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Politics The opposition seeks to call on the ruling party to debate a new pension adjustment formula - Infobae

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The opposition seeks to call on the ruling party to debate a new pension adjustment formula - Infobae​



April 08, 2024

The Union for the Homeland bloc wants to force the Budget Commission led by José Luis Espert to call a meeting to discuss the issue. Support from a sector of We Make the Federal Coalition and the UCR

By David Cayon

Protesters show signs during a protest against retirements (Photo: Maximiliano Luna)

The opposition blocs advance in the National Congress in the discussion on retirements . The intention is to accelerate the debate to establish by law the calculation by which pension assets will be updated, instead of leaving it subject to a Decree of Necessity and Urgency as ordered by Javier Milei 's administration .

From Peronism united in Unión por la Patria , as well as from some sectors of radicalism and the We Make Federal Coalition , they will seek to rule this week on one of the 16 bills that are in the Social Security Commission chaired by the radical Gabriela Brouwer De Koning .

The intention is to agree on a retirement mobility project. Most initiatives agree that salaries should be updated based on the INDEC Price Index . However, the differences with the Government revolve around the mechanism that should be used to compensate for the “ splicing ” with the new formula. In that sense, the Civic Coalition's proposal was an extra payment of 20.6% to recover part of the purchasing power lost due to inflation in December and January.

Maximiliano Luna

It is speculated that on Wednesday afternoon the commission will be summoned, for which, during the past week, several speakers, including ANSES specialists and officials, paraded. There they explained the benefits and harms of the formula established by the national government through a DNU in which it was defined that the adjustment will be only for inflation.

The decree establishes that in the increases in April, May and June the CPI index (inflation) and different recompositions will be taken , and in July the formula will only be adjusted for inflation from the previous two months. However, the point at issue is what is lost in the splice . While in January inflation was 20.6%, the Government contemplated an additional rate of only 12.5% for April and paid pensions in a split manner.

Last week, the president of the UP bloc, Germán Martínez, had requested that a ruling be made in these days to bring the issue quickly to the venue. The problem is that it cannot be discussed without an opinion from the Budget and Finance Commission chaired by José Luis Espert, which does not call for debate on the issue.

From this point on, Martínez will seek to join the other opposition blocks, to go to the venue “to summon Espert” to summon the Commission he presides over. Until now, the libertarian leader has shown no intention of bringing the issue to the Commission, so a summons will mean setting a date and time when this issue must be debated without the possibility of blocking the treatment.

Days ago, representatives of the national government appeared at the Social Security Commission of the Chamber of Deputies to defend and explain the scope of the retirement mobility reform that the Casa Rosada established by decree.

The head of ANSES, Mariano de los Heros , highlighted that the “ urgency ” that motivated the use of a decree – instead of a law – was the need to “improve the relative situation of the passive class.”

Faced with questions from different sectors of the opposition, who consider that the extra payment of 12.5% does not compensate for January inflation (20.6%) , Alejandro Chiti - former ANSES man at the time of Cambiemos who had to explain who had no appointment and who was acting as an advisor to the Presidency of the Nation - insisted on several occasions that “ mobility is not to restore retirements, but to maintain them .”