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Real Estate News The purchase of financed lots in gated communities remains active, despite the situation and high costs - Infobae



The purchase of financed lots in gated communities remains active, despite the situation and high costs - Infobae



May 21, 2024

Flexible options prevail. In consolidated developments, land rose 15% year-on-year in dollars. Even so, the interest in residing outside large cities remains strong

By José Luis Cieri


San Sebastián, a private neighborhood in the Tigre district

Although inflation gave clear signs of decline, the economic situation and the historical volatility of the dollar affect families' decisions. According to specialists in the suburban real estate market, for those who have savings or consider moving to Greater Buenos Aires (GBA), one option is to invest in the purchase of land in private neighborhoods.

This decision, they argue, allows the value of capital to be safeguarded and, in the long term, is the basis for the appreciation of the initial investment. Given the latent interest, flexible financing proposals emerge from urbanizations to attract buyers.

Due to factors such as location, construction and consolidation of neighborhoods, there is a slight correction and increase in the value of land, close to 15% year-on-year in dollars. The cost of investment in service infrastructure (water, gas, electricity, sewage) is another crucial factor in the increase.

José Ignacio Viñas , commercial director of Consultatio, spoke about the market panorama in Ports in Escobar. “The typical demand is made up mainly of young couples who choose to move by selling their previous residence,” he told Infobae . “In addition,” he continued, “there is a significant number of people who already own a lot in Puertos, either as an investment or for personal use, and who acquire a second piece of land. There are also cases of current tenants taking advantage of the financing opportunities available to purchase their own lot.”

Puertos presents new financing to acquire lots. This plan offers an adaptable advance payment and the possibility of paying the balance in fixed installments in dollars. “In addition, an annual reinforcement payment is incorporated that can reduce the value of the monthly payment and even reduce the final price of the lot in certain configurations,” explained Viñas.

There is a segment of the investing public that acquires plots as a measure to safeguard value, with the expectation of obtaining long-term profits through capital appreciation.

Lots in Nativas, for example, start at USD 98,284 with a 30% advance and 36 installments. The same lot in 12 installments is worth USD 95,191 and there is availability of land bordering the water, internal, perimeter and bordering the Reserve.


In Ports, demand favors land with a view or exit to the water

Construction continues to advance, at this moment there are 522 homes under construction and 204 application procedures to start construction. Apart from more than 1,300 houses built.


During the first months of the year, the demand for lots had shown a downward trend compared to previous years. However, in recent weeks greater dynamism has been observed.


The Canton, proposed near Maschwitz

"This increase is due in part to the decision of several clients and investors who, faced with the increase in construction costs, choose to acquire land and wait for prices to stabilize before embarking on construction and sales projects," he said. Cristian Mieres , from Mieres Propiedades, who operates mainly in the area of Villanueva (Tigre) and Escobar.

The increase in interannual percentage of lots varies by area and neighborhoods. In places like San Sebastián, in Escobar, prices rose sharply, in some cases doubling during the last year.

Mieres pointed out that in Escobar, the most in-demand neighborhoods include San Sebastián, Puertos del Lago, El Cantón and San Matías. “The lots available in these neighborhoods range between 700 square meters and prices range from USD 50,000 to USD 130,000. In Pilar, the most popular neighborhoods are those that offer accessible financing and prices of up to USD 150,000″, she said.


Aerial view of El Paso, near Pilar

In Escobar, in the new semi-closed neighborhood El Aterrizaje, the lots have an average of 350 m2 and their prices range from USD 18,000 to USD 26,000, with the possibility of payment in up to 24 installments. In Pilar, the El Paso and Tilbury neighborhoods offer lots between 600 and 1,000 m2, with prices from USD 52,000 to USD 165,000 and alternatives to polo fields valued at $250,000.

“The most in-demand neighborhoods are usually the newest, with attractive prices and extended financing terms. In Nordelta, Carpinchos is in high demand, while in Villanueva the favorites are Laguna Grande and Santa Ana. In Escobar, San Sebastián, San Matías, El Cantón and Puertos del Lago they are in high demand, while in Pilar, El Paso and Tilbury (in Pilará) they are highly sought after,” Mieres explained.

Currently, the start of new construction in the neighborhoods is on hold due to high construction costs.


The Tilbury proposal within the Pilará urbanization

“Previously a house of approximately 150 m2 could cost around USD 1,000 per m2, currently it is estimated that the same level of construction would require a budget of between USD 1,500 and USD 1,600,” said Mieres.

Medium lots

The demand for lots increased, especially due to neighborhoods that offer plots of 400 to 800 m2 with financing for young people looking for their first home.

Adriana Gemignani , of Gemignani Properties, said that “in neighborhoods where few lots remain available, prices are on the rise, especially in prime locations, where the remaining land has increased in dollars.”

The prices of the lots in Pilar and surrounding areas vary depending on the location and proximity to the Pan-American route, ranging from USD 40,000 for land of 400 m2 to USD 200,000 for 800 m2.


New proposal in Pilar's party

“Accessibility from the Panamericana is crucial for buyers. In El Olivar, the 400 m2 lots increased in value with the development of access and amenities. The owners are expected to begin construction in the coming months,” Gemignani added.

The neighborhoods with the greatest demand, between km 42 and 50 of the Pilar branch of the Panamericana, include Los Cardos and El Olivar, with direct access from the highway and have land starting at approximately USD 85,000 for lots of 400 m2 or more.

La Plata destination

Interest remains solid and of the 10 properties that are sought, 70% are from those who prefer purchasing in private or open neighborhoods with security, but outside the center of La Plata.

Sebastian Amengual, of Barrios Urbanos and partner at López Gastesi Propiedades, said security is a key factor for buyers. “As the price of the lot increases, expectations also rise with stricter requirements and a greater appreciation of the amenities,” he noted. The price range varies for plots of 400 to 1,000 m2, ranging between USD 60,000 and USD 250,000, with differences depending on the location and services available in the area.


Housing in City Bell: one of the areas that has attracted the most attention and construction in recent years within the suburban real estate market

Regarding the payment method, most cases offer an initial delivery and financing through installments in dollars, with terms of up to 24 months without interest.

“Some neighborhoods also offer discounts for cash payments, which can reach up to 10%; These discounts usually do not exceed that percentage,” added Amengual.

Near La Plata, areas such as City Bell, Joaquín Gorina, José Hernández, Gonnet and Parque Sicardi prosper. And neighborhoods such as Don Carlos, Urbell, Lomas de City Bell, El Quimilar, El Roble, and Las Huertas, among others.


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