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Real Estate News The new Pilar. Changes in the area and what to take into account before buying a property - La Nación Propiedades


The new Pilar. Changes in the area and what to take into account before buying a property - La Nación Propiedades


October 02, 2023

The changes in the territorial planning approved by the municipality advance modifications in the type of projects that will be built; what you need to know before buying.

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Pilar changed the zoning and promises more commercial offerings near gated communities.

Located in the third cordon of the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA), Pilar was able to receive a large part of the Buenos Aires residents who wanted to leave the city during the pandemic, a phenomenon that, although it slowed down last year, is still valid.

The area is still the focus of great demand, especially from young people, who prioritize a lifestyle in contact with nature. In this context, the labor transformation that the arrival of the coronavirus brought about gave a new lease of life to real estate projects located kilometers from the city of Buenos Aires. The home office has prevailed over in-person presence in many areas and the fact of not having to go to the office then means the possibility of working from a comfortable and relaxed environment that may well also be surrounded by greenery.

That is why many families are seduced, no longer to buy a weekend house in Pilar, but to move permanently to start a new life.

It must also be taken into account that for more than ten years, Pilar has offered all types of services: from education, health, entertainment and shopping. For this reason, the implementation in April of last year of the Urban and Territorial Reorganization Plan and Code of the Municipality of Pilar represented a great change that will impact the development of the entire area.

According to what was established, modifications were approved in lands surrounding the Pan-American Highway - from now on, they are given priority as a commercial corridor - and mainly in lands near Routes 34 and 28, both transversal to the aforementioned road.

These are lands of more than 200 hectares that were left in the middle of the urbanization and that had rural zoning and that, based on the new measures, it is expected that they will be part of a new zoning as a medium-density neighborhood. That is, in a rural area, real estate projects can be developed that will supply the great demand for housing in the area. It should be noted that validation of the new code by the Province of Buenos Aires is still needed, which is expected to take place soon.

According to Gustavo Hernández Siri, a lawyer specializing in urban developments, the change is positive for the entire area, since it will undoubtedly bring progress, sources of work and an urban reorganization to the Pilar area "that had to be carried out years ago," he comments.

“Pilar definitely entered what is called the 'Modern City', achieving rezoning throughout the district, which adds a change in the roads, both in and out, from the Pan-American Highway, incorporating the developable lands and surrounding the routes 28 and 34. Likewise, the creation of connections with the aforementioned accesses is promoted to give greater fluidity to traffic,” he explains.

The lawyer highlights the main points to take into account of the new code such as the creation of the Municipal Registry of Vacant Land and Paralyzed or Ruined Buildings; territorial planning that reduces conflicts in the use and occupation of the territory and its resources; the importance of urban planning to define the city model; joint and consultative work with the Province of Buenos Aires and the Federal Investment Council to achieve territorial planning. He also clarifies that these new provisions must be validated by the Provincial Executive Branch, following an opinion from the competent organizations, in relation to their adaptation to the parameters of urban planning.

For Hernández Siri, the area of application of the new code will become more relevant from the point of view of investment in new developments. “The advantages will be the creation of new ventures that will generate jobs and direct or indirect labor, either for the development of urbanizations or the surrounding service centers, call these shopping centers, schools, health centers. , among others. All this will consolidate the evolution of the party that began to develop in recent decades,” he emphasizes.

Mariano Braun, partner of the developer Micelio, agrees with this vision, stating that from this code we begin to have a long-term planning area that sees itself in the future as a suburban area “but with a much higher population density.” than what I had been having,” he explains.

“There is a lot of rural area that now allows development and, basically, there is a need for developable land because more and more people want to come and live here. The locals are starting to have children and the new generations want to have their homes,” she warns. In fact, projects in the area are multiplying. Without going any further a few days ago, Verona Pilar was launched. The gated community located at kilometer 47 of the Panamericana Pilar branch on a 20.5 hectare property.

The US$15 million investment project that Desarrollos Norte launched last week. “Without promoting it, we sold 62 lots in just one day,” details Mariano Galeazza, partner of the developer that seeks to replicate the success of Azzurra Tortugas: the masterplan is by the Robirosa studio, the architecture by Ezequiel Gil (Pacifica), the landscaping by Thays and the environmental protection of Aves Argentina.

The development company knows this submarket perfectly. In the midst of the pandemic, Azzurra Tortugas launched, a premium venture that combines architecture, design and nature: at km. 38 of the Panamericana Pilar branch in a property surrounded by schools, sports fields and gated communities. “The development of 450 lots is 85 percent sold with people living and 60 houses under construction,” explains Galeazza, who details that the tickets for the lots start at US$130,000 with options up to US$400,000 in the case of the land that They overlook the four-hectare lagoon.

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The aerial view of Azzurra Tortugas, one of the few premium developments in the area.

In this way, Pilar continues to expand and will do so even more with these new provisions. “The suburban area of Pilar is expanding and this area is growing more and more and has more infrastructure because there are more people. This brings more services, more entertainment, more schools, universities also have strong proposals,” says Braun.

He also admits that this benefits the developments in the area that continue to multiply with options even for the new generations who are taking their first steps to have their first home. For example, Micelio advances with Cardano, the gated community located on Route 28, between the town of Pilar and General Rodríguez - within the Pilar district - and ten minutes from the Panamericana. “It's a place where you can breathe a lot of countryside and that's what people are looking for,” Braun clarifies.
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The Cardano neighborhood in Pilar, one of the new developments in the area.

With 90% of the neighborhood sold, it is expected that the delivery of lots will take place next year. The developer also plans to build apartments between 50 m² and 100 m², designed for those who want fewer meters in a natural environment, with services and amenities. The value of the land starts at US$50/m², so a lot - no less than 1000 m² - costs between US$50,000 and US$62,000, dollars. According to the developer, the demand for projects in Pilar lies in the increasing number of people who do not need to travel and are inclined to look for something with more space far from the Capital. “For this reason, before the end of the year we are going to launch a new neighborhood in this area,” he says.

Another proof that the area promises is the Bosque Tortugas project, the development with units from one bedroom and prices US$110,000 to US$500,000. It is located just 1800 meters from the Panamericana on Hipólito Yrigoyen Street where the 2.5 hectare farm that belonged to the Duhou family, owners of the Palace, was located. “It will be developed in stages: there will be around 223 apartments. All modules will have four floors located in an area characterized by the presence of large villas,” details Martín Boquete, director of Toribio Achával.
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Bosque Tortugas will have a horseshoe shape with the amenities in the center of the project

The other fact that advances the revaluation that the project will have, is that after its approval, the municipality changed the code and constructions of these characteristics will no longer be allowed, with which "it is assured that it will always have open views," says Boquete, who also highlights the lush virgin forest of the property.

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The view of one of the Bosque Tortugas units

A new green city?​

You can definitely think of a city connected to nature and this is what Pilar offers.

Although, in the long term, this progressive reorganization will change the appearance towards a much more urban profile of the party, it will still maintain its distinctive green and peaceful spirit.

In that sense, Horacio Benvenuto, general manager of Izrastzoff Compañía Inmobiliaria, considers that the main consequence of the new code will be the conversion of rural areas into urban ones. “It is very important for the real estate market, since it greatly favors it because it makes land that was previously unthinkable economically viable to create new neighborhoods and condominiums. The regulations respond to the need to continue enabling land to attract investment in new real estate developments,” he explains.

Along these lines, Benvenuto considers that it is likely that rural areas will run away, giving rise to the development of gated communities and subdivisions. “Both the municipality and the new lots must improve and extend the water, sewer and other services systems. Additionally, the road and transportation infrastructure. Also create an environmental protection framework so that Pilar continues to be an oasis close to CABA,” he admits.

In relation to the environmental impact, Hernández Siri clarifies that, with the Pilar Territorial Planning Code, the aim is to specify more reasonable zoning from an environmental and social perspective. That is, on the one hand, concentrate the manufacturing hub in the area of the industrial park or in the sector adjacent to Route 6, and consequently, generate new areas with a focus on residential, commercial and services with notable accessibility from the Panamericana. “Always under the concept of caring for the environment, carrying out the corresponding studies, and ensuring that the proposed projects are not unfavorable for the area and encourage orderly demographic growth,” he emphasizes.

In that sense, the code regulates the environmental impact of new ventures. In Braun's experience, the new regulations emphasize maintaining and reinforcing the existing vegetation and, where possible, incorporating it into the project. “But if there is no option of having to remove a tree, we must compensate with new afforestation,” he clarifies. And he adds: “the previous code already requires quite complex environmental and road impact studies and it is one of the points on which we emphasized the most with the development of the Cardano neighborhood.”

Precisely, seeking this green respite is why families chose and choose to move to Pilar, “it is a new concept of life, for which, after the pandemic, society gave importance to green and spacious spaces of comfort of a house. Without forgetting the need to create new urban expansion centers that lead families to a new concept of life in cities,” says Hernández Siri.

For his part, Benvenuto considers that, over time, this rezoning will bring the residents the loss of proximity to the rural environment, greater population density, increase in real estate value, job creation, greater income to the municipality's coffers. start paying more taxes than when they had rural zoning.

While the change in appearance will take years, it is a process, but Pilar is on its way to being a much more urban area as the rural environments that are seen today on the outskirts of the district disappear.

By Silvina Vitale
