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Politics The picketers will resume protests against the Government and announced that they will once again cut off the 9 de Julio - Infobae

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The picketers will resume protests against the Government and announced that they will once again cut off the 9 de Julio - Infobae​



April 09, 2024

They are going to gather in front of the building of the Ministry of Social Development. Patricia Bullrich will apply the Anti-Picket Protocol. Eduardo Belliboni, the Polo Obrero's representative, will not participate because he is recovering from severe pneumonia

By Andres Klipphan


On Wednesday the picketers will march again (Adrián Escandar)

On Wednesday, April 10, the picket leaders and the Popular Economy Workers Union (UTEP) will march at 11 in the morning in front of the historic Moreno and 9 de Julio building. The former Ministry of Social Development, current Secretariat of Children, Adolescence and Family, operates there, headed by Pablo de la Torre . The area is under the organizational chart of the Human Capital portfolio managed by Sandra Pettovello .

The main demands are food for community kitchens, dismissals in the Empower Work and layoffs in the State. “The piquetero movement will once again mobilize against the measures of a Government determined to worsen the already embarrassing figures of poverty and destitution that our country exhibits,” they explained to Infobae from the Polo Obrero and opined: “If in December 2023 four out of ten Argentines "They were poor and one in ten was homeless, the fierce adjustment of recent months undoubtedly aggravated the situation, reaffirming the need to take to the streets in response."

The intention of the national protest call is to show “massiveness” and challenge the “Anti-Picketing Protocol” of the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich. From her portfolio they have already warned that they will not allow the cutting of arteries and that they must demonstrate on the sidewalks and in small squares.

The national representative of the Polo Obrero, Eduardo Belliboni , unlike previous marches, will not participate in the mobilization because, as reported by the left-wing organization, “ he is recovering from serious pneumonia .” His entourage preferred not to make statements or inform which hospital he is admitted to. The illness began almost two weeks ago. At first it was believed that he had dengue, but the condition turned into severe pneumonia.
Piqueteros and organizations grouped in the Popular Economy Workers Union (UTEP) will march on April 10 in front of the building of the former Ministry of Social Development (Maximiliano Luna)

Among the leadership of the popular economy they debated the paradigm change that Javier Milei 's government has managed to impose for now : not giving in to the pressures of social movements in the streets; capitalize on the discontent that the picketing marches generate among citizens and expose the political or leadership “caste.” Also to send federal forces to prevent prolonged road closures. In fact, on March 18, the date on which they carried out five cuts in access to CABA, there were confrontations between the troops and the picketers. The most important were on the Pueyrredón and Saavedra bridges.

“The official policy, since December, has consisted of salary ceilings, layoffs, freezing and withdrawals from the Potenciar Trabajo, sidereal adjustments in retirements and family allowances, shortages in community kitchens, suspension of the Progresar Scholarship and an increase in the transportation,” they argued from the Piquetera Unit to justify the new national protest.

Pettovello, unlike the three previous ministers of the area - Daniel Arroyo , Juan Zavaleta and Victoria Tolosa Paz - decided not to maintain dialogue with the piquetero and UTEP leadership. Neither did Secretary De la Torre. On December 14, 2023, they were only heard by the current Secretary of Security of San Miguel, Héctor “Bebe” Calvente .

As an “external advisor” and at the request of the secretary, his objective was to “present the will for dialogue on the other side,” that is, of the hard-line picketers like Eduardo Belliboni , and of those who would accompany him to the conclave, Federico Alonso, Cristina Mena, Juan Fortu and Leonardo de Torre.

Eduardo Belliboni, the national leader of the Polo Obrero, will not participate in the march. He is recovering from "severe pneumonia", reported by the leftist organization (Nicolás Stulberg)

The intention was for the picketers to give up the march they had planned for December 20. No agreement was reached and the mobilization to Plaza de Mayo took place without incident. That day Patricia Bullrich deployed a shocking security operation and applied the Anti-Picket Protocol.

Despite the claims of social leaders, Capital Humano told Infobae that the State will only assist the 9,080 registered canteens and clarified that food will not be sent to canteens that are not properly documented.

Of that total of dining rooms and picnic areas, Government officials explained that “125 began to receive direct assistance through the Alimentar Comunidades card” and that “the rest of them for the moment receive it in the general accounts of the community organization or NGO in charge of the dining room.” And they clarified: “The Alimentar Comunidades card will soon be expanded so that more canteens can participate.”

Popular organizations affirm that there are about 44,000 soup kitchens throughout the country. However, Pettovello's Ministry rejects that figure.

A collaborator of Pettovello acknowledged: “The actual total number of dining rooms is not known, because the list that exists is informal and they were never properly registered. For example, there is no data on canteens installed by social organizations, individuals or Non-Governmental Organizations that have no relationship with the State." And he added: "There are some union members who use the number 44 thousand canteens, but this data arises from an old data, because there was once a National Registry of Canteens (RENACOM), but the previous government did not update it, those spaces were 'pre registered' and neither the registrations nor the cancellations were formalized.”

The Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, will only attend the registered canteens, about 9,000
Of the survey of dining rooms that the Ministry has been carrying out of the 9,000 dining rooms surveyed, only about 4,000 were functioning; That is to say, 55% do not exist.”

From the UTEP and the Piquetera Unit they affirm that this is not the case. That there are registered canteens from Evita, Polo Obrero, Somos Barrios de Pie, among others, and that dry food or direct help does not reach them.

“It makes us very indignant when, in addition to cutting food in the soup kitchens where our families and children go, the Government also lies . They lie because they say that we do not have the canteens registered and we have available what we presented in December and that everything was good and in order," Mónica Sulle , national coordinator of the MST-Teresa Vive, stated in response to a query from this medium, and explained that in The documentation presented in the former Social Development portfolio: each of the dining room references, the distribution of food, the amount that was assisted appears.

In the last piquetero march there were clashes with federal forces
“Pettovello, the Minister of Hunger, also lies when she assures that she will insert the former beneficiaries of Empower Work into formal work. Instead they are laying off workers. The majority of jobs in Argentina are precarious,” Sulle added.

These are some of the reasons why, according to the left-wing leader, they will continue in the streets “demanding whenever it is necessary and wherever it is needed.”

Juan Grabois , a leader of the Frente Patria Grande and the Movement of Excluded Workers, also expressed: “It seems that there is a war against the poor. "The structural problem of poverty is not going to be solved by any assistance policy, nor by urban integration nor by income transfer, because it is a problem of macroeconomics." And he warned that from La Libertad Avanza “they are directly putting the lives of millions of kids at risk due to the impact of having removed food from community kitchens, added to the fact that they do not send funds for school cafeterias, it seems that there is a war against the poor.”

At this moment, trust prevails among the piquetero leadership. They recognize that for now there is demobilization of the sectors affected by the chainsaw policy applied by Milei, but they speculate that as the weeks go by this will change and that an example of this will be Wednesday's rally.