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Politics The opposition demanded that Fernando Espinoza step aside due to the complaint of sexual abuse, but Peronism defended him - Infobae

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The opposition demanded that Fernando Espinoza step aside due to the complaint of sexual abuse, but Peronism defended him - Infobae​



May 23, 2024

The Together for Change block in the Deliberative Council of La Matanza presented a project for him to be suspended from his duties and take leave. For Minister Larroque, the accusation is “a political operation”

By Facundo Chaves

The mayor of La Matanza, Fernando Espinoza, was charged with the crime of sexual abuse

The serious complaint and subsequent prosecution for sexual abuse against the mayor of La Matanza, Fernando Espinoza , began to have an impact and political consequences with consequences that are currently uncertain. The accusation made by his former private secretary generated an immediate reaction from Governor Axel Kicillof , which was shown in an official event the next day, a request from the opposition in the Deliberative Council for him to step aside, and a closed defense of Peronism, by action and also by omission.

This is a political scandal that shakes the most populous municipality in the entire province - with more than 1.8 million inhabitants - and one of the most unequal, where vast territories where everything is missing and other middle and upper-middle class areas coexist. . It is a municipality where Peronism has governed since 1983 and is considered by many in the PJ as its kilometer zero.

Within hours of the event with Kicillof, Minister Larroque now came out to defend Espinoza against the serious complaint of sexual abuse

The act he shared the day after the prosecution for sexual abuse against his private secretary was followed this morning by a close defense from Andrés “Cuervo” Larroque , one of the ministers closest to Kicillof. “That is part of a political operation, without a doubt. In the case of Matanza, Justice will have to act, but it is known that there are irregularities. "I understand that there are no new elements that warrant the request made by the judicial official," said the leader, who bashes the political battles that Kicillof faces towards the outside, but above all towards within Kirchnerism.

For Larroque, both La Matanza and San Martín are about “districts that are seen in the universe close to the governor and when they cannot enter from one side, they try from another.”

This political defense of Peronism and the questioning of the complaint generated a strong social reaction and also the presentation of a project in the Deliberative Council of Together for Change to step aside, with suspension of functions until there is a definition. . The leader and former candidate for mayor of Together for Change, Lalo Creus, who promoted this offensive, stated: “ Our councilors put into writing what many Matanzas residents expect. We demand that Espinoza leaves his position and that Justice goes to the bottom ,” he stated.

The project was signed by councilors Cecilia Zacarías, Mirta Ferreira and Javier Ferreyra, from JxC, which has six representatives in total. In the communal deliberative body, Peronism is the majority, because it has 13 seats out of 24. The other eleven, in addition to the main opposition bloc, include three representatives from La Libertad Avanza and two from the Left Front.

The Deliberative Council of La Matanza functioning with a Peronist majority
The key, in any case, is in the Peronist bloc, since Espinoza coexists with a red-hot internal. So dense that in the last elections there was an internal conflict with Patricia Cubría , wife of Emilio Pérsico , piquetero and political partner of former president Alberto Fernández. In addition, he has representatives from the union sphere and from La Cámpora, with whom he maintains a sometimes oscillating political relationship.

Of the thirteen councilors, Micaela Durigan, Ana Bordón, Melany Kergarabat and Gabriel Aranda respond to other terminals. Due to this balance of power, if the opposition closes ranks and Peronism has a “leak”, the project could have a chance to prosper. “It's not going to happen. Neither La Cámpora nor the unions nor the Evita Movement are going to hand him over to Espinoza,” confided one of the leaders who works politically in La Matanza and has dialogue with officials and opponents.

The truth is that not only in the Deliberative Council was there a political reaction. The case investigating Espinoza for alleged sexual abuse entered the session of the Chamber of Deputies this Tuesday when PRO leaders asked that a repudiation be voted on the case, after the prosecution became known. From the Unión por la Patria bloc they warned that there was no file to put the issue to a vote and denounced that the request is “a nonsense.”

The request for repudiation was made by PRO deputy Silvia Lospennato , who expressed extreme “concern” and considered “the silence of those who defend gender policies intolerable.” "There is no need to be silent." "We ask that it be investigated quickly and we would also like the Buenos Aires Legislature to have an exemplary decision asking - at a minimum - for the license of the mayor being prosecuted," added one of the highest-profile political leaders of the movement who identified herself with the green scarves. .

On the other hand, in the Chamber of Deputies and the Chamber of Senators of the Buenos Aires Legislature the issue was conspicuous by its absence. None of the blocks with parliamentary representation presented any project regarding the scandalous accusation against the mayor. He is the most powerful communal chief and has a personal and political relationship with Verónica Magario, former mayor of that municipality, current vice-governor and, therefore, head of the local Senate. For now what he dominates is silence.


The cause​

A judge prosecuted Mayor Espinoza for sexual abuse and disobedience , following a complaint that had been filed against him by a young woman, the girlfriend of a businessman friend, who worked under his orders as a private secretary in the municipality . The magistrate did not order the arrest of the communal chief but she maintained the prohibition of contact with the victim and ordered an embargo of $1,500,000, according to the ruling accessed by Infobae.

The complaint, which was filed three years ago, was on the verge of being closed at the request of the prosecutor's office because the victim had left the country and had not promoted the action. But after twists and turns, Judge María Fabiana Galletti ordered the prosecution of the communal leader of Peronism for “ simple sexual abuse” and “disobedience”, for having tried to approach the young woman after the complaint was filed and a restraining order was issued.