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Politics The picketers are preparing new measures of force for April and will demonstrate again against the Government - Infobae

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The picketers are preparing new measures of force for April and will demonstrate again against the Government - Infobae​



April 02, 2024

The leaders of the Popular Economy Workers Union (UTEP) and the left decided that they will march on the 10th of this month. It remains to decide at what point they will concentrate. They protest against lack of food, reductions in the Potenciar Trabajo and layoffs in social programs

By Andres Klipphan

On April 10, the UTEP and the Piquetera Unit will mobilize against the Government. Photo: Adrián Escandar

The piqueteros leaders and the Popular Economy Workers Union (UTEP) meet once again to define the new protest against the Government. They demand food for community soup kitchens and picnic areas, dismissals from the Empower Work and layoffs in the State. They have already defined that the new national march will be on April 10 , while for this Wednesday they will determine at which point they will concentrate. The options are Plaza de Mayo; the Ministry of Economy, headed by Luis “Toto” Caputo , located less than one hundred meters from the Casa Rosada; or Human Capital, headed by Sandra Pettovello .

Last week, a sector of the UTEP proposed cutting off the main accesses to tourist centers during the XXL weekend, but it was rejected by the majority of the leaders.

Among the leadership of the popular economy they debate the paradigm shift that Javier Milei's government managed to impose: not giving in to the pressures of social movements in the streets ; apply the Anti-Picket Protocol of the Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrich ; capitalize on the discontent that the picketing marches generate among citizens and expose the political or leadership “caste.” Furthermore, he called the leaders of the left-wing piqueteros and the UTEP “managers” and “poverty intermediaries.”

On Wednesday, April 10, the picketers will carry out a new march against the La Libertad Avanza administration. Photo: Gustavo Gavotti

Publicly, the Government states that by ending the “intermediation” that Alberto Fernández carried out with Evita leaders, such as Emilio Pérsico - who was an official - in the plans and food, the social movements are protesting against the economic and social policy of La Freedom Advances.
From the Casa Rosada they also report that the social movements only provided 8% of the dry food they received from the State. And 55% of the dining rooms that were “ do not exist .” And that some neighborhood works that should be carried out with the Socio Urban Integration (FISU) funds were left unfinished. That program was run by Fernanda Miño , leader of the Excluded Workers Movement.

Social leaders respond in isolation to these accusations. The most emphatic is Juan Grabois , former presidential candidate for Unión por la Patria and a reference for the MTE.

“There was a quite evident campaign, fundamentally against the Fund (for Socio-Urban Integration) where my name appeared. Later I realized that the purpose of the smear campaign was to take the money that was going to the works in the popular neighborhoods and put it into something else that we don't really know what it is ,” declared the also leader of the Frente Patria Grande. And he added: “These funds are going to be administered by (the Minister of Economy, Luis) Caputo in something that we do not know very well what he means. There is a correlation between overcrowding, the abandonment of neighborhoods and crime.”

Grabois also warned that the Government “is directly putting the lives of millions of kids at risk due to the impact of having removed food from community kitchens, added to the fact that they do not send funds for school cafeterias, it seems that there is a war against the poor ”. And he concluded: “The structural problem of poverty is not going to be solved by any assistance policy, nor by urban integration, nor by income transfer, because it is a macroeconomic problem.”

Javier Milei and his Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello at the center of the picketer criticism

In what appears to be an open war against social movements, the Government, through the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni , announced a new blow against the leaders of the popular economy: “4,355 cooperatives created in 2023 will be inspected and "They are going to withdraw to operate 11,853 that had been suspended in 2019, and that, for some reason that we do not understand, the previous administration (of Alberto Fernández) decided to continue financing." He called cooperatives a “political box.”

Demonstrate massiveness

The main objective of the march on Wednesday the 10th will be to demonstrate to the Government that the picketers still retain the power to mobilize. That is why they will focus on a single point and not on five, as they did on March 18. That day they cut off several accesses to CABA, such as the Pueyrredón and Saavedra bridges and intersections such as Route 3 and General Paz or the Buenos Aires-La Plata Highway, among others. The intention will be to show “massiveness” and unity between leftist and UTEP picketers.

Juan Grabois: "It seems that there is a war against the poor. The structural problem of poverty is not going to be solved by any assistance policy, nor by urban integration or income transfer, because it is a problem of macroeconomics"
Nahuel Orellana , MST leader Teresa Vive, said in a conversation with Infobae: “This weekend we were waiting to see how the layoffs that the government had announced were developing in the State . We began to talk with different sectors to see if April 10 could be a much broader day. Not only against hunger, which is the fight we have been fighting from social organizations, but also against layoffs.”

Meanwhile, the social leader expressed: “ We have to fight together , between employed and unemployed workers against the Milei government's plan, which is going to plunge the popular majorities into misery. Given this, it seems to us that we have to go out on a big day on the 10th with the greatest unity because we have to make all the claims visible: hunger, retirements, layoffs, the claims of health and education workers. Raising 'Enough of Milei'. Enough of this adjustment. Enough of repression and let the CGT stop taking a nap.”

The picketers are clear that at least in these moments of strength, Milei's Government will not sit down to negotiate with them, as Mauricio Macri's did, through former Minister of Social Development Carolina Stanley .

At this moment, trust prevails among the piquetero leadership. They recognize that for now there is demobilization of the sectors affected by the chainsaw policy applied by Milei, but they speculate that as the weeks go by this will change.

In fact, they analyzed the reaction of the State Workers Association (ATE) as auspicious when calling for a national strike due to layoffs in the national administration for tomorrow, which will include assemblies and mobilizations throughout the country.

Rodolfo Aguiar , the general secretary of ATE, also assured: “The state employees have already begun to receive thousands of telegrams about layoffs, but on April 3 we are still going to show up at our jobs, making them exclusively responsible for any violent incident that may occur.” to regret".

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