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Politics The picketers will defy the Government protocol and march to Congress against the veto of the retirement mobility law - Infobae

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The picketers will defy the Government protocol and march to Congress against the veto of the retirement mobility law - Infobae​



September 10, 2024

The Polo Obrero, left-wing organizations, the CTA, and Peronist social movements will gather this Wednesday from 13:00. “We have a decision, that this country has public order,” warned the Minister of Security. There have been no roadblocks in downtown Buenos Aires for 5 months.

By Andres Klipphan

On Wednesday, September 11, the picketers will demonstrate in front of Congress against the presidential veto of the Retirement Mobility Law. Eduardo Belliboni, from the Polo Obrero and the CTA are part of the organization (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko, Archive)

The march this Wednesday in front of the National Congress against the presidential veto of the Retirement Mobility Law will not be just another one. Social organizers, picketers and union members assure that the concentration will be numerous and warned that they are willing to challenge the security forces if they, as on the two previous occasions, apply the anti-picket protocol . The call is expected to begin at 13:00, while in the Chamber of Deputies the attempt of the opposition to reverse the decision of the Executive with the regulations that were already approved in both chambers will be debated - in a special session called from 11:00.

Eduardo Belliboni , leader of the Polo Obrero and representative of the Unidad Piquetera, on the one hand, and Hugo “Cachorro” Godoy, General Secretary of the CTA Autónoma, and Hugo Yasky , General Secretary of the Central de Trabajadores de la Argentina, are the main representatives of the call to which the organizations grouped in the Union of Workers of the Popular Economy (UTEP) adhered, among which stand out the Evita Movement, led by Emilio Pérsico ; Barrios de Pie, its national coordinator is Daniel Menéndez ; La Corriente Clasista y Combativa (CCC) of Juan Carlos Alderete ; and the Movement of Excluded Workers referenced in the lawyer Juan Grabois and Nicolás Caropresi .

Incidents at the last two marches against the presidential veto of the Retirement Mobility Law (Photo by JUAN MABROMATA / AFP)

In this way, the picketers and union sectors joined the organizations of retirees who every Wednesday call for a concentration in front of the Annex of the National Congress, located on Avenida Rivadavia, between Combate de los Pozos and Callao. This time the protest will take place in Plaza Congreso, located on Avenida Entre Ríos between Callao and Hipólito Yrigoyen.

Officials from the Ministry of Security warned, when consulted by this newspaper, that federal forces are going to deploy a "broad operation" to avoid overflows, the cutting of arteries, vehicular circulation and "any type of attack on the Legislative Palace or on the deputies of the ruling party and allied benches who will try to block the intention of the toughest opposition, made up, for example, of legislators from Unión por la Patria and the left, to reverse the veto.

The march is preceded by inflammatory statements :

  • “The presidential veto on retirees is a shameful, repugnant and criminal attack ,” Belliboni said, describing the use of police force against senior citizens over the last two Wednesdays as a “repugnant” and “shameful” act. In this regard, he recalled: “The repressive episode last week when, with pepper spray and batons, Bullrich’s police repressed retirees. I was very surprised that this was not a national scandal and that the labor unions did not open their mouths .”
  • For his part, union leader “Cachorro” Godoy said that “the presidential veto is a cruel and brutal act, just as cruel and brutal was the repression of retirees. We cannot be led to believe that the only way out is this cruel policy of plunder, looting and surrender.”
  • "On Wednesday we will be in the streets to put a stop to this government of hunger and defend our grandparents," said Alejandro "Peluca" Gramajo , general secretary of UTEP.
  • "This government's plan is supported by adjusting pensions for retirees," said Daniel Menéndez, a former official of Alberto Fernández and currently of Axel Kicillof .
Patricia Bullrich, Minister of Security: "We have a decision, that this country has public order. People can march but under certain circumstances, there is a protocol"

Hours before the march of the retirees and picketers, Minister Patricia Bullrich said: “ We have a decision, that this country has public order . People can march but under certain circumstances, there is a protocol,” she explained on Radio Con Vos . When asked about the “repression against retirees” she argued: “Those who were (demonstrating) are the same as always, the same organizations that took over the streets years ago and now can no longer do so. We did what we always do” and insisted that those who were there were not elderly people. “ There were practically no retirees (...) above all there were organizations, there was (Eduardo) Belliboni and the left-wing parties .”

In this way, social movements will once again challenge the national government's anti-picket protocol after five months without marches and roadblocks in downtown Buenos Aires, especially on Avenida 9 de Julio , in this case, to reject the presidential veto of the increase for retirees that Congress voted for and that generates controversy.

Union leader Hugo "Cachorro" Godoy and social leaders who make up the UTEP will march on Wednesday in front of the National Congress

The vetoed law - approved by the Senate on August 22 by a comfortable two-thirds vote, with 61 votes in favor and 8 against - established an 8.1% increase in pensions, in order to complement the 12.5% additional increase granted in April by the Government's Decree 274/24, in order to compensate for what was the highest inflation of the year, that of January, with 20.6%.

Ten days later, on September 2, through decree 782/24, the National Executive Branch (PEN) totally vetoed the law and argued that the project approved by Congress “ is manifestly in violation of the current legal framework since it does not consider the fiscal impact of the measure nor determine the source of its financing.” The PEN also argued that “compliance with the measure approved by the Honorable Congress of the Nation would seriously hinder the sustainability of the public finances of the Argentine Republic, since it would mean the need to obtain an extraordinary, unforeseen source of financing in order to face its cost, either through public debt or tax increases.”

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