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Politics The picketers seek to show strength and mobilize in Congress against the Omnibus Law in the midst of the debate - Infobae


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The picketers seek to show strength and mobilize in Congress against the Omnibus Law in the midst of the debate - Infobae


January 31, 2024

The Polo Obrero, left-wing parties, neighborhood organizations and unions opposed to the CGT will gather starting at noon. The authorities on alert due to the precedents: in 2017 they threw 14 tons of stones while the Pension Reform was being debated

By Adres Klipphan

The picketers and left-wing and neighborhood organizations march to Congress against the Omnibus Law

Today's outlook around the Legislative Palace is “uncertain . Starting at noon, the Piquetera Unit, CGT rebel unions, neighborhood assemblies, students, leftist and independent organizations will gather in front of the National Congress to protest against the Omnibus Law , in the midst of the debate that will take place in the Chamber of Deputies .

The adjective was pronounced by the leaders who organize the protest against the project sent to parliament by the Executive Branch, and which has dozens of modifications, and by officials of the Government of Javier Milei .

The “uncertainty” of the situation is due to the variables that are presented for the first time since the Ministry of National Security, headed by Patricia Bullrich , put into practice the “Anti-Picket Protocol.” On the four previous occasions, those responsible for the massive marches - picketers, CGT, social movements, CTA - had an explicit commitment, to avoid confrontation with the troops of the City Police, the PSA, Gendarmerie, Prefecture and Federal Police.

Those responsible for these forces would control the protesters who were traveling on public transport. They would take down those who were carrying blunt objects, such as sticks and stones, or who were hooded; They would force picketers and protesters to use the sidewalks instead of the streets to avoid interrupting traffic when the columns were small. But they would avoid using force if the number of activists was large. Given the massiveness, the troops would cut off traffic to avoid incidents and accelerate the passage of the columns, thus the time of vehicle interruption and collapse would be limited.

“We march to Congress, starting at noon to reject the approval of the omnibus project that will be discussed in the Chamber of Deputies,” announced Eduardo Belliboni, leader of the Polo Obrero REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian

Except for some skirmishes, the implicit pact between them was fulfilled. Only a few isolated incidents occurred on December 20, the date on which the picketers carried out their first march to Plaza de Mayo against the recently assumed Government of La Libertad Avanza. Even so, the TV cameras recorded a peculiarity: the leaders of the Polo Obrero interposed themselves between the members of the City Police and some rebels who had broken away from the main column to prevent the skirmish from growing. Instead of using tear gas, they used pepper spray to prevent unnecessary running.

Today's March is different and will put the “Anti-Picketing Protocol” to the test. How many people will mobilize against the Omnibus Law? The protesters reject the entire text. They evaluate the modifications to the original text and the concessions made by the Executive Branch as “insufficient.” They are against any “delegated power” to the President , beyond the fact that all leaders had that power, also called “ superpowers .”

Those who will mobilize today to the Congress Palace, located two kilometers from the Casa Rosada, are “intransigent” in the face of libertarian decisions. In fact, the main slogans are “down with the Milei plan and the repressive protocol”, “let the CGT call for a new strike” and “total rejection of the Omnibus Law” .

There will be hundreds of people who will arrive around Congress outside of party, picketing and union structures. How will those protesters “ outraged” by political, social and economic decisions taken by Javier Milei act? How will they behave in the face of any attitude that they consider “provocative” on the part of those in uniform? Will there be “infiltrators” sent by reactionary sectors willing to cause excesses and incidents?

In 2017, protesters violently protested against the Pension Reform promoted by the Government of Mauricio Macri Photo NA: DAMIAN DOPACIO

It is also estimated that Kirchnerist militants, outside that structure and members of social organizations, such as the Evita Movement - who did not call for the march - could join the protest.

The Executive Branch warned that they will carry out controls on buses, trains and subways to verify that unidentified people and with fuel, bottles and tiles arrive at Congress.

Those responsible for CABA security have already contacted the picketer leaders to avoid friction and “unnecessary” incidents.

“The unions, picketing organizations, human rights organizations, students, popular assemblies, culture, and political organizations that mobilized on the 24th in a column independent of that of the CGT and social movements of the UTEP, marched today to Congress, starting at noon to reject the approval of the omnibus project that will be discussed in the Chamber of Deputies,” Eduardo Belliboni , a representative of the Piquetera Unit and leader of the Polo Obrero, explained to Infobae . He also recalled that: “We demand from the labor confederations a new national strike against the historic attack plan against the workers . This places the need for a fighting plan until Milei's plan is defeated,” he concluded.

Belliboni anticipated that the picketing organizations will be present until the last article under debate is voted on. If necessary, they will camp on site. A fact that will be unnecessary if the blocks agree to move to an intermediate room and resume hours later to avoid a marathon debate of more than 12 hours.

The "Anti-Picket Protocol" of the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, will be put to the test once again Europa Press/Contact/Cristobal Basaure Araya

As they already did on January 24 in response to the call for a national strike and mobilization of Parliament by the country's main headquarters, the neighborhood assemblies of CABA and the province of Buenos Aires will also mobilize. One of the neighbors who make up the Parque Avellaneda neighborhood assembly told this medium that the embryonic organizations “ we remain in a state of alert , to meet other assembly buildings from different neighborhoods and move, go out and be in the streets to continue strengthening the bonds of solidarity between neighbors.” Like the piqueteros leaders, the members of the neighborhood organizations, who mobilize outside the political structures, affirm that they will be present “when the vote is taken in Congress because we hope that the Omnibus Law, the Decree of Necessity and Urgency and the protocol will fall. "Bullrich's repressive regime."

Today's protest has a precedent that occupies the authorities: the 14 tons of stones that were thrown at Congress when the Pension Reform sanctioned in 2017 during the mandate of Mauricio Macri was being debated . That December 19 there were seventeen hours of session, without interruptions, with the noise that reached the premises of the Chamber of Deputies due to the serious confrontations in the streets and a cacerolazo of thousands of protesters who mobilized to the fences that prevented them from approaching the Palace Legislative.

Macri's Security Minister was the same as Milei , the current president of the PRO, Patricia Bullrich. In the early hours of yesterday afternoon, the leader of La Libertad Avanza adopted an intransigent position in front of the governors and deputies of the dialogue blocs, with whom he tried to negotiate without success until last night the support he needs to approve his long-awaited Omnibus Law . The next few hours will mark Milei's government, inside and outside the venue.