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Politics The opposition joins forces and will call for a session next Wednesday to reject the veto of the pension mobility reform - Infobae

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The opposition joins forces and will call for a session next Wednesday to reject the veto of the pension mobility reform - Infobae​



September 05, 2024

The blocs of Unión por la Patria, UCR and Encuentro Federal have reached an agreement and will seek to insist on the norm that the Executive Branch vetoed. They need two-thirds of those present to be able to move forward.

By David Cayon

Argentine lawmakers give general approval to Milei's tax reform package Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 30, 2024. REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian

The opposition blocs agreed to move forward in the Chamber of Deputies and insist on the approval of the retirement mobility law that was vetoed by the National Executive Branch .

According to sources from the Civic Radical Union bloc, there was an understanding between the different sectors that make up the opposition and they will ask the presidency of the Chamber to call a session next Wednesday, September 11.

In order to be able to insist on the law, the sectors that promote it need to obtain two thirds of those present ; if the Chamber, which has 257 deputies, is full, 172 votes are needed.

The reform vetoed by President Javier Milei proposes maintaining the inflation-based adjustment scheme implemented by the norm established by the Executive but via DNU. It also added an additional increase of around 8% to compensate for the 20.6% inflation in January. And it establishes that if Argentina grows and salaries increase above inflation, a bonus of 50% of that salary increase is added.

The sectors that have so far shown opposition are the ruling party of La Libertad Avanza, the MID and the PRO, as agreed a week ago in the meeting with President Milei at the Casa Rosada.

The million-dollar question is whether the opposition will get the two-thirds vote to be able to move forward with the law, and the answer to that today seems to be a big question. “There are legislators on a trip, we have to see if there are more of them than of us,” admitted a deputy who will vote in favor of insisting on the law.

ARGENTINE NEWS BAIRES AUGUST 21: The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem, tries to put to a vote a motion to define what type of majority is necessary to be able to reject the Executive Branch's DNU 656 on the reserved expenses of the SIDE. PHOTO: DANIEL VIDES NA

The Chamber of Deputies has 257 members , so two-thirds are made up of 172 votes . Of course, the number changes depending on the number of people present. In the vote in which the bill was approved, the opposition obtained 160 votes in favor, 72 against and 8 abstentions. There were 16 absentees in that session.

The meeting with President Milei on Friday set a new low for the negative vote . If the PRO , MID and LLA seat all their deputies, they will have 77 votes . If the Buenos Aires and Production and Labor blocs are added together , they will have 81. Paula Omodeo's Creo bloc will have 82. With 3 more votes, it will end up blocking two-thirds of the opposition. Ricardo López Murphy , from Encuentro Federal, voted against, but not only did he announce that he will support the rest of his bloc in supporting the mobility law, but he will not be present next week because he has a family commitment abroad.

Lourdes Arrieta, a member of the Fuerza del Cielo - Espacio Liberal party, also announced that she would change her vote. She voted against the law when she was part of the La Libertad Avanza bloc, but in the last few hours decided that she would support the insistence on the law.

The request for a session has already been submitted to the presidency of the Chamber and is signed by Fernando Carbajal (UCR), Miguel Angel Pichetto (EF), Rodrigo De Loredo (UCR), Juan Manuel López (CC), Facundo Manes (UCR), Emilio Monzó (EF), Maximiliano Ferraro (CC), Julio Cobos and Danya Tavela (UCR), Nicolas Massot (EF); and is supported by other radical deputies such as Jorge Rizzotti, Carla Carrizo, Marcela Coli, Manuel Aguirre, Mariela Coletta, Marcela Antola, Fabio Quetglas, Karina Banfi, Pablo Juliano, Mario Barletta, Gabriela B. De Koninng and Martín Tetaz.

The decision was finally made last night between the presidents of the blocks and it has to do with the deadlines. On September 15, the 2025 Budget project will be submitted to the National Congress “and this opens a new area of discussion,” a radical leader admits. Basically, the fear is that the governors will negotiate votes, presences and absences, for funds in the Budget.