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Real Estate News The new star amenity that allows those who live in the building to have “more meters” - La Nacion Propiedades



The new star amenity that allows those who live in the building to have “more meters” - La Nacion Propiedades



June 18, 2024

The lack of space and the need to enjoy more square meters encourages creativity among real estate developers

By Gabriela Koolen


This project being built in Colegiales will have a common kitchen and studios that the owners can rent

Modern life demands flexibility and the real estate world is no exception. Recently, many developments include additional spaces, studio apartments or small units generally located on the ground floor, which can be “annexed” to the property. How does this trend work? What alternatives exist?

Social changes undoubtedly affect the ways of living. Thus, for example, virtual or hybrid forms of work, which are increasingly common, require additional space in the house, which in turn has a useful lifespan, and is not always the same according to each person's family routine. day.


The "guest room", the new star amenity of real estate projects

Furthermore, during the pandemic many chose to move to more remote areas and today require accommodation when they come to visit. As if all these changes were not enough, life itself also poses various stages to which a house must respond : children can go from needing a full-time nanny to sleep at home when they are very young, to being themselves when they grow up. , who ask for a place to rehearse with their teenage band or meet up with friends.

Architect Diego Rybka, partner and commercial director of the Uno en Uno group, says that conversations with clients are always essential, since there they find a thermometer of the needs that arise . This is how it was encouraged to include different spaces and amenities .

In 2019, the group began to build Depart, a building located in Colegiales that has among its amenities a guest room , a hotel-like room that can be rented between the owners of the building, according to each one's needs.

The developer points out that it is a highly valued amenity . “The idea of being able to have a space to receive, for example, family members who come for one night, or who after the pandemic moved to the interior and come to visit for a few days, is something very valued by those who come to find out and buy a unit in the building. In my experience, this was one of the amenities that attracted the most attention among people and had a more positive impact ,” he comments, and says that in the case of that project, the room can be rented between the owners of the apartments, who then pay expenses for the time used. Just as a SUM is reserved and used for events, this room is also used for someone to stay overnight in the building.


In Puerto Madero, Alvear Tower joins the trend of additional spaces outside the apartments and has eight studio apartments with a bathroom and kitchenette located on the ground floor.

The Alvear Tower, the tallest building in the country, built in 2019, also joins the trend of additional spaces outside the apartments and has eight studio apartments with a bathroom and kitchenette located on the ground floor. Andrés Kalwill, director of New Developments at the Alvear Group, says that they can be purchased by the owners of the building's apartments, either as service quarters, or as work or study spaces away from home.

“We see that there is an important trend in recent years to not have service personnel living inside the apartments. This is something that happens mainly in the young generations. That's where the idea came from. In the buildings of the 20s, 30s and 40s it was very common to have a floor of the buildings with external dependencies , and the idea was to recover that. Also, some of those who bought these units did so thinking about having a workspace, but not within their apartment,” says Kalwill, who clarifies that this additional space has nothing to do with the typology, but rather with the fact that, independently If you have a two-room or a four-room, you can have additional space, but outside the apartment.

Daniel Salaya Romera, owner of the real estate agency that bears his name, points out that in recent years, the complementary units, which in other times could be storage rooms , for example, today are changing their characteristics and adapting to new times according to trends and needs. Thus, many buildings begin to add between four, five or six dependencies or complementary units for temporary use that can be purchased only by the owners of the building . “It is a highly sought after amenity and finds different uses. Some use them as an outbuilding, but others use them to work without the noise of home, as an artistic studio, or a space to develop a hobby,” he says, while pointing out that these units usually sell quickly. Is it the star amenity of the future?

The most original amenities​

The world of amenities is growing in creativity , and the options are becoming more and more interesting and adapted to all tastes. A pet laundry, a band rehearsal room, a golf simulator, an outdoor playground for children or a space where each apartment has a wine cellar are some of the amenities that can be found in the Alvear Tower.

For Andrés Kalwill, it is about using fantasy, letting the imagination fly and creating thinking about the leitmotif of the building in its origins: being a home, but with all the comforts and services of a top-class hotel . “We created thinking about people who live in an apartment and want to indulge themselves,” he says.

An “out of the box” amenity refers to an unusual, innovative amenity. It is something that goes beyond conventional expectations and offers additional value or a unique experience for customers .

“Thinking about new ways of living and inhabiting spaces, we decided to include these amenities to offer an experience that goes beyond the conventional . We always look for land and zoning that allow us to design these types of amenities that give value to the project. In addition, we prioritize innovation and being aware of the needs that are being generated in terms of new ways of living,” says Rybka and explains that although traditional amenities such as swimming pools, gyms and outdoor recreation areas continue to be popular and valued, there is a growing need for originality and uniqueness to stand out in an increasingly competitive market .


The Yardvert project includes a kids zone that was designed after studying parenting trends.

Without going any further, in the Yardvert project in Núñez, Ribka included a kids zone that was designed after studying parenting trends. There, families who devote themselves to the mobile garden modality in early childhood can do so by inviting friendly families to join. Another of the amenities that the developer innovated with was a guest room . There is also a professional kitchen that includes a work table, multi-burner, equipment and three ovens so that the owners can show off preparing a lunch or dinner in a professional environment. for your guests, or hire a chef for these moments. “The space will also be used to take private or group cooking classes,” concludes Rybka.

Among the atypical amenities, the Arenas VI project also stands out in Mar del Plata, which includes an art gallery in the basement of the building, on the ground floor and the first floor. Néstor Ruiz, director of Grupo Dinal, says that it is a space with a separate entrance to the reception area and is open to both the owners of the building and the general public. There, works of contemporary art are exhibited and temporary exhibitions, talks and conferences related to art are held.

“The inclusion of this type of amenity provides added value to the project , differentiating it from other real estate developments. In addition to satisfying the cultural needs of residents, it contributes to the enhancement of the building and the urban environment, generating a sense of community and belonging among inhabitants and visitors. It also offers the possibility of revitalizing and enhancing important cultural spaces for the city,” explains the developer, who points out that although the inclusion of this type of amenity may imply additional costs in terms of design, construction and maintenance , the potential benefits They are significant as they can increase the attractiveness and value of the project, which can translate into higher sales and profitability in the long term .
