6,000 square meters for themed bars and specialty restaurants, along with the possibility of including some offices and, possibly, a gym, to maintain activity throughout the day. ”, says the architect.

Although they are already talking to potential tenants, for now they are limited to their own contacts. 4,000 m² of workshops, after-sales premises and light services specialized in high-end cars will also be included , while the distribution of the spaces will be defined according to the specific proposals of the interested parties. They hope to inaugurate this section by 2025.


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